Issue 29
Kingdom Stewardship

 Manage finances wisely and do business wisely

[Crown Financial Ministry] 1 Christian financial ministry is on the rise in Taiwan

Ecclesiastes 3:1: "There is a season for everything, and a season for everything under the heaven." The rise of the ministry of the kingdom of God has God's timing. The important thing is to understand God's will and to accept the vision and mission together with the churches. , in order to perfect the saints to perform their duties and build up the Body of Christ.

God created all things and people in the world, initiated man's cultural mission of "governing, managing, repairing and guarding", and also began financial behaviors such as "acquiring, saving, spending, giving and calculating". However, Christian churches have traditionally not paid close attention to it. What’s more, some denominations and churches believe that finance has nothing to do with faith, and that money is contrary to godliness. As a result, for a long time, the truth of God’s finances and stewardship in the Bible has been ignored. Ignored and missed.

Since the rise of a wave of biblical finance and stewardship ministries in the United States in 1976, it has been facing the impact of financial turmoil and financial crises around the world. It has fully played a key role in a timely manner. I deeply hope that the minds of all saints will be renewed and their habits and behaviors will change. Become a faithful and knowledgeable financial steward for God.

The Rise of Crown Financial Ministries in America

In September 2000, Crown Financial Ministries was formed by the merger of two organizations with similar attributes, Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Ministries.

The former was established in 1976 by Larry Burkett (1939-2003), a well-known Christian financial management expert. It delivers biblical business management principles by holding lectures, workshops, group seminars, broadcasting and publishing and other ministries, which has enabled many people to Leaders in American business, government, churches, and non-profit organizations can learn about stewardship and apply it in all walks of life.

The latter was established by Howard Dayton (1943-) in 1985. It organizes biblical financial management lectures for pastoral leaders, Christian financial management Bible study groups, biblical financial management courses for college students, teenagers and children, family financial management camps, broadcasting and publishing Ministry that deeply impacts churches and Christian families. In particular, we collected, sorted, and compiled 2,350 verses from the entire Bible on financial management and stewardship, and developed teaching materials for all ages. This can be said to be a great contribution to the global church.

Relying on the guidance of God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the founders of the two organizations joined hands with each other, accepted each other, and merged with a broad mind to become a trans-international, non-denominational national organization, and conveyed the global purpose of ministry: Diversity vision, mission, strategy and goals.

1. Crown Vision:See Christians in every nation faithfully following God’s financial principles in every aspect of their lives.

2. Crown Mission:Equip people to learn, apply and teach God's financial principles so they can know Christ more intimately, serve Him more freely, and support the Great Commission with funds.

3. Crown Strategy:Connect denominations, churches and institutions in various fields that agree with Crown's mission and vision to jointly promote a series of ministries - strategic alliances.

To cultivate leaders in various fields to become steward leaders and leaders to expand ministry to various fields - globalization.

4. Crown Goal:Teach God’s financial principles to 300 million people around the world by September 15, 2015.

Through the two major strategies of globalization and strategic alliances, Crown has now progressed to Central and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia, and has currently promoted its ministry to nearly 90 countries and regions. When it merged in 2000, it set a 15-year long-term ministry goal, hoping to teach God's financial principles to 300 million people around the world by 2015.

This goal is not only related to the growth of the church, but also affects the spiritual improvement of Christians. I believe that the promotion of Crown's financial ministry will help the quality of the church improve (to learn about Global Crown, please go online to

Taiwan Crown Truth Financial Association was established

Crown expands its reach through strategic alliances, one of which is the Christian Business Men's Committee International (CBMC).

Dr. Richard (Dick) Wynn (1940-2011), the then Deputy Director General of Global Crown, conveyed the vision at the CBMC Asia Conference in October 2002 and led a biblical financial management workshop. Among them, Elder Chen Dingchuan, who serves as the Asia Chairman of Taiwan CBMC, and the author share the importance of Crown Ministry and look forward to introducing Asia and Taiwan through strategic alliances.

In March 2003, the author visited the Crown headquarters in Georgia, USA, and invited the Crown team to come to Asia and Taiwan. After several twists and turns, in July 2005, Winn-Dixie came to Taiwan to hold the first "Biblical Financial Seminar" and "Business by the Book Seminar", which led to the establishment of the Taiwan Crown Truth Financial Association in 2006. It was formally established in August 2011, with the author as the secretary-general and elder Wu Daochang as the chairman.

