Issue 64
Kingdom Communication

【I love listening to you most】

Responses from readers of Kingdom of God Magazine

Life is in the Lord, resurrection is in the Lord

On Easter 2021, I read the 63rd issue of "When Death Throws a Straight Ball at Us". It seemed like a heavy topic, but my heart was full of hope, and I resonated a lot with the author: the issue of life and death must be answered. There is no way out except in the presence of God. Because of my career, I am closer to death than most people. Two years ago, I also faced the thought of my own life and death. More than 20 years ago, I met God when I made a choice for a life. It was also when I faced the death of others that I saw my own limitations as a human being.

Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau’s words, “Occasionally heal, often relieve, always comfort” often remind me and release me; only the Lord Jesus can bring ultimate healing and salvation to people, and life is in God’s hands. hands, and I'm just human.

People in despair and struggling to survive can come to Jesus. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is resurrection and life; whoever lives and believes in Him will never die. Physical death is only a doorway into eternity.

(Wang Lin, Texas, USA)

find the meaning of life

The recommended article on the cover of the 63rd issue of "Kingdom of God", "Discovering the New Meaning of Life" shared by Chen Dejian, made me think deeply.

"The meaning of life" is the goal that everyone pursues in life, but these four words seem ethereal. The author emphasizes that "leadership is influence. Before leading others, you must first know yourself." He proposed four dimensions of observation and analysis, which made me feel that the process of discovering the meaning of my life is step-by-step, concrete and feasible. By observing the intersection of the four dimensions of "professionalism", "passion", "mission" and "vocation", it is possible to transcend yourself and further meet the needs of yourself and the world. Almost all my friends are post-war baby boomers, born around the 1960s, and are getting closer and closer to retirement. Recently, we often talk about "When do you plan to retire? What do you want to do after retirement?" If you can seriously examine yourself again before retiring and be willing to change yourself first, then you can influence others. Combining your lifelong profession with passion, mission and vocation, and living out God’s calling, isn’t this the best practice for “discovering a new meaning of life”?

(Wang Zhiyuan, Pingtung, Taiwan)

Wave to those wandering outside the church

In the 63rd issue of the Knowledge and Action Unit, Ma Ruixin's article "Returning to the Author and His Church Life" mentioned the American writer Rachel Held Evans. She left the church and built a church on an online social platform where homeless people gather. .

My son was injured in church during high school. As an adult, he wandered between different churches for many years and became a "Churchless" Christian homeless person. Fortunately, my son has not given up his faith and still firmly insists that Jesus Christ is his savior. He listens to messages online every week and establishes a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

In 2018, my son met an organizational pastor through a friend. This pastor led more than a dozen young people to form a campus fellowship, and they met every week for fellowship and Bible study. Almost all the young people in the fellowship are the "faith bums" that Rachel cares about. There are homosexuals, transgenders, suicides in family members, and people with broken families... They (she) have all wandered outside the church, feeling out of tune with the church, and finally left.

Thank you for the author’s reminder. Instead of preaching to this group of wanderers outside the church and criticizing them for being too self-centered, we should follow Jesus as an example and wave to them: “Come, come in!”

(New Jersey, USA, Shouxin)