Issue 26


【Essay selection】3rd Place

▲ Envelopes with each person’s name are hung on the wall of the Kingdom of God Resources and Culture Practice Camp, containing notes of warm greetings from campers to each other.

A sincere and simple note can travel through time and space, break loneliness, and cross the gap.

I don’t know whose idea it was that the Kingdom of God Resources and Culture Practice Camp was held every year in Pennsylvania. Every participant in the camp would take away an envelope of their own when they left the camp.

When I got home, I calmed down and opened the envelope. The envelope contained some notes, and the notes contained a few words, either greetings, praise, encouragement, or blessings...

Paper is short but love is long

Reading through the pages of notes is like sipping a cup of new tea, with endless aftertaste. Most of the notes were written hastily, with slightly sloppy handwriting, without careful consideration and care. Original tea without any added spices, pure and natural. The text is less decorated, but more real. As I read, the author's voice and smile jumped out from between the lines, and his personality, traits and mood were also revealed in the language and tone of the writing. "I'm so happy to be with you... I hope we..." Some are subtle and tactful, like a smiling face showing through a far window, conveying care and friendship; "I really appreciate you... it's nice to know you..." Some His straightforwardness and frankness were like a spring breeze blowing against his face, hearty and warm, blowing away the unfamiliarity of first acquaintance.

In fact, whether it is rational encouragement, casual greetings, poetic praise, or artistic rhythm, language with sincerity as its foundation is the most moving and powerful. A sincere and simple note can travel through time and space, break loneliness, and cross the gap.

The envelope containing the note may vary from person to person, some may be thick or thin, some may be light or some may be heavy. If the envelope is thick, it will naturally make people happy and comfortable; if the envelope is light and thin, it will inevitably make people unhappy. God created man with emotional needs. The feeling of being cared for, cared for, loved and respected is sweet and beautiful. Everyone has this desire within themselves. God created man and also endowed him with sensitivity to emotions. The feeling of being forgotten, looked down upon, ignored, and left out is bitter and sour. Sensitivity to emotions is like a bridge. One end is self-pity and self-love, and the other end is concern for others. When walking from one end to the other, forgetting yourself, caring for others, showing sympathy and understanding, and having compassion and sorrow, those who are suffering from loneliness among the crowd will be greatly comforted, and a beautiful rainbow will appear in the vast sea of people.

Interpret yourself, interpret others

I have a page of notes written by a camp teacher: "...Your personality is cheerful and considerate, and your temperament is sincere and natural. It is a joy to get to know you..." The teacher looks generous, cheerful, and rough. Open and unrestrained, when "hanging out" with the students in the class, he completely abandoned the "teacher's dignity". A piece of paper reveals the teacher's inner qualities of delicacy, consideration, gentleness and kindness.

I said to the teacher in my heart: "I am very grateful to you. We met by chance. You don't need to worry about me, but you care about me, a person who is attending the camp for the first time and has no companions. In fact, I admire you very much. Your unique pursuit of art , your insight in writing is worthy of my admiration, and your kindness and love are a role model for others and have won my respect. "

I have a page of notes written by a classmate from the camp: "...Your cheerful words and smile are so refreshing..." I met her for the second time at the camp. This classmate seemed introverted and not good at words. He often retreats to a corner from the "noisy crowd" and observes everyone with his wide eyes.

I said to my classmates in my heart: "I am very grateful to you. Your praise for me has allowed me to see an unfamiliar "self". I am introverted and sensitive by nature, not good at publicity, I like to hide in my shell, and I am afraid of flying. I am middle-aged. I have just begun to mature and emerge from my cocoon. In fact, I admire you very much. The stars in the night sky shine not because of your ability to speak, but because you understand yourself and others through more than words and eyes. It depends on the soul. There is a saying: "Silence is golden."

convey warm love

I like to read notes and occasionally write notes to others.

I have experienced the great pain of losing my mother, and I have also had doubts and hesitation about God’s love due to lack of comfort. When I meet people who have lost their parents, I send comfort and sympathy through notes; I have experienced the blow of unemployment, and even more God lifted my life from the bottom. When I met the unemployed, I shared my journey through notes. I have experienced the hardships of my father suffering from cancer, and I have also experienced the deep regret of lacking empathy and not knowing how to solve my father's problems. And, when meeting cancer patients or their family members, I would use the notes to encourage them.

Sometimes, the recipient will respond with sincere gratitude and gratitude; sometimes, the note sent will be lost in the sea, and one can't help but wonder in his heart: What is the value of doing this? Is it wishful thinking? When I turned to God, I discovered that I am a sensitive, proud, and little-believing person who wants to be recognized by others in everything. God, you know my thoughts and my thoughts. My heart should be silent, focusing on looking up to You and glorifying You.

Everyone needs love and everyone can deliver love. A small note may seem insignificant, but it inadvertently opens the other person's heart, invites the other person deep into their heart, and makes love ripple in the other person's heart. Or provide a mirror for the other person to understand themselves, or help the other person get out of trouble, or share the pain with the other person, or share the joy with the other person...

Peruse the pages of notes and meditate on God’s grace and creation. I thought to myself: "I don’t know whose idea it was to write a note. This is a great idea."

Award speech

Love is an eternal theme in literature. I recently read "The Prodigal Son" by Lu Yun and was deeply moved. Lu Yun walked into the life of painter Rembrandt and interpreted the essence of "The Prodigal Son Returns". From Lu Yun’s self-reflection and analysis, I saw that his lifelong journey of spiritual exploration was a process of longing for love, seeking love, returning to love, and devoting love.

Thanks to Kingdom of God for giving me this platform. Winning the award is God’s grace, encouragement and spur, urging me to work harder.

About the Author

Li Mei, whose pen name is Ziyu. Now lives in Houston. civil engineer. In my spare time, I like to read and write. Reading opens the mind, writing expands thoughts, and writing glorifies God and benefits people.