Issue 72
Kingdom Communication

In the Midst of Crisis…

Listen carefully and obey completely!

From the first writing workshop held in 1999, KRC will enter its 25th year in 2023!

Pastor Su Wen'an is an old partner of KRC who has been serving together since the beginning. He specially prepared a retrospective survey and asked KRC team members to answer and share at the annual co-workers meeting why they participated in the service in the first place. Why are you willing to donate your time, talent and money over the long term? What impact will KRC’s vision, mission and ministry direction have in eternity? What would be different if there was no KRC in this world? Why is it important to participate in KRC service now? What is the urgency?

What makes me gratified is that there is a very high degree of consensus in everyone’s sharing. It is obvious that God the Father has called us to work together and serve together in the ministry He has established. As a reader, supporter, and workshop alumnus of KRC magazine, what is your answer?

Many Chinese and foreign Christian leaders and friends often say to me: "KRC's ministry is a root ministry. Very few people do it, but it is very necessary, but very few people understand it. Please continue to do it." Because of this encouragement and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we have persisted all the way until now.

Allow me to share again the beginning, vision and mission of KRC.

Since 1995, I have had the opportunity to share information with churches and groups around the world through the translation of "Reaching the Goal" and many other books. During this process, I observed the following points: 1) Most of the church’s human resources have not been developed and utilized, and the unique talents of believers need to be discovered to serve the Lord; 2) Christians need to be encouraged to live a true spiritual life in life and in their choices. God’s values, live a different decision-making model and lifestyle than before believing in the Lord, and identify and clarify the differences between traditional culture and biblical values; 3) The church can more effectively empower believers to become leaders in the community, workplace, and family salt-of-light leaders who make an impact and become voices for God’s justice and love in their communities.

After several years of praying, meditating, and receiving, I decided to start with word training. For 25 years, a small group of co-workers have worked quietly to serve every participant. We hope to integrate resources by discovering, connecting, nurturing, and circulating talents, money, and information, and focus on three aspects of ministry: written media, online camps, and digital transformation to expand the kingdom of God.

Our mission is to implement Kingdom values in every decision, every situation, and every challenge in life. Inspire and guide each participant to use creative and forward-looking ways to exert personal influence in culture and community and become a blessing to others.

Starting from 2021, KRC will hire two young full-time staff. We have seen the results of ministry development, but it also brings great challenges. KRC is currently standing at an extremely difficult and critical moment. This year's budget is US$400,000, but as of April, it has only received less than US$40,000 in donations. In the past, we have seen the wonderful guidance and provision of Father God again and again. Now, on the one hand, we wait with faith for God to show miracles again through knowledgeable people like you, but at the same time, we also listen carefully and obey the Lord completely. Through unprecedented In view of the financial crisis, we must show our sincerity to the KRC team.

At the moment of writing this article, I received the news that our beloved teacher Liu Yongling experienced a brief illness and was taken back to heaven by the Lord who loved her in the spring when flowers were blooming. Guo Yuanping and Liu Yongling, a model of loving couple, have been co-workers of KRC for more than 20 years, and we are extremely reluctant to part with them. Please be sure to pray for Teacher Guo who is left alone.

Lily Yang