Issue 15
Kingdom Stewardship

Comprehensive financial management for Christians

Exclusive Interview with Eric Vogen: Founder and CEO of Vision Capital & Management

Interview team for this magazine/Wu Zhenhui, Luo Liangji, Liao Meihui

Photography/Liao Meihui

▲In an evening lecture at the Kingdom of God Resource Culture Practice Camp in 2008, Eric Fu personally introduced the basic concepts of comprehensive financial management for Christians.

Financial Expert of Dreams and Confidence

Eric Fu, the son of a pastor, obtained a stock brokerage license at the age of nineteen and has achieved many successes. He has more than 20 years of rich international investment experience, and at his peak, he operated hundreds of millions of dollars in stocks! Because of a vision in a dream, he actively responded to God’s call to him and established “Vision Investment Management Company” with his wife ten years ago. Since then, he has devoted his life to combining financial management expertise and Christian faith, and using professional and accurate financial analysis and strategies to help customers achieve comprehensive financial planning.

Eric Fu uses his own "Vision Wheel" course as a basic tool for financial planning. This tool is based on confidence and helps people achieve successful financial goals by seeking advisors, making correct investment plans, and overcoming obstacles. , and then give and contribute to give full play to the highest meaning of life. Eric Fu's most unique financial plan is to inspire his clients to fly side by side with confidence and finance, find out the value of life reflected in their passion, and actively invest in God's eternal kingdom.

Although the current global economic situation is turbulent, Eric Fu and we encourage each other: "Have faith. As long as the world is still functioning normally, Christians do not have to be knocked down by the current economic situation. Just like the weather is getting worse, what we can do Just carry an umbrella and be on guard. Let us continue to hold on to God’s promises and firmly believe that the peace God gives is not like the peace given by men; don’t be sad, let alone be timid!”

Eric Fu and his wife conduct seminars on faith and financial planning, living in true peace, and all-round financial management in various places. For details, please see the corporate website:

Q: How did you embark on the path of professional financial management?

Because my father is a pastor, my family's financial situation was not very good since I was a child. I always hope to make more money when I grow up. I started working part-time when I was in elementary school; I was admitted as a stock market trader at the age of 19 and started trading; I studied for an MBA after graduating from college, and then entered a financial investment company. Everything went smoothly along the way. It can be said that since childhood, my work has been related to money.

I was so satisfied that my stock trading operations were getting bigger and bigger, but my relationship with God was getting further and further away. In a vision, God allowed me to see countless arrow symbols flying upward... When I woke up from the dream, I kept thinking about the meaning of this vision, and many questions emerged: Why did God let me have such a dream? What do those constantly rising symbols mean? What is my purpose in life? What can I do for God and people with my major? I suddenly realized, do I have to wait until I return to heaven to glorify God and benefit people? Why not take advantage of your time on earth to do things that please God? So not long after, I changed careers and established Vision Investment Management Company with my wife, specializing in providing comprehensive financial planning services for Christians.

Q: How do you combine your personal beliefs with your financial management profession?

Looking back over the past twenty years of my career, God has changed my role four times. It may be difficult to let go of the past, and it is not easy to change careers, but I trust God with all my heart, because I believe that He will temper me, shape me through different trials, and lead me to a broader path.

For clients who come for entrustment or consultation, I will first arrange time to patiently listen to their life goals, life ideals and various needs, and then further develop a long-term financial investment plan that takes into account personal financial considerations.

It is an honor to help my clients integrate their faith and finances. When a person is true to his beliefs and himself, the dreams he pursues will be easier to achieve. There are many valuable testimonials among the customer base. They are very willing to sponsor long-term non-profit organizations with a financial burden. When they do so, they also experience a profitable return on their investment.

Q: How have you experienced God’s blessing?

Ever since I was a child, I have been blessed by God. My father is a pastor who loves the Lord, my wife is a devout Christian, and God gave me a lovely daughter a few years ago. In addition, my wife has extensive professional knowledge in financial management. After more than ten years of marriage, we have always supported each other and experienced God’s blessings and teachings. In our career, we also have a group of co-workers who have the same vision to serve together. All these are gifts from God.

