Issue 30
Kingdom Communication

【I love listening to you most】

Responses from readers of Kingdom of God Magazine

Organize/Luo Cunxin

Get out of your home and into your community

Whenever I see Kingdom of God magazine in my mailbox, I can’t wait to open it and read it, hoping that the magazine’s articles will take me to various places to open my eyes. I especially like the "Kingdom Community" section because this type of article is a rare type of caring reporting in general Chinese-language Christian publications. The article "Landing Down Roots" in issue 29 reminded me of the hardships in the early days of immigrating. Fortunately, I met caring people who helped me to get through the immigration so far.

The place where I live does not have as many Chinese immigrants as in Los Angeles. It may be difficult to organize parent-teacher meetings or mutual aid associations, but starting from me, I can go out of my house and enter the community to help new immigrants in real life, just like those who helped me back then. those people. I think this is the beginning of "Let Love Move". Thank you to "Kingdom of God" magazine for the special report.

New Jersey, USA

A word that turns things around

The article "There Are No Bad Journeys, Only Bad Moods" in the 30th issue of your magazine is fluent, lively, spiritual, reasonable and loving. It is very inspiring and inspiring to read it.

Yes, when leading an army, a business team, a service team, or even a group tour, "morale" is indeed the key to success or failure, and "morale" needs to be inspired, maintained, and boosted.

Inspiring, maintaining, and boosting morale is an art, and face-to-face verbal communication is a very powerful way. However, when chaos has begun and defeat has become apparent, if you want to turn defeat into victory and turn things around, you must not just It is "moral persuasion" or "spiritual speech", but it must be expressed sincerely, humbly, responsibly and humorously enough, as the author said! This article can be included in the "Public Oral Communication" textbook, and it is much better than the performance of many politicians on TV!

Hsinchu, Taiwan, Wang Youcheng

be a listener

In the 28th issue, the famous writer Cec Murphey wrote this English short article "My Friend". I believe many people can resonate with it. It's good for friends to get together often, but sometimes they all talk about their own affairs and there is no real communication. I've made this mistake myself.

Once I invited a friend to lunch, and because I was afraid of being left in the cold, I talked endlessly about my experience. After a long time, she said slowly, "Do you want to hear what happened to me?" I knew right away that I was wrong and I was very embarrassed. She said calmly: "I have breast cancer, and now I am undergoing chemotherapy. All my hair has fallen out, and now I am wearing a wig." I was surprised and at the same time ashamed because I had poor observation skills and forgot to consider her first. I cared about her, but I didn't know what words to use to comfort her at that time.

In the future, I will remember to learn from Mo Fei's wisdom, be a listener, help those in need without asking for anything in return, and be determined to be a "good friend" to others.

Los Angeles, California, USA, Tan Yongmin