Issue 13
Kingdom Neighbors

Same you, different mood: Aileen and Tony's confession

On the bank of the Jialing River, in the mountain city surrounded by twilight, the lights lit up one by one. The originally deserted long streets were filled with flickering lights and soft shadows. After a while, the mountain city below turned into a world of stars. As I was walking, I suddenly felt homesick. It was not my house with no lights on, but a home with spacious shoulders to lean on and "he" waiting for me to go back.

My first marriage ended when I was young. I taught mathematics in a middle school and worked as a supervisor in a joint venture. I had a successful job and was financially independent. I have an independent personality and have been a single nobleman for more than 20 years. There are many men who admire and pursue her, but none of them can be entrusted with her for life. Seeing that year after year wasted, the road to remarriage became narrower and narrower, so I followed the trend and started an online marriage search. Let's find a way out first!

Tony's confession

As the car drove into the alley, it smelled a familiar fragrance. Eat pancakes today! Not the tasteless tacos. This cake takes a lot of work! There are shredded potatoes and carrots, plus coriander shavings, mixed with egg juice, and fried until it is crispy on the outside, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. After taking one bite, your heart melts. After eating the whole cake, your heart has been completely stolen.

Yes, the lovely Ai Ling was standing at the door to greet me. As soon as I walked in, I was handed a glass of her homemade soy milk, which was sweet but not greasy, cooling my heart. Let’s lie down on the sofa and take a nap while waiting for the meal to open up!

Looking at Tony, who was as sleepy as a child who was tired from playing, he fell asleep and fell asleep. His closed eyes could not hide the innocence and cheerfulness on his face. Because of his sincerity, I chose him, traveled across the ocean, and came to the United States, a small southern town with which I was unfamiliar.

After more than 20 hours of flight, we arrived in Chongqing. I called Ai Ling to inform her: "I have arrived..." She kept saying: "I will come, I will definitely come!" I can't speak Chinese, and she can't understand English. She speaks like a chicken and a duck, so I anxiously repeated Repeated again and again, her mouth was dry and her tongue was dry, but she still didn't understand that my plane arrived two hours early. I was so tired that I fell asleep in the waiting room and felt uneasy. I heard that many people used artistic photos to post on the Internet. There was a big gap between the person and the photo. When they met in person, they would be disappointed, even shocked, and take three steps back.

I saw the stranger from a distance, but there was a familiar face that was exactly the same as the photo on the Internet. At that moment, I knew: "She is my love, my bride!" Not only because of her beauty, but also because she is honest and unfalsified. Simplicity, and the persistence of the eye-catching title posted on the Internet: "I'm looking for a husband!" That night, her family held a banquet for me. After the banquet, I proposed to her in front of a large family...

Compared with the many suitors in the past, Tony was not the most outstanding, and he was fourteen years older than me. At that time, I just wanted to go abroad. I didn’t care about Johnny or Danny. I was tall, thin, fat and short. I connected with several people online at the same time, and received more than a dozen letters a day. My English skills are weak, so I need to find someone to translate and write replies on my behalf, which is very expensive. But as long as I can get to the United States, I will have a way to survive and take advantage of opportunities to find my home!

Fortunately, three months after Tony and I connected to the Internet, he took ten days off and flew to Chongqing to meet me. In order to marry me, he traveled back and forth to the U.S. Consulate 400 kilometers away to produce documents proving that he was divorced from his ex-wife and had not remarried. It made him tired and busy, but he never complained.

Speaking of Chinese food, it's really extraordinary. The vegetarian dumplings made by Ailing are my favorite. There is no other place to buy them, no one can compare with them. If it is said: "To capture a man's heart, you must first get through his stomach." She has completely mastered this trick.

Tony ate heartily, praising and saying thank you all the time. After eating, he came close to me, kissed me again and again, and muttered a lot, which I couldn't understand for the most part, but from his eyes, I could read my sincere gratitude.

At home, I spent money as I pleased, but now, seeing Tony go out early and come back late, working as a security guard, working ten hours a day, I can't help but feel sorry for him that it's not easy to make money. However, he would rather work hard himself than let me go out to work and earn money.

