Compassionate Communication Workshop

As Christians, we should strive to be moved by kindness and respond with action. After all, the Lord Jesus often did this. Since the scripture says: abide in the Lord and do as the Lord does, we must also be driven by compassion to serve others.

However, here comes the problem. We should all agree that kindness does matter. The definition of "kindness" is sympathy and concern for the suffering or well-being of others. Literal understanding is one thing, but how can it be achieved in practice?

From the experience of training institutions and business leaders, I found that "asking questions" can be a path to kindness. In the four Gospels, Jesus asked more than 300 questions. But wait a minute, Jesus declared himself to be “the way” and “the truth” and he knew what was in people’s hearts, so why did he ask so many questions?

I think we might know something about someone, but hearing it from the person himself is another thing. Asking "questions" lets us hear what people have to say .

This workshop can help us learn to listen and understand others by asking questions which lead to genuine connecting with those in our lives.

Please sign up below to get notified when the next in-person or online workshop is available. Or reach out to explore having us come run a workshop at your church, youth, or small group (