Issue 60
Kingdom Families

When the "epidemic" gets out of control...

Photo/Liao Meihui (New Jersey, USA)

The much-anticipated "Spring Festival Gala" on January 24, 2020, will have lively singing and dancing performances and warm and funny sketch programs as usual. Suddenly, in the middle of the program, an unusual scene suddenly appeared "Salute to Wuhan" - "Start 1, 2, 3!" (Wuhan officially closed down at midnight on January 23) Unexpectedly, the moment Wuhan pressed the pause button , the new coronavirus has officially declared war on mankind. No one could have predicted that in the coming months, this uninvited virus would turn the world upside down.

On March 13, US President Trump finally seriously admitted that the "epidemic" had reached a point where it was out of control and declared a state of emergency across the United States. Unexpectedly, this tenacious virus eventually invaded the world indiscriminately and was unstoppable, leaving people unprepared and unable to resist. Regardless of skin color, wealth or age; whether you are a strong NBA player or a well-known star; whether you are a head of state or a common citizen, this virus will be ignored. Now, people are not allowed to shake hands when meeting each other, and they keep their distance for safety reasons.

▲The author conducts remote teaching at home.

A friend frequently posted questions on LINE: "Why did God allow such things to happen? Why did he let innocent doctors and elderly people die? Is God punishing mankind? Is God going to destroy the world?" I replied to my friend: "Just like 9/11 in 2001. When the incident happened, people were also asking: "Why did God allow this to happen? Why did he allow innocent people to die?"

When people were in peaceful and prosperous times, have they ever thought: "Why is God so good to us? Why does he make me so happy?" Why do people only start to think of God and ask God when suffering comes? Why can people come and go when God calls them? When they are in trouble, they go to God to ask for their sins, but when they are happy, they put God aside. Man, why? !

▲During extraordinary times, my living room and gathering hall.

To borrow a prayer sent from LINE by Pastor Su Wen'an, editor-in-chief of "Kingdom of God" at the beginning of the epidemic in the United States: "At this time when the epidemic is getting out of hand, may the gracious and merciful Heavenly Father help us to uphold the " Maintain a calm and stable mentality as a "winner" rather than a "survivor"; maintain a calm and calm attitude as a "sharer" rather than a "taker" when facing the frenzied rush to buy; when facing the need for independent epidemic prevention At this time, we can uphold the intention of "spreading love" rather than "spreading the epidemic" and fulfill our responsibilities."

When the "epidemic" is out of control, may we believe in God's presence and not be knocked down by fear; may God's love and peace come to the world.

Liao Meihui, a preschool teacher and a special writer for this magazine, graduated from Chinese Evangelical Theological Seminary in North America (CESNA).