Two days ago, he took me to see a dentist. It was just a loose tooth, but it cost a thousand yuan. Even though I had insurance, I still had to pay 500 yuan out of pocket. I was reluctant to part with it, but Tony insisted: "If your teeth are wrong, your body will feel uncomfortable and your mood will be unhappy. Your happiness is my joy!"

I have a special fondness for Chinese culture. When I choose a mate online, I have no second thoughts and only look for Chinese girls. Ai Ling was diligent and thrifty and kept the house in order. She sorted my clothes and socks into categories. When I got home, I was like a pampered child. I just wanted to take a nap, eat a delicious meal, put down the knife and fork, and was coaxed to go to the study to play a few rounds of computer games to relax.

The so-called "home" is what the Chinese characters describe: there is a pig under the house. Yes, men eat, drink and have fun when they get home and are cared for by their wives. I like a home like this, it feels so happy!

▲ Chen Ailing and Tony Campanile cherish their God-given marriage and are deeply in love as husband and wife.

After we got married, I was waiting in China for him to apply for a visa for me to come to the United States. During this period, Tony remitted money to me on time. After three years of waiting, we connected to the Internet every day and talked on the phone once a week. Tony's actions proved that he was a responsible man who loved his wife, and I trusted him with confidence.

I also changed my original thoughts and adjusted my mentality. Tony was no longer my stepping stone to go abroad. Going abroad is not to conquer the world and show off your skills, but to be sincere, lower your profile, focus on family life, live a good life, and spend your later years with Tony.

After the fierce online battle ended, the study immediately became eerily quiet, and time seemed to have stopped... The darkness outside the window gradually moved to my heart.

My childhood was very unhappy. My brother and I were often beaten. My father is a playboy and a habitual philanderer. Sometimes late at night, sometimes early in the morning, my mother would wake up my brother and me and take us together to catch the rapist. In childhood, when walking to school in winter, I accidentally stepped into a puddle of melting snow. The cold, damp shoes and socks stuck to my skin. It was disgusting, but I couldn't get rid of it, so I could only endure it.

My parents divorced when I was thirteen. I signed up to join the military when I was seventeen, and I got married when I was twenty. My son Anthony is everything to me. When he was six years old, he was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which is inherited from his mother. I cried for three days and three nights. Because he was overweight, my wife, although a nurse, was unable to take care of him, so I resigned from my job and took care of him at home. When my son was in middle school, he had enough of being teased by his classmates, so he stopped school and was educated at home by me. He was a night owl who was active at night and slept during the day, so I used the daytime to take college courses and volunteer at a middle school. One day, I went home and saw two ambulances parked at the door. It was Anthony who fell, suffered a concussion, and was gone forever. He was only twenty-one when he died! And my marriage ended.

Under the moonlight, Ai Ling hummed a tune and washed the car lightly, like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Even I feel much younger, and the shadows in my heart gradually fade away. I'm going to take her to do something tomorrow, so I'll let it slip and imitate her playful tone, saying, "Don't ask, don't care!"

Seeing how mysterious Tony is, I probably bought the ballet I love to watch again. A ticket costs 50 to 60 yuan, but I never skimp on it. Wash the car quickly, and then go to the closet to pick out a suitable dress.

▲Ai Ling proudly hugs her dog son.

Every time I dress beautifully, Tony feels so proud and accepts compliments generously. Likewise, women want to please their own appearance, but Eastern and Western cultures are completely different, and Chinese men can only appreciate them by themselves.

Aileen and I have promised to live another thirty years, but I know that life is in the hands of God, not to mention that there is no feast that lasts forever. Tomorrow I will take her to see a lawyer and make a will. If I leave first, let her inherit all my worldly possessions, live a carefree life, and live peacefully. Beyond that, I shared with her the most precious thing in my life, Jesus Christ. Aileen was baptized as a Christian last year, and I no longer had any worries. In the future in heaven, we will have countless thirty years together.

When we walked out of the lawyer's office, we hugged each other tightly. I tried my best to tell him in English: "Tony, I thank God for making us a family. I love you, Honey!"

Author profile

Liu Shuman is from Taiwan and now lives in Florida with her husband Jin Kangren and their three children. I have been involved in children’s Sunday school ministry for many years and am working hard to learn literature ministry.