Issue 24
Kingdom Communication

【I love listening to you most】

Responses from readers of Kingdom of God Magazine

Organize/Luo Cunxin

Try Ha Dumplings

It’s really not easy to sell dumplings with stories and concepts that can change the lives of employees.

I sincerely admire reporter Lin Minwen who reported on the 23rd issue of "Bad in Faith, Eating Life - The Story of Ha Dumplings". She was able to vividly portray such a wonderful and moving story from a small snack shop on the streets of Taipei that you would miss accidentally. "Hands to create worship" testify, this kind of writing power is really extraordinary!

After reading the article, I went online and ordered two packs of Ha Dumpling's frozen "Colorful Crystal Dumplings" via "TA-Q-BIN" to share with my family. Wow! It's truly evocative. I went to Taipei for business not long ago, so I took the MRT and a taxi to order a set meal at a restaurant. I was so excited after eating that I experienced first-hand the meticulous and enthusiastic catering and service.

Pingtung, Taiwan·Wang Wenguang

Do Christians also practice Qigong?

Following the "Appreciation of Four Wonderful Books of Chinese Classical Novels", Pastor Su Wen'an once again surprised me. I never expected that Christians who are studious and thoughtful can read martial arts novels that have always been regarded as idle books and unedifying by the church, and appreciate them so thoroughly and seriously.

This gave me great inspiration. Popular does not necessarily mean vulgar; selling well must have its social and cultural background and must meet certain needs of the public. It is really a big challenge for Christians to listen carefully to these "overtones" and give appropriate responses and answers. Thank you Pastor Su for your hard work.

Chicago, USA ‧Lee Chung

Refuse to be disappointed, give thanks in everything

There are always times of frustration in life. On this journey, we steer the rudder of the ship, but it is difficult to calm the turbulent waves heading towards us.

The article "Refuse to Disappoint" in the 22nd Christmas special issue of "The Kingdom of God" magazine describes that after Lixin went through all kinds of hardships, she had to face another test from God. It was not what she had expected, a smooth sailing after all hardships. Instead, after bidding farewell to a long marriage with infertility and having twins, she received a heartbreaking diagnosis: both children were autistic, as if God was with her. He made a joke to give her a busy life! However, amidst such a struggle, Lixin did not forget to express her gratitude. She thanked God for preparing a professional and caring special education teacher for the children, thanked the brothers and sisters for their care and prayers, thanked the doctors who spared no effort in treating the children, and thanked her colleagues for taking the initiative to share her care. She works so that she will not lose her job... and is also grateful to her husband for his occasional concern.

She knows how to get comfort and encouragement from the Bible, and shares poetry and joy with others in her life. She never complained and firmly believed that God loved her and gave these two children because of his love for her. She thanked the Lord for all the grace he had given her.

New Jersey, U.S.A. Yuan Ziya

Be considerate of Deaf culture and rescue unreached people

I am very grateful and very happy to read the 18th issue of "Kingdom of God" magazine, which takes "Consideration of Deaf Culture" as the focus of the report. In Eastern societies, deaf people have been a vulnerable group that has not been cared about since ancient times, and have even been discriminated against and excluded. However, their souls are valued by God and are what God wants to save. May the coverage of "Kingdom of God" once again awaken the minds of Christians and open our eyes to see God's entrustment to us.

Ohio, USA ‧Ye Zhifei

Reading "Kingdom of God" regularly can broaden your mind

"Kingdom of God" is rich in content, and the theme of each issue reports on the work of the Holy Spirit around the world. Regular reading of "Kingdom of God" can expand our mind and horizons, enable us to have a greater understanding of the greatness and almightyness of God, and better appreciate God the Father's concern for the needs of all ethnic groups and his love and compassion for each group. If we want to have the mind of Christ and participate in the ministry of God’s kingdom, we should read this magazine carefully.

Reading "Kingdom of God" allows us to recall God's words, understand more of God the Father's heart, and practice it personally, so that we can truly gain Jesus and the abundant life He promises.

New Jersey, USA ‧Meijin Chen

From magazines to camps, full of grace

thank God! Five years ago, the first issue of "Kingdom of God" was delivered to me through brothers and sisters who love the Lord. After watching it, I was greatly shocked and moved, and fell in love with it immediately. I gained a lot of wisdom and insight from the life experiences shared by the author.

Later, I longed to attend the camp organized by "Kingdom of God", but every year I was unable to do so due to some factors. It wasn't until 2009 that I finally attended the KRC camp for the first time and fell in love with it. It's like entering a big spiritual family, the sweet feeling of becoming one family. I made up my mind to seize the opportunity to attend if time permits. thank God! My wish finally came true. In 2010, my husband and I attended a financial management class, from which we learned a lot of valuable advice from experts, which benefited us immensely. I attended the KRC Alumni Reunion again in March this year. The "Bright Life" lecture gave us the opportunity to reflect on and evaluate our past, and actively plan to live a second half of life that is more in line with God's will.

Monn, California, USA

God's grace never changes

I was deeply moved after reading the article "Black Shoes and Christmas" written by Cecil Murphey in issue 22 of "Kingdom of God". The author reminded me that when we become adults, we often lose the confidence of childhood. In fact, God’s grace has never changed, it’s just our faith that has wavered. This article moved me so much that I read the original English version on the back of the magazine. I gained a further appreciation for the article and felt very satisfied.

Really, since we trust God to give us a pair of black shoes, we can also trust Him to give us everything we need.

New Jersey, U.S.A. Kuo Yuan-Pei

a perfect story

"Black Shoes and Christmas" is a perfect story that encourages me to have the simple faith of a child. I believe this story touches the heart of God deeply, a heart that transcends mountains and mountains. Thank you for using this article to increase my faith and inspire me to love God more!

America‧Lee Zhou Huiling