Issue 72
Kingdom Communication

In Constant Motion

During the editing of this issue of the magazine, from writing, interviewing, receiving, revising, submitting, to proofreading after typesetting, in less than three months, I took my laptop to five cities in the United States and Taiwan, and worked in six cities respectively. Airports and various surfaces, typing manuscripts, looking for typos.

Shouldn't writers stay quietly in their study? Quiet and quiet, yes; study, not necessarily. As long as you enter the "power on" mode, the engines of airplanes and motorcycles, the interlacing of conversations and footsteps can be ignored by your ears, mind, and heart.

But I chose not to turn on the computer while taking the high-speed train, and looked out the window at the mountain ridge line on the skyline, stretching from north to south like waiting arms.

In the constant movement, you must find the starting point and the end point to make the movement have direction; you need to focus on a non-moving point during the movement to avoid dizziness; and the waiting arms give stability during the movement.

The constantly moving work and lifestyle seem to be a reflection of the life of the housekeeper in this issue. Other articles also present people and ministries that find purpose, focus, and keep moving forward amidst various moves.

The cross-border business apostle of the Steward Unit describes Qian Wenzheng, who experienced the ups and downs of his career, and organizes online lectures to challenge Christians to shine for the Lord in their respective fields through diverse content that is close to the pulse of the times.

The unit of knowing and doing grows together in love, encouraging parents to continue to use trust as the keynote of the relationship, communicate from the heart, and be the sponsors of their children. In this way, even if the children become adults or even start a family, parents and children can still grow together in love.

The family unit looks at the April days of the kingdom, reports on the KRC spring retreat, and invites readers to rethink evangelicalism. Even if the general environment is constantly changing, we must still seek to understand theology from a new attitude and perspective in the unchanging truth. , live the gospel.

Since Taiwan introduced workers from Southeast Asia in the late 1980s, they have been called "foreign workers", "Filipino maids"... These "outsiders" from the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and other places may live in factory dormitories, or in your home, or they may be imprisoned for breaking the law. In their ever-changing work and life, is there a starting point and an end point? Is there any focus to keep them from getting lost? And are there pairs of extended arms waiting for them, providing them with safety and stability?

Special report in this issue [Care for Taiwanese migrant workers] - God is our provider; The Thai Friends Church pastors Thai migrant workers; Let the locked-up heart feel warm; Come, this is also your home, which is what we hope readers will see Treat this group of "immigrants" with the attitude of "settled neighbours".

"Kingdom of God" magazine has been published for 72 issues. How many articles, how many ministry and personal reports are there? In the uninterrupted cycle of editing work, the whole person is renewed, rooted in the right path, and happy to achieve good results. This is the focus of the team of co-workers, allowing us to have direction and purpose when organizing articles. And Heavenly Father, through your support and response, is like extended arms, giving us affirmation and stability while we are constantly moving.

Copy editor of this journal