Issue 63
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

Letters from home: Thoughts on returning to Taiwan during the epidemic

▲You need to bring luggage when traveling. What can you bring with you into the kingdom of God?

What can you take with you?

Returning to Taiwan this time has a very different feeling than before. In 2020, my mother-in-law passed away on April 18 after her 100th birthday. Due to the epidemic, we couldn't go back at that time, so all the big and small things were handled by my eldest sister and brother in Taiwan. We didn't return home until five months later. The scenery remains the same, the buildings are empty after people have left, and I miss the things when I see them. As soon as I entered my parents' bedroom, I looked at the chairs, wardrobe, drawers, and hanging clothes. Everything they had sat on, used, and worn was all there, but the people were gone. A few words came to my mind, "My parents are in heaven," and I whispered in my mouth: "Mom, Dad, how are you? I miss you.... What are you doing with the Lord?"

Due to jet lag, I sleep and wake up, thinking, thinking, recalling the past and capturing the future... During the epidemic, customs clearance is more complicated when entering and exiting the airport. In addition to checking your passport, you also need to take your temperature, fill out a form, and provide your mobile phone location. I’m wondering, will the customs clearance procedures for entering the Kingdom of Heaven be stricter than these? Will the angel scold and guard, or be kind and welcoming? What are the requirements for customs clearance? Does a glass of water count as a gift? Is it okay if I once believed in the Lord but lived a careless life?

When I returned to Taiwan this time, I brought two pieces of luggage, a handbag and a backpack. But when we enter the kingdom of God that day, we cannot take any material luggage with us, not even this mortal body. So what can we take with us? Only my spirit can go, as well as the love for God in my life, the tolerance, forgiveness, honor, and encouragement of others, the souls saved by preaching the gospel, and the many fruits of doing according to God’s words.

All the photo albums, photo frames, and souvenirs that I once cherished need to be thrown away; the theological books and conference notes that have been treasured throughout the house for decades, if they have not yet survived, cannot be taken away.

Looking back, in just a few decades of life, how much money have I spent, how much time have I spent, desperately pursuing this and seeking that, and of the many conferences I have attended, how much was valuable and how much wasted? Are there so many books and so many notes useful? Has your spiritual life grown? Thinking, thinking, feeling distressed, sighing, losing and reluctant to let go, with mixed feelings.

Then I thought, none of that was wasted, it was all the fuel that made my rocket lift off. Because of those learnings and experiences, whether good or bad, groping, failed, lost, or detoured, they all make me farther away from the earth and closer to heaven. The more I see through the shortness of life, the more I cherish eternity. , the more you humble yourself, the more you fear the greatness of God. Ah, not a moment is wasted, it is all worth it. Because of the sum of everything I have experienced, I have become who I am today. The same is true for you, God's unique masterpiece.

How insignificant a human being is! The earth is only one millionth the size of the sun, and there are more galaxies in the universe than there are sands of sea in the world. How incredible!

"What is man that You care about him? What is man that You care about him? You make him a little lower than God, but you crown him with glory and honor." (Refer to Psalm 8:4-5) The correct answer to life is Written in the Bible, it is an instruction manual provided by God when he created man. However, man does not ask God, but looks for answers among the created men. He is willing to let the blind lead the blind. Man is so ignorant! How can intelligent humans be so stupid? How incredible! God says, Because the god of this world has blinded man’s mind, his heart is darkened, he claims to be wise, but he becomes a fool.

You can't see light in the dark. You have to light a lamp or at least strike a match before you can see the light, right? It's a pity that the light comes, but if people don't come, the light will be lost. Therefore, after a lifetime of groping, the correct answer is not to be able to see. In fact, the answer is not far away, but only those who are humble are willing to come to the light, can see life clearly, and then inherit the land, which is far beyond the large tracts of land and hundreds of square meters of high-rise houses left by their parents on the ground. The Lord said, "Whoever is thirsty, let him come and take the water of life free of charge." (See Revelation 22:17) But looking around, there are not many people who want God.

What is essential?

In Taiwan, I noticed that many parents worked hard to make money all their lives and left their savings to their children. However, when they were old and in wheelchairs, they were pushed by foreign workers to stroll on the road, enjoy the cool air in the park, and shop in front of stores. Have you ever thought about where you will go after your life ends in a few days? Is the ash tower the final destination? Just hope that your children will make incense and offer fruits regularly in the future? Who dares to think about it? Who will tell them?

I wanted to talk to a relative that day, so I asked him: "Have you ever thought about it?" He immediately put up a wall and said:

"Don't talk to me about this!" I hope so much that what I have gained, I wish he could have it too.