I still remember that a few years ago, I participated in a triathlon (running, swimming, cycling) competition. Not far from the finish line, I suddenly fell and lay unconscious on the ground. Later I found out that luckily there was an ambulance parked where I fell. If the ambulance hadn't been close at hand, I might have died due to lack of oxygen at that time. I really want to thank the Lord for His protection!

▲Teacher Gao Lili, the founder of the camp, led everyone to express his deepest gratitude to Eric Fu for his superb lecture on faith and financial management.

Q: Did you have any spiritual mentors to help you when you were growing up?

Speaking of the mentors who helped me grow spiritually, there is no one other than the Lutheran Pastor Herb & Dolores Mirly. In 1998, I participated in their two-year Christian couples training camp (Charlotte Leadership Forum) in North Carolina and received many inspirations from them. In fact, much of the ministry I do today is related to their teachings. From 1998 to the present, this couple taught me many strategies, which will be of great help to me in the future whether I am counseling clients or making spiritual breakthroughs. Pastor Murray’s teachings laid the foundation for my pursuit and growth in Christian financial management.

Q: Among your customers, what are the biggest difficulties that hinder them from investing and managing money?

Generally speaking, lack of confidence, worry and timidity and lack of security are the three main reasons why customers hesitate to move forward. This is a common problem among almost all investors. From a spiritual perspective, it is the inability to completely entrust our worries to God who cares about us (see 1 Peter 5:7).

I usually help them in two ways. First, find ways to guide them to learn to give willingly. I would encourage them to try small donations to increase their confidence in financial management through "giving". Second, analyze to them that the rewards of "being willing to give" are huge, like ripples in water, which will continue to expand outward.

In addition to strengthening psychological construction, another reason why investors lack a sense of security may be that the customers themselves have not yet formulated a complete financial plan. The key to comprehensive financial management is to diversify investments to curb risks.

Q: Please talk about how to make proper financial investment allocation.

We can roughly divide assets into four major items, which I call the "CABS" principle. C refers to cash; A refers to real estate, gold, foreign currency and other alternatives; B refers to bonds, and S refers to stocks. Among these four major assets, each category has its own investment strategies and methods, involving different professional knowledge and skills.

As for the proportional allocation, which can vary from person to person, the most important thing is to grasp the principle of risk diversification. Usually, the first question I ask my clients is not "How much money do you want to make?" but "How much risk can you bear?" This is a question that every investor must ask himself honestly. Faced with the current economic situation, each family's needs are different, but the cash portion should be sufficient to meet the family's short-term and emergency needs.

Q: What specific methods do you use to help clients grow financially and spiritually?

My wife and I, together with some experts and scholars, developed a course called "Vision Roulette". Through this tool, we can clarify their financial goals and life goals, and help them look forward to the future direction of their financial and spiritual efforts. . When a client decides to entrust our company as their financial advisor, I will require the client to participate in the "Vision Roulette" course.

I often advise my clients to pursue a lifestyle that pleases God, and I lead by example. The life of a Christian should not just consist of reading the Bible, praying, working, and living. I believe that everyone has what they care about and care about most. I encourage you all to take the time to identify your four major projects, which I call “Giving Heart,” and then donate your time, talent, or money to these four projects; just like a heart has four chambers, I It is believed that everyone must be able to find the four aspects that he is most concerned about in his life.

Taking myself as an example, what I care most about is music, art, care for the disadvantaged and inspiring people to give love. On the one hand, I have been cooperating with these four major categories of charities for a long time. On the other hand, I practice it personally. In my daily life, no matter what I think, think or do, it is closely related to these things. This makes my life feel particularly meaningful! For example, I gathered some young people who are interested in music to form a worship group; I regularly support the gallery; I go to remote areas to help abused children; I go to other places to speak and inspire people. Of course, because my major is financial management, I set aside every Wednesday afternoon to do financial diagnostic analysis for college students or young people on a voluntary basis.

Q: Can you further explain how to turn "charitable heart" into action?

Let’s give an example. I have a female client who has been wanting to leave her church. After a serious conversation, I discovered that she was particularly passionate about beautiful things, and the biggest reason why she left the church was because the church’s environment was not beautifying enough.

