Issue 13
Kingdom Neighbors

A stone from another mountain can be used to attack the wrong person [Part 2]: Looking at missions and culture from the Korean Earth Church

Interview/Weng Jingyu

Love Song Evangelistic Meeting

When all 10,000 spectators lit up the small flashlights distributed by the conference at the same time, the Taipei Arena was suddenly filled with stars; when paper airplanes symbolizing hope were thrown down, and the flying catkins in the colorful balloons exploded, everyone seemed to be back in the colorful world. In childhood, the atmosphere reached its highest point...

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a large-scale performance by a superstar, nor is it a festival organized by an official organization. It is a Taipei “Love” event hosted by the Korean Earth Church and co-organized by Good News Radio, Tyrannus Study and CGN Radio. Love Song Evangelistic Meeting".

Several popular Hallyu stars: Cha In-pyo, Han Hye-jin, and Ryu Seung-jun, especially appeared at the two-day sermon meeting on June 19th and 20th to witness the Lord. Before they arrived in Taiwan, the media also broke the news that their Korean agency had prevented them from accepting public interviews for this service due to the purchase of their image rights, so the media could only hastily publish the "remaining" information after the total blockade.

Cross-cultural testimony of Korean star Cha In-pyo

However, none of this detracted from the charm of Korean star Cha In-pyo. After the superb performance and message at the evangelistic meeting, Cha In-pyo took the stage to publicly testify of God's love and faithfulness.

"It is rumored that I am a model gentleman, but I know clearly that privately I am an ordinary person who makes mistakes and gets angry. Growing up in a Christian family, I have always lived a life of parallelism between my faith and my career. I "met Jesus" years ago, and I would not be standing here today." Cha In-pyo's candid and gentle voice left the audience speechless.

"That day, my wife (Shin Ae-ra) had something to do, and she asked me to go to Africa on her behalf to visit the international poverty-stricken children's ministry: Compassion International. I was really unwilling to be put on the shelves. Before leaving, my colleagues in the organization expressed that they hoped I would watch it. When I visit those poor children, as an ambassador of love, I want to embrace them with open arms and encourage them: "You are here because of love."

"The road was bumpy and the weather was hot. I couldn't help but feel irritable and complained about why I didn't refuse this mission. When I saw those poor children, they were in ragged clothes, with dark skin, and the cold, white and innocent look in their big eyes suddenly touched me. In my heart, I followed the instructions of my co-worker and was about to stretch out my hands to hug me. Suddenly, a firm and loving voice said to me: "Renbiao, do you know that you are here for love?" In the world!”

"Somehow, a warm current poured out from the bottom of my heart and eyes. I suddenly realized that it was the Lord Jesus who spoke to me through this experience. What he originally wanted to say to those poor children, the Lord spoke to me first. I grew up in As a Christian, it was not until that moment that I "met Jesus" that my life underwent a major change. Dear friend, today, I hope you will meet Jesus just like me."

Culture, the best entry point for the gospel

Che In-pyo's testimony tightly touched the heartstrings of the audience. This is a highlight of the day of the Love Song evangelistic meeting in Taipei. In addition to this unique and artistic and cultural evangelistic meeting, hundreds of Dadi Church members who flew to Taiwan at their own expense were waiting for them with their warm hearts and kind words. Smile and pray for unbelievers to open their hearts. After all, how did this sermon come about? How can the church and culture be best connected?

For a long time, there has been deep hatred between Japan and South Korea due to the scars of history and war. In order to spread the gospel, Ha Yongzuo, the senior pastor of Earth Church, resolved the opposition between the two countries with the love of God. In view of the popularity of Korean dramas in Japan, the "Love Song Evangelistic Service" was first launched in Japan in 2007, focusing on Korean stars and integrating classical musical instruments, modern poetry, popular dances and other comprehensive large-scale performances. Great response, great gains in gospel work.

In view of the need for mutual learning and exchange, the pastors of the churches in Taiwan specially invited the Earth Church to come to Taiwan to hold a love song cultural evangelistic meeting. In less than a year, it has launched three study lectures for pastors, a CEO leadership forum, and fully promoted the monthly spiritual meditation magazine "Living Life", which has undoubtedly brought great help to the church in Taiwan.

▲The "Church and Culture" seminar on the morning of June 19th and 20th summarized the vision and experience inheritance of the Earth Church over the years.