I know there is only one thing that is essential in life, and I have it. I embrace Him tightly. Jesus, Jesus, my life, who knows your worth? What can one give in exchange? No matter how great the wealth or status is, I will despise it and I will not be moved. Life will end eventually, and only a handful of times.

When that day comes, some people will remember, remember, and say something on stage, but there is no need to be sad, just to say goodbye with joy. The most important thing is to prepare yourself a passport to heaven now and keep renewing it so that it remains valid. Keep up the hard work and make sure you have enough fuel to lift the rocket into heavenly orbit and look forward to being greeted by angels and saints. Therefore, before the sudden coming of the Lord, clean up your sins while you still have it today. Like the five wise virgins, when the bridegroom came, they were all ready to go in and sit down with him. Lord, these are all true! Where can I match it? I will kneel down at the Lord’s feet, and the Lord will come close, bend down, touch my head and say, “My child, didn’t I tell you already? Look, there is a throne reserved for you.”

Oh, I've thought too far ahead. My parents accepted the Lord and were baptized, although their faith was not deep because they did not have good spiritual companions and environment to help them grow. But I firmly believe that God’s grace is great enough for me to love my children and grandchildren, and love comes from God, so what difficulties does God have in loving us? God is a good father. His love for our parents must be far greater than our love for them. Do you think so? So I trust Him completely and firmly believe that my parents are in heaven and it will be great to be with Heavenly Father. One day we will meet again. But since both parents are gone, life on earth will no longer be the same, and the chances of returning to Taiwan may be reduced in the future. Many people say, "Without parents, there is no home." Is this true? But this is what people who have experienced it say. From now on, this will be another new exploration and experience that I have never experienced before.

▲Orphans become children, and children become parents. This is the gospel and "going home".

What is going home?

Actually I already know the answer. After participating in "Going Home" for 11 years, I finally discovered for sure that the most important element of "Going Home" is having parents, so a family is established. I think it may be true that without parents there is no home, even the church. Without parents, the church is, at best, just a group of orphans running an institution or business, no different from the world. The world is a big orphanage, and many pastors are also big orphans themselves. Therefore, the main motivation for working hard is not for God, but to prove that they are great, the church is big, and the ministry is strong.

But now in "Going Home", the church has parents, and with parents there are children. We are no longer orphans. The church is no longer an institution or a business, but a home. The emphasis in the home is no longer on the pastor, elders, bishops, such-and-such chairman, and such-and-such doctor, but rather on family members, parents, and brothers and sisters, and this is exactly God’s original intention for the church.

Over the years in "Going Home", I have really seen with my own eyes that orphans are becoming children, children are becoming parents, and the church is being saved. The gospel is not only about believing in Jesus and going to heaven, but also about orphans becoming children, and children becoming parents. This is the gospel, it is the preciousness of "going home", and it is what the world has been waiting for the church for thousands of years. How blessed am I to be alive today, to see the church transforming, and to be a part of it!

Moreover, after orphans become children, they cannot stop being older siblings or younger siblings, because siblings will still compete, be jealous, dissatisfied, and complain, making it difficult for them to have the broad and selfless love of their parents. One day, the parents pass away. At this time, if the eldest son is like his father and the eldest daughter is like her mother, with selfless love and the heart to be both a father and a mother, then the family will be able to continue, and the younger brothers and sisters will also have a broad relationship. Selfless love requires respect, appreciation, and honor, so that we can have and build this family together. is it hard? I believe that it requires supernatural power, which is not possible with humans but is possible with God. This is also the goal I will strive for for the rest of my life. Behold, there is an oasis in the desert, and light appears in the darkness! God is doing it, if you let Him.

After sharing my feelings online once, I wrote a few words to Joylynn who was hosting the discussion at the time:

"You have received Dad Zhao's investment in us and Dad Dai's long-term coaching. The most important factor of "going home" is to have parents. If the eldest son is like his father and the eldest daughter is like her mother, then the family can continue. It is wonderful to have a family, and God’s family is so lovely. The creation is groaning, waiting for the sons of God to appear, to change from orphans to sons and daughters, and then to mature and selfless to become parents. God's heart is comforted, and the world will not be disappointed. When the kingdom of God comes, you will hear the Lord say, "Good girl, good boy, come enjoy Father's happiness."

Pastor Xu Zongshi, Ph.D. in microbiology, Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago, and currently serves as the senior pastor of the New Jersey Evangelization Center in the United States. Author of the book "Flying Out of the Bird Cage".