Issue 28
Kingdom Neighbors

Papyrus falling on palm beach

Interviewee‧Photo provided/Iman Khella

Interview/Liu Shuman

Thousands of years ago, God performed many miracles and wonders in Egypt. He not only saved the people of Israel, but also changed the hearts of the Egyptians to fear the only true God in the universe. The small group of Christians who still exist today are descendants of the ancient Egyptians. They call themselves Coptic Christians. They have never compromised with the invading Arab paganism and have never worshiped with Muslims. For this reason, they encountered unequal treatment, endured severe discrimination, and their fate was as precarious as papyrus.

Papyrus, also known as Egyptian papyrus, is a perennial herb that is not afraid of harsh environments and is used for papermaking, medical treatment, ornamental purposes, food, and fuel. This collection of many well-matched plants originally flourished in the Nile Delta of Egypt, but now the native ancient populations are on the verge of extinction.

▲The original papyrus is on the verge of extinction, and this is a new species cultivated.

The church takes root

Surprisingly, there is a rare group of Egyptian Christians in Florida who have established 18 Egyptian Orthodox churches (Coptic Orthodox Church, also translated as Coptic Orthodox Church) with a higher density than any other state in the United States. Why do they love Florida so much? Ask Father Tadros Hirmina of St. Peter, Seal of the Martyrs Coptic Orthodox Church, West Palm Beach, FL, in Palm Beach. As we know, perhaps due to the weather, people, and geographical location, more and more Egyptian Christians are migrating here. Every time there are more than 100 congregations, a branch is established to form a satellite church.

Father Tha recommended me to interview Iman Khella, a “servant” (co-worker) of the church. When I arrived at the church as scheduled, I heard traditional Middle Eastern music in the aisle, followed the singing of men, and walked into the worship hall. The lobby can accommodate about 150 people. Men and women sit separately on the left and right. Women, both adults and children, wear headscarves, mainly in white. Similarly, men and women lined up on the left and right to receive Holy Communion. After the prayer, the priest stepped down from the pulpit and sprinkled holy water on the congregation to bless them. After the meeting, everyone got a piece of Holy Bread in their hands and ate it while greeting each other. What makes the sisters celebrate the most is that only men are allowed to make and bake the holy wafers. Women are only allowed to use their mouths (eat) and are not allowed to use their hands (make).

Discriminated for beliefs

Seeing the graceful and solemn Yi Man, her clothes and appearance were elegant, and her unhurried and unhurried tone revealed piety and humility. Yiman's native family lives in Alexandria, Egypt. Her father is a pastor, who has been self-disciplined and rigorous throughout her life. Her mother is a typical good wife and mother. She takes care of her husband and raises her children at home, and all of the children she raised are outstanding.

There were priests, engineers, doctors, teachers, and accountants among them, and they were all close and loving siblings. As the youngest, Yiman could go home and cry to her brothers and sisters no matter what kind of injustice she suffered outside. They taught her to be as docile as a dove and as nimble as a snake. After her father passed away, she obeyed her eldest brother like her father. When her mother passed away when she was eighteen years old, she became the eldest sister like her mother. She approved the marriage and arranged the wedding.

Yiman attended a Catholic school in primary school, where people of all denominations and races were happy to learn and carefree, which left her with fond memories of her childhood. Until she went to public schools in junior high school and high school, Christian students were expelled from the classroom and were not allowed to participate in the Quran study in religious classes. She wandered around the huge campus, lamenting her loneliness of being isolated and excluded.

▲The Egyptian Christian Church in Florida, USA, has portraits of Jesus’ life and deeds full of Egyptian style hanging on the walls on both sides.

However, there was a Muslim classmate who did not exclude her and truly accepted her. She became a close friend. They listened to each other, relieved their worries, and confided secrets that could not be told to others, but never talked about their faith. The sincere gratitude flowing from Yiman's eyes can be seen in their eleven years of enviable friendship.

The discrimination faced when entering university is endless, and unreasonable treatment is everywhere. It is like a test of confidence. The most unbearable thing is Good Friday (Good Friday) before Easter. Schools and offices across the country are on holiday. This day is also a day of fasting and prayer for Egyptian Christians. However, the radical Muslim professors deliberately chose this day to take the exam. She could only use the breaks and meal times, either in the toilet or in a remote corner to pray and eat all the words that came from the mouth of God.

In a sudden thought, it seemed as if these Muslim professors were the ancient and tough Egyptian Pharaohs. She walked in the army of Jehovah, as upright, hard and tall as papyrus, and stood boldly and fearlessly in front of them. She thanked her parents for their strict training and discipline in truth and life since she was a child, so that she would not deviate from it even when she was old.

Enjoy worship service

Yiman and her husband Moheb watched each other grow up in the youth group, and naturally there was a tacit understanding that maintained the two of them. Mohe is well-behaved, and his self-discipline seems to be his innate instinct. There is not a single line of lying or nonsense on his honest face. Yiman is relieved to put her life's happiness in Mohe's hands. Mohe had also seen clearly that Yiman was a good and holy sister. The two knew each other's families well. Both of their fathers were pastors, so they were well matched.