Laity Restoration Church

The "Church and Culture" seminar on the morning of June 19th and 20th summarized the vision and experience inheritance of the Earth Church over the years. In this rapidly changing post-modern world, if the church can appropriately wear the cloak of culture when preaching the gospel, it will get twice the result with half the effort. Due to the poor health of Pastor Ha Yongjo, the first lecture was delivered by the deputy senior pastor, Pastor Na Junxi. Pastor Luo particularly emphasized that the blueprint of the church was given by the Lord Jesus and is built on Christ as the rock. The authority of Hades cannot overcome Him. Therefore, we hope that our church will be one that can continue to write "Acts Chapter 29."

To build a powerful church, the filling and leading of the Holy Spirit is the first key! On our own we can do nothing. Therefore, the church must have a correct vision, that is, a missionary vision, and obey the work of the Holy Spirit in order to truly accomplish God's will.

In addition, Pastor Na Junxi emphasized that the church must become a church for the revival of lay believers. He used an apt metaphor: Pastors are like coaches in a boxing ring, and lay believers are the players. When they are tired or weak, the pastor should be the one who encourages lay believers to get up again after they fall! Ironically, the situation is just the opposite now. Many pastors and co-workers go to the boxing ring to fight on their own, and believers become empty coaches. They even ask pastors: "Is this right for you to preach like this? Have you prayed about this matter? You Do you believe in the Lord Jesus?”

Indeed, no matter how hard the pastors and co-workers work, if they only focus on the internal building of the church without equipping and encouraging lay believers, the church’s outreach will definitely encounter bottlenecks. Because it is lay believers who live with unbelievers day and night. If they can be allowed to take over the mission of the church, the church can become an outward-developing church. Therefore, lay believers need to find strategies, take the initiative, and change their perspectives to evangelize.

A film based on the true story of the successful black investor Chris Gardner.

In the second class, President Lee Nam-sik of Jeonju University used the movie "Pursuit of Happyness" based on a true story as an example to show that the church has a great influence on the transformation of individual lives. The male protagonist, who is a single father, was once in despair and struggled to make a living by selling medical equipment. Fortunately, with the help of the church, he gradually overcame all difficulties and worked hard, and finally became the king of the stock market. In order to thank God, he invested a large sum of money to establish the company. A church that specializes in helping rehabilitated people after being released from prison.

Such life-changing and powerful church testimony is exactly the gospel strategy pursued by churches on earth that can impact lives, communities, and culture. For this reason, it is imperative to change the perspective from church-based to gospel-based!

Principal Li took Da Vinci's famous painting "The Annunciation in the Woods" (1472~1473) as an example. The biggest problem with this well-known painting is that the perspective point of the painting is not in the center, but slightly to the left. This point has caused widespread discussion. Could it be that great painters such as Leonardo da Vinci did not understand perspective, or was it because of his early practice? It wasn't until people traced the monastery of San Bartolomeo of Monteoliveto where the painting was first displayed that they discovered that the painting was originally hung on the upper left side of the stairs, providing the best perspective for those passing by. , exactly the upper left corner! Once this truth is discovered, the painter's superb skills and thoughtfulness are amazing.

In the same way, if the gospel is to be spread into the hearts of the world, the church must change its views and practices. Otherwise, how can it guide postmodern people who value change to hear the gospel, understand the gospel, and accept the gospel? The Love Song Evangelistic Association was launched precisely to spread the gospel to Japan, Taiwan and other countries where paganism is prevalent, and to find the easiest contact point!

Who do you want to be, what kind of person do you want to be?

Over the years, Earth Church, inspired by the Holy Spirit, has not only made breakthroughs and innovations in the way it preaches the gospel, but has even made many changes in the venue in order to spread the gospel to young people. Since young people are hesitant to come to church, preach the gospel at a location where they are most receptive to minimize resistance. Earth Church has rented nightclubs, Starbucks coffee shops, McDonald's, and even movie theaters as gathering spaces. Because of gatherings in these venues, the Christians present are more alert and more eager to pray for the purification of the spiritual air, the holiness of personal lives, and the victory of spiritual warfare.

Their dexterity and initiative indeed brought waves of young people to the Lord. Although the event venue may seem "secular", because their starting points and motivations closely follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, they have indeed captured the hearts of many young people! This is just as Paul said, "I am all things to all men, in order that I may save some." (1 Corinthians 9:22)

QT and one-to-one

With a good cultural mission strategy, the most important thing is the creation and inheritance of life. The method is only to lead people to God. The most fundamental thing is to establish a real relationship between these saved souls and God. This is the main reason why Earth Church has been promoting QT (Quiet Time) for many years. Because they truly know that only when everyone has a solid relationship with God, is fed by God’s words, and can live out God’s will can such gospel work be truly effective and far-reaching.

