Issue 10

Talking wallet

"Bafang Garden Vegetables"

The International Science and Engineering Conference is a large competition for high school students that takes place annually in early May. Most of the locations are in large cities in the United States, but they have also been held in the capital of Puerto Rico and Hamilton, Canada. More than a thousand students participated directly from all over the world. Including the parents of students, science teachers, referees and staff who were invited to watch the ceremony, nearly 5,000 people attended the opening and closing ceremonies of each conference. It was a grand event with so many guests.

Scientific events

There are fourteen categories of competition, including mathematics, computer, engineering, biochemistry, environmental science, physics, psychology, etc. Students pre-select a research project, exhibit and explain their research results at school or city science and engineering conferences. Those who can still maintain the first or second place after several eliminations will have the honor of participating in the International Science and Engineering Conference.

The fees are all paid for by local school districts, and some conference referees are even Nobel Prize winners. The total value of the prizes awarded by the conference exceeds one million US dollars. In addition to receiving huge prizes, the winner of the highest honor award is also invited to Sweden as a guest at the Nobel Science Prize Award Ceremony.

In addition, many universities, government departments and major institutions have sent representatives to visit the participating students, offering them summer jobs or offering full scholarships covering four years of college tuition.

faith and science

Thanks to the blessing of my children, the author has had the opportunity to attend the International Science and Engineering Conference for four consecutive years and saw many touching scenes. Once at the opening ceremony banquet of the conference in Alabama, a pastor was invited to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to express gratitude to the true God who created the universe for current and future scientists. How wonderful!
Another time, five Nobel Prize winners sat on the stage together to answer questions raised by middle school students. One student asked whether science conflicts with religious beliefs. They basically agreed that the two belong to different categories, but can coexist harmoniously. , go hand in hand.

▲The annual International Science and Engineering Conference not only provides outstanding young students from all over the world with opportunities to showcase their talents, but also hopes that their outstanding achievements can make real contributions to the world of tomorrow!

Invented for my brother

One year a girl won the highest honor of the conference because she invented a talking wallet. I saw her explaining her invention to visitors. She put the dollar bill into her wallet, closed it and made a clear "one dollar" sound. After changing it into a ten-dollar bill, he said "ten dollars." Since U.S. bills of different denominations are all the same size, the practicality of this wallet for blind people is obvious.

I asked her two questions: The first is how much does the wallet cost? She answered seventy dollars. Of course, if produced in large quantities, the cost will be reduced. The second one is: Why did you think of this invention? After hesitating for a moment, she replied softly: "Because my brother is blind!"

Also made outstanding contributions

I felt guilty because my question touched on her family's unique experience, but I deeply admired the girl in front of me for turning pain into an opportunity and finding ways to help her brother. After unremitting efforts, she not only helped her brother, but also helped countless people like her brother. As a result, her kindness and good deeds also rewarded her with money and honors. Why not?

Many winners of the conference boasted that they would go to prestigious universities such as Harvard University and MIT, but this girl planned to go to an unknown university. Maybe she doesn't seem like a super smart person, but so what? Although your qualifications are mediocre, if you add firm perseverance and love to help others solve their difficulties, you can also achieve outstanding achievements and contribute to mankind!

*To understand the true knowledge, please read the second cup of Life's Supplement "Bafang Garden Vegetables"