Issue 68
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

Welcome the Elderly【Mood Platter】Series 9

Who is old? not me!

This is an era that loves flaunting and marketing appearances. Look, how many product advertisements, no matter what you eat, wear, apply, use... all focus on and promote how to appear young and beautiful, challenging your perception of gravity! But there is no doubt that from the first moment of birth into the world, different seasons of life are destined to have different styles. From immaturity to fullness, from maturity to withering.

Once upon a time, friends began to say, "Oh, we are all old!" Your response in the inner voice of your heart may be: "That's you, I don't admit it." However, time is a one-way street that moves forward. There is no room for retreating or stopping. So while walking on this road, at some point without realizing it, I will hear: "Oh, we are all old!"

Old, this word is quite interesting. Some people, it should be said that there are many people, can only be used to describe others, but not themselves. A friend once said to me angrily: "You know what? So-and-so actually called me an old woman!" It is said that this person who likes to call others "old woman" is exactly "laughing at fifty steps".

▲Young, plump, mature, withered, different seasons of life show different styles.

Anti-aging, transformation, and deception

Anti-aging is not necessarily just for the elderly. It is reported that Generation Z’s anti-aging awareness is no lower than that of those born in the 1980s. Many young women, including men, have embarked on the journey of medical beauty early. As long as you can look a little younger and more beautiful than your biological age, you can go through fire and water, and your courage is commendable. It's as big as bone cutting, thread embedding, filling prostheses, or as small as laser, facelift, micro plastic surgery, etc., there's a dazzling array of them! It's just that everything has gains and losses. The winner is the king, and the loser has to bear the risk himself.

In addition to actively invasive methods, there is a relatively safe change that treats the symptoms rather than the root cause - makeup. I have to say that some of the makeup techniques are really extraordinary, turning decay into magic, which is breathtaking, and vividly turns Zhu Bajie into Sai Diaochan! It is said that some Japanese wives live in the dark all year round so that their husbands can only see their perfect makeup. When you get up early, you put on makeup before your husband wakes up; when you get up in the dark, you put on makeup after your husband falls asleep. But in Yakutsk, the coldest city on earth (the lowest temperature is minus 71 degrees Celsius), most women there choose not to wear makeup, and meeting each other without makeup is the way to go. I admire people who wear makeup in hot climate areas. It is also a skill to keep the makeup on.

When it comes to makeup, it takes time. If you say: "No, soon!" it is a "coping" routine and does not require "ingenuity". As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones (this applies to men too). Here again, I admire my persistence in getting up early and staying up late for many years!

Thanks to the Internet, people like to upload "beautiful photos" in recent years. A "trouble-saving trick" has become very popular - use filters, turn on the beauty function, and guarantee a makeover. "Photo fraud" will make you doubt your life. ! It is undeniable that these long-term, short-term, and even instant appearance changes are all doing their part to confront and tug-of-war with "oldness."

In addition to "huashu", people with high emotional intelligence and good "talking skills" also use different methods to deal with "aging". Just think about it, when you go shopping, would you rather be called "Mrs." or "Ms." by a shop assistant? "Auntie" or "eldest sister"? It is conceivable that the first is the last, so there is no need to wonder why the performance of the latter "ladies and sisters" will be better than the former "wives and aunts". It can be seen that people still prefer this set of words and are willing to be deceived. I know a tour guide. When he leads a tour group of "grandpas and grandmas", he always addresses him as "eldest brother" or "eldest sister". No wonder everyone likes him! Of course, no matter what the technique is, these are the feelings given by the outside world. The most important thing is to strengthen your internal "mentality". Proverbs say, "Keep your heart above all else." This is the eternal truth - only by starting from the heart can we face the truth.

▲Even though you and I will gradually change over the years, if we keep our thoughts and thoughts conservative, we can still "wear age with elegance."

Wear an elegant crown

Anti-aging starts from scratch. Under normal circumstances, most adults will not grow gray hair before the age of 30. After the age of 30, the gap begins to widen, and gray hair will appear one after another. After the age of 40, some people may already have gray hair. In order to improve their appearance, they need to undergo "regular treatment".

Affected by the epidemic, many "incidents" occurred during this period. Since going out to a beauty salon is quite risky, some elders simply decided to stop dyeing their dyeing workshops and stop dyeing! After the "truth is revealed," it is amazing to say the same, as Proverbs 20:29 says:"White hair is the honor of the elderly", many silver-haired people are also happy to accept this crown of glory! The "grandma gray" and "grandpa white" hair are also quite stylish.

Recently, I was chatting with a friend I haven’t spoken to for a long time, and I had a lot of feelings in my heart. This sister has been burdened with the Muslim community for a long time. When she learned that she was currently engaged in ministry to help refugees in Istanbul, she finally found her rightful place! From the photos she shared, she noticed some changes in her appearance. She asked, "Is everything okay?" The answer was, "Very good, I'm just getting older!" Faced with "aging," she accepted it calmly: "I don't dye my hair either. , don’t worry about it and let it develop freely.”

From the outside, she looks like a retired person, a tourist here for fun, and harmless. All things work together for good, and this is great cover for the challenges of evangelism in the Muslim world! As a bonus, even older-looking women don’t have to worry about being harassed by boring men.

Amid the clamor for "anti-aging", my friend's attitude shows a different kind of style, turning "aging" into an advantage! Compared with face, lining is more important. By the way, my friend’s physical fitness is very good and his health index is enviable! It is precisely because of this that you can easily go into battle and do what you want to do.

The movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" tells the story of the male protagonist Benjamin from birth with an 80-year-old face to his death as a baby. This kind of "surreal" plot will not happen in the real world. We will only grow older as we live. But so what about old? According to a survey by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the proportion of people aged 55 to 64 who are starting businesses has increased significantly, and there are numerous examples of older people starting businesses and then retiring. This proves that even though your physical age is no longer young, the engine of inner youth can still continue to run!

As time goes by, you and I gradually change over the years, showing different tones: pink and tender for babies, bright for youth, plump for middle-aged, and vigorous for old. This is the tone of nature. A young girl saw a master papermaker sprinkling flower petals on handmade paper and curiously asked: "Will the color of the petals be locked and not fade?" The master replied: "No, but this is a good thing, because the paper It can breathe, making the color darker over time..." Deep and emitting charm, it is beautiful.

In the face of "aging," an advertising slogan is apt: "Wear your age with grace." Although my body and heart are gradually declining, God is the strength in my heart forever! God is still doing new things in his "old age". With His grace, we welcome the molten golden sunset and watch the intoxicating sunset...

Miao Huitian, older and single, with money to travel but no money to take a walk. You can be lazy, diligent, active and at home; you can appreciate beautiful scenery, beautiful things, and beautiful things, and like good food, beautiful articles, and beautiful music.