During Yiman's senior year, Mohe's parents came to her house to propose marriage, and they got married naturally. Only after they get engaged are they allowed to go out alone, once a week for two or three hours each time. The date must be in a public place, where they can have a cup of coffee, talk and get to know each other. There is a lack of romance and a marriage between you and me, but we can be in love with each other, so what’s the problem if we don’t spend time together?

▲Father Ta, Yi Man and reporter Shuman (left to right) were photographed in front of the altar.

▲The rectangular glass box under the portrait of the martyred Saint Peter contains his relics. Believers usually lay their hands on it and pray for blessings.

In order for Mohe to have better development and job opportunities in the United States, in 1990, with the help of his uncle Mohe, the couple immigrated to the United States. Both worked in the hospital, with Mohe in the research laboratory and Yiman in the administrative department. The family of three comes to the church to worship and serve on Saturdays and Sundays. On Saturdays, I go to church at eight in the morning, go home to rest for two or three hours in the afternoon, and then go back to church until midnight. It takes forty minutes one way from her home to the church. Ask her why she doesn’t have a day off to enjoy family life during the rare weekend. She said, "Going to church to worship and serve God is our enjoyment!" Yes, they no longer worry about thugs suddenly breaking in during worship and shooting with guns, radicals throwing bombs, and arrogant military police driving tanks. Rush in. Compared to the Christians in Egypt, they were able to worship with such peace of mind and freedom, which was a great enjoyment.

Yiman, Moher and their only son Raphael are one of the more than 140 families in the church. Not all members are Egyptians. Christians from Arabic-speaking countries can join the church, but they must be recognized. Only members of the Egyptian Orthodox Church can receive Holy Communion.

Yiman is a Sunday school teacher, Mohe is the chairman of the deacon committee, and fifteen-year-old Ruofei'er is a deacon of the youth fellowship. Deacons are all served by brothers. In addition to leading the congregation in prayer, they also lead hymns, usually solo, singing in ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek, which is not catchy for ordinary people. Worship services at different times have sermons in Arabic or English.

Sisters in miserable situation

Although the persecution of Christians by Egyptian Islamists has become more and more intense, whether it is moving to Yicheng, changing household registration, applying for school, or looking for a job... there are many difficulties and it is difficult to move forward. In order to change Christians' beliefs, Muslim colleagues and supervisors went to great lengths to make things difficult for them, lobbying them in turn, bombing them collectively, and even took away their jobs and threatened their lives. What is even more shocking is the video that has been circulating recently, showing Muslims kidnapping unmarried Christian women and indecently assaulting them and sexually abusing them.

Yiman said that this kind of unfortunate thing happens all the time. The usual cunning method used by Muslims is to threaten a woman who is insulted: she will bring shame to her family, be abandoned like a virgin, be regarded as a despicable "second-hand product" by the world, and even make it public. The videotaped bullying process makes the victim feel ashamed. Evil people claim that the only way out is to leave Christianity and marry the abuser, otherwise they will never have a foothold in society.

Fortunately, the church is organized and systematic to help such victims, helping them move to other cities where no one knows the details and start a new life. What is even more gratifying is that some Christian brothers accept and are willing to marry sisters who lost their virginity due to persecution.

Egyptian Christians who are far away from persecution and living in the United States still observe the Daniel fast of fifty-five days before April 15th, the Orthodox Easter, and only drink water and eat fruits and vegetables. A copy of "The Coptic Book of Hours" serves as a model for their daily prayers. The palm-sized book mainly focuses on the Psalms and the four gospels. It is divided into five different time periods according to the date, allowing people to choose the appropriate time period to meditate and pray, and to get close to God every day. It is true that they live a more pious life and follow God more wholeheartedly than us Christians who were saved and believed in the Lord in a country that respects human rights and have never suffered persecution.

▲The reporter published an article "The Low Light Can Blast Out the Dark" in the 19th issue of "Kingdom of God". He once visited the "Dare to Be Unique" youth education institution and took photos in the same place. Now things have changed and the place has become an Egyptian Orthodox church. The person who took the photo For Yiman.

Take Sarah as an example

Overcoming the language barrier and cultural conflict, Yiman took root in the United States. In an American society where women's rights are on the rise and relations between men and women are chaotic, she still adheres to the teachings of the Bible and respects her husband as the head of the family. She firmly believes that marriage is a collaboration between God and everyone should respect it.

Ask her: Sarah or Hagar, who is her hero? She believed that Sarah was the wife God had prepared for Abraham. Although Sarah saw that she was barren, she took it upon herself to give Hagar, an Egyptian slave girl, to her husband as a concubine. As a result, the son Hagar gave birth to did not only bring no joy to Abraham, but also only increased the number of children. The tragedy of family feud. However, Yiman was still considerate of God's will, exalted Sarah, and did not favor Hagar because they were both Egyptians. Moreover, she had also gone through Sarah's eager journey, and the hero in Yiman's heart was none other than Sarah. I have the honor to know Yiman and this group of Egyptian Orthodox Christians. They are like papyrus transplanted from a foreign land in the desert, flowing with a trace of holy green. In this crooked and perverse era, they are like a clear stream, which makes people's eyes unable to help but want to give back. Egypt a deep gaze.

Journalist profile

Liu Shuman, a children’s Sunday school teacher, likes to sleep and travel, and loves delicious food. Reading is the greatest enjoyment in leisure time.