We told her that loving beauty in moderation was a virtue and that she didn’t have to feel guilty. No one had ever told her that before. After completing her personal financial analysis, investment decisions and risk assessment, we explained to her the meaning of "charitable heart" and asked her to name four things she cares about most. Of course, she listed "love of beauty" as one of them.

Before the meeting ended, the lady suddenly had an idea and said happily that she decided to spend a small amount of money to buy flowers for the church on a long-term basis and decorate the church beautifully herself.

After returning, she immediately discussed it with the church pastor and deacons. A few weeks later, the church had new carpets, new paint on the walls, fresh flowers on the pulpit every Sunday, and repackaging of the bulletin board. The entire church had a new look and was thriving.

Because this woman connected what she cared about most with her "charitable heart", such wonderful results were produced, and many people were later attracted to this church. God also rewarded her greatly, growing her profits from an investment of $100,000 to nearly a million dollars in a few years.

Not only did this woman eliminate spiritual stumbling blocks and respond to God’s call, she also discovered and contributed her own aptitudes and talents, turning from passive escape to active contribution. An ordinary little thing brought forth layers of blessings, allowing this woman to enjoy peace and joy both spiritually and financially. This is one of the many wonderful rewards of practicing "charitable heart."

Q: In the face of an economic downturn, how can Christians maintain a sense of financial peace?

Downturns and economic downturns do affect many people. According to my observations over the years, the richer people are, the less happy they live. Although the financial tsunami is currently sweeping the world, don’t forget that God is ultimately in control!

Regardless of whether the business is at its peak or at its trough, Christians must maintain the same mentality. The Bible clearly tells us that having money does not mean having a peaceful, happy, and satisfying life. John Chapter 14:27, the Lord Jesus said:"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give. Do not be grieved, nor be afraid."Christians must have the assurance that the peace God gives is never coupled with anxiety (see Proverbs 10:22).

We can also think about and experience “the peace of God” from three aspects.

1. Receive peace from faith:Believe that God is our Father in heaven, and He will love us and protect us to the end.

2. Live peace in life:Encourage everyone to seriously find their own "charitable heart". When we understand and respond to God's call, and understand that the eternal value is greater than the temporary wealth in this world, our hearts will surely be satisfied, and a contented heart will surely bring Gratitude and peace.

3. Find financial peace:Divide your income into four major categories: living needs, retirement planning, charitable giving, and eternal investment, and then list your budget and plan one by one from these four categories. Christians do not need to read stock news every day and be overly affected by financial fluctuations. They can just discuss it with financial analysts on a regular quarterly basis.

Q: What advice do you have for Chinese Christians?

According to statistics from the Wall Street Journal, donations collected by religious-related groups in the United States in 2007 amounted to more than $100 billion, accounting for approximately one-third of all donations in the country.What is shocking is that in the United States, which is facing an economic recession and rising unemployment, not only is the donation not small, but it has reached a new high in history. This shows that the concept of hoarding treasures in heaven has been accepted by many Americans.

Second Corinthians Chapter 9 has always been one of my favorite passages. Verse 6 makes it very clear,“He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, but whoever sows sparingly will reap bountifully.”This concept is something that every Christian should remind himself of from time to time.

Due to the trend of diversified investment, I have had many contacts with China and Asian countries in the past few years. I believe that the 21st century should be the century of Asians. Perhaps because of differences in cultural backgrounds and customs, Asians have different ideas about giving to charitable religious groups or non-profit institutions than Americans do. However, relatively speaking, this type of dedication should have greater room for growth in Asia.

Money often steals our attention from God. A passage of scripture that everyone is familiar with,"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21)What a hit! Indeed, how we allocate our money has a real impact on our relationship with God.

My wish is that in the near future, I will have more opportunities to get to know Asians more deeply, so that I can share with them the concept of Christian all-round investment and financial management. I would like to remember each other with you in our prayers.

The birth of this article

This article is revised and adapted based on the on-site interview practice works of the W210 Writing Advanced and Interview Camp of KRC Cultural Practice Camp in 2008. The picture shows interview camp students Wu Zhenhui (left) and Liao Meihui (right) taking a group photo with interviewee Eric Fu. This course will be offered again in 2010, so stay tuned.