Pastor Ha Yongzuo and the pastors of Dadi Church have repeatedly emphasized that the primary foundation for church revival is the spiritual life of believers, followed by "one-on-one" discipleship training. If these two basic skills are done well, the church will inevitably revive, just like the eagle's Wings, spread your wings and fly high.

Therefore, the Tyrannus Study Room affiliated with Earth Church has been publishing the spiritual collection "Living Life" for many years to encourage every member to practice spiritual practice and share their gains and experiences in the group. At the same time, we attach great importance to one-on-one discipleship training, and cultivate and equip new believers through discipleship training and follow-up until they have strong faith, grow steadily, and become spiritually strong people.

Cultural mission, unlimited creativity

On the basis of QT and one-on-one efforts to drive the spiritual growth of believers, the pursuit of good gospel strategies will not be reduced to empty talk. In the fourth class, Ms. Wen Ailan, the chairman of Welcomm Advertising Company, made the best use of her expertise in gospel work. In fact, different ethnic groups, age groups, regions, and environments will form different subcultures. In the rapidly changing post-modern society, it is probably unrealistic and lazy to think of using only one method to complete baskets.

The gospel is the essence of all things. In order to preach it to others, we need to package it in a good way. Just like advertising companies, distinguishing between audience types and finding the needs of each segment is what the advertising industry is most keen and good at. It not only understands cultural changes, but also develops appropriate advertising strategies in response to these trends to find the relationship between products and audiences. the best contact point. This is exactly what Earth Church has been striving for in its cultural missions over the years.

If the Chinese church is willing to put aside its prejudices, change its views, and for the sake of the gospel, humble itself to understand the needs of the world, and preach the gospel in a way that they can understand, move, and accept, it will definitely bring great results. ! I deeply hope that this article can bring reflection and triggers to the Chinese church community, so that they will no longer be trapped in the "empty" city, but see the revival of lay believers, and find culture with an eager, serious and wise heart wherever they go. With the entry point to enhance understanding, spread it everywhere, so that the word of the Lord can reach the ends of the earth!

Grasp the trend and strike out with the gospel

Due to space limitations, here are six of the current trends raised by Ms. Wen Ailan in the lecture. The author also puts forward the trigger points for cultural missions to inspire ideas, hoping that the church will be creative and meet the needs of evangelical activities.

Jump into the party wave
There are various parties such as wine tasting, singles, weddings, birthday banquets, break dancing, etc., which are popular among young people in their twenties and thirties who have more experience abroad and hope to exchange information, enhance interpersonal relationships, attract attention, or Look for opportunities to relax.
◎Cultural mission trigger: Design gospel meals on topics that young people are interested in.

It doesn't matter, don't be depressed
According to surveys, four out of ten people in Seoul, South Korea suffer from depression. As a result, products for enjoying solitude began to appear in shopping malls, such as dining tables for one with a screen, backpacking inns and self-guided travel projects specially designed for loners.
◎Cultural mission trigger: Initiate a hug action to let love and warmth break the alienation of modern people.

Convey customers’ desires through user-generated content (UCC)
The Internet can play pictures, photos, videos, sound effects, music, etc., and has the characteristics of personality, sharing, expression, and openness. People's inner desire to love becomes an outlet to escape pressure and express their desires.
◎Cultural missionary trigger: Design a webpage to provide evangelical friends with their online needs.

How to have fun with clients─Dancing
In front of the Seoul Cave World Cup Stadium, 12,000 people danced together to set a Guinness World Record; the combination of corporate dance and advertising has a greater word-of-mouth effect.
◎Cultural mission trigger: Design a large-scale evangelistic meeting or gospel activity that uses group dance to bring the atmosphere to a climax.

Disrupting the Power of Customers─Fun
Humor and amusement have become the most powerful competitiveness of modern people. This is a reactionary behavior of modern people in response to pressure. Some comedy shows have become very popular and have become channels for regulating and relieving stress. In India, "Laughter Clubs" have even been established.

◎Cultural mission trigger: Recover humor or joke activities, and spread a happy atmosphere in gospel actions.

Spread money and talents──Senior people

Regardless of social activities, health, investment, etc., seniors have become a new consumer group. Dove in the United States used a 96-year-old woman as its product spokesperson, and its sales increased by 70%. Mobile phones, keyboards, digital cameras and other products targeting the elderly have emerged.

◎Cultural mission trigger: Design a short-term mission plan for retired couples to make good use of the second half of life.