After nearly six years of development, the ministry concept, operation model and resources of American Crown have been gradually introduced to Taiwan. The currently developed ministries are as follows:

▲ Pick-up at the 2011 Asia-Pacific Leaders Annual Meeting and welcome the crown leadership team.

1. Organize lectures on wise financial management for church leaders

Whenever Crown touches a new country or city, this is the primary ministry, also known as a catalytic activity. This was also the first time Crown USA came to Taiwan in July 2005. The target audience is the heads of denominations, independent churches, and institutions, senior pastors and supervisors, and evangelistic co-workers, thereby conveying the vision and mission of the crown, educating participants on biblical financial principles, providing reference information for churches and institutions to preach, and arousing the concern of the church and attach importance to it, and then jointly promote the biblical financial ministry.

So far, Taiwan Crown has been sold in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Hualien City, Yilan Luodong, Hualien Yuli and other cities, as well as Atayal, Ami, Bunun, Rukai, Said The aboriginal churches of the Gram, Taroko and other ethnic groups have held one or several related lectures.

▲2012 "Career Guidance" consultant advanced training course.

2. Organize equipment course leader training (Small Group Leader's Training)

In order to bring the financial management principles in the Bible into the lives of Christians and bring about changes in thinking, habits and behavior. Guan Mian has two sets of group study courses: (1) Ten-week financial management and (2) Eight-week business management. Through unique and systematic teaching materials and leadership methods, it is connected with the "Financial Management" and "Business Management" lectures. Train a group of leaders who are loving, committed, and loyal to serve.

Leader training takes about half a day to a full day and can be held three to six months after the seminar on wise financial management. It can also be combined with the seminar on wise financial management and held on one day, depending on the development stage of the ministry in each place.

Currently, Taiwan Crown has been held once in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Hualien City, Yilan Luodong, Hualien Yuli and other cities, as well as in indigenous ethnic churches such as Atayal and Ami. Lead training for several times.

3. Offer biblical finance courses or lectures in seminaries

So far, "Bible and Financial Stewardship", "Bible and Business Management", "Financial Management Lectures" and other related lectures have been offered at Tainan Theological Seminary, Chung Tai Theological Seminary, Baptist Theological Seminary, Sanyu Christian College, and Hakka Mission Theological Seminary. Courses or lectures.

▲A group photo of district leaders and co-workers at the 2011 Asia-Pacific Leadership Annual Conference (taken at Taipei Fuhua Chinese Church Hall).

▲At the 2011 Asia-Pacific Leaders Annual Conference - Huai En Hall Special Meeting, the crowd knelt down to pray together.

4. Develop and organize teacher training for children’s truth financial camp

With reference to the children's chapter of "Exploring God's Way to Financial Management" published by Crown in the United States, Taiwan's Crown developed a five-unit "Children's Truth Financial Camp" teaching material in 2008 and held relevant teacher training.

5. Cultivate leaders and service teams

Since the establishment of Taiwan Crown, a group of trustees and supervisors who passionately love the Lord have been involved in the management, and in conjunction with the planning and operation of full-time staff, they have gradually developed a set of strategies and plans for cultivating leaders and service teams, including: leader training and reserve lecturers. Training and stewardship leader training, and half of them participate in related ministry services.

In order to carry out the ministry in an all-round way, Taiwan Crown has encouraged students who participated in lectures and equipment courses (financial management or business management) to receive leader training. After several equipment courses, those with greater potential and responsibility are selected to participate in the "Steward Leader" training. This training requires two full days of intensive classes, plus ten weeks of follow-up study, before it can be certified. To date, Taiwan Crown has trained and certified 67 people, including Professor Wen Yingqian and himself.

6. Translate and publish biblical financial textbooks and books

In order to promote the above-mentioned ministries, Crown has been used in conjunction with relevant teaching materials. Over the past thirty years, Crown has published hundreds of teaching materials and books. Taiwan Crown Translates and publishes documents that are urgently needed for ministry development. (Taiwan Crown Publishing, welcome to learn more online at

Author profile
Zheng Hongzhi is currently the Secretary-General of Taiwan Crown. He has served as Vice President of World Vision Taiwan, Director General of CBMC Taiwan and Asia, and Elder of Xindian Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.