Issue 50
Kingdom Neighbors

From negative to positive

【Whispers from the Shepherd】

Negative thoughts are pervasive

It is said that each person has an average of 5,000 negative thoughts a day, and athletes are healthier and have 3,000 negative thoughts a day. If you can turn negatives into positives, then you will be a happy person, others will like to be close to you, you will infect people, you will bring heaven to earth, and you will be a rare species on earth.

You don’t believe there are really so many negative thoughts, do you? So some people try it, and start counting from the moment they open their eyes: I don’t want to get up, I’m too tired, I really don’t want to; the weather is bad, there are so many things to do, I’m bored to death; I have to face that annoying colleague again, and I have to submit a report. To that unreasonable boss, who likes me...? If the boss says on Friday, "Come to my office at 10 a.m. on Monday," then the weekend may be sad. Who would think the best?

I believe in the Lord myself, and the shadow of being punished for my mistakes as a child is still there, so when I feel pain somewhere, my first thought is: "Is it cancer? Is God punishing me?" As for my wife, Mijin, I always feel that God is punishing me. The benefits will come to others, but not to her, because her father is a doctor and is too busy helping others, so it is not her turn.

Past experiences often affect us, and even now, some wounds hurt and react when touched. And now? If you refuse to let go of the unfair treatment at the company or the unpleasant things at home, your state of mind will be like a clogged ditch, with a stink that overflows, and people will pinch their noses and quickly avoid it. Have you ever seen a father who is cynical and speaks only negatively? He lectured his children and was strongly dissatisfied with the government and criticized society. The children listened obediently, but one by one they ran away, and only the last one couldn't escape, so he had to listen to the end.

Today you are a new creation in the Lord, and you have heavenly resources to be positive. This is what I know of Pastor Tianren Yun. When he was imprisoned in a prison for serious criminals, everyone sang sad songs without any hope. He changed the lyrics and sang with spirit, leading many people to believe in the Lord. I have known him for thirteen years and have never heard him criticize anyone. He said great things, all very positive: "I am not a taxi driver. I am paid to go wherever I am told. I am a pilot in heaven! No one pays me a salary. The cross is always mine. steering wheel, I step on the path of Jesus, obeying the Holy Spirit as the heavenly guide.”

"Don't look at your scar anymore, it's already dawn."

"Live for God to see, and die for others to see. Live, dedicate yourself to the Lord, serve the Lord, get close to the Lord, shed tears before God, and show God. Don't react to other people's criticism, slander, and offense, and die for others to see. Because Who called me? It’s God, not man, so I’m not afraid of scolding, slander, and criticism. It doesn’t matter. I’m not trash. I’m a flower, so I’m surrounded by bees and butterflies, not flies and mosquitoes. !”

“I don’t have to compete with others for the throne, I already reign with Christ.”

"Seventy years old is nothing. It's still early. Keep dreaming. The older you get, the more valuable you are!"

Recently, I have been counseling couples on issues, and I have found that they are all very similar whether in the United States, China or Taiwan. For example, the wife is capable, only focuses on her husband's shortcomings, hates him for drinking, engaging in stocks, not believing in Jesus, not loving her, etc. She rarely says a word of praise, honor or encouragement. But I do see that this husband has many advantages, so I advise this wife to give it a try, find out his advantages, say some kind words, encourage him, take the initiative to hug him, look at him, express love, and then see if he can Change?

Once I was having dinner with a father in a restaurant. He was always worried that his son would not study well enough and would not be able to get into a good high school or a good university in the future. He was always negative, so the relationship with his son was tense. I shared it with the father to help him see the child's talent and potential from another perspective. When he came downstairs after dinner, he said, "No one has ever enlightened me like this. I feel much better."

How can we be positive?

So how can you be positive? I think there are two important points (which are also the two most important points in the Christian faith. If any Christian does not obtain these two points, he has not obtained the greatest and most basic blessing of believing in the Lord), that is, knowing:

1. God is a good God, God is a good father, and the God who created heaven and earth is my father;
2. I am God’s child, I am His beloved, I am the father’s child, a prince, a princess, and a wealthy family. When I see myself this way, I can also see others positively.

My son’s family used to do this for a while: before each meal, the children would recite the proclamation posted on the refrigerator:

1. God is in a good mood
2. His love for me never changes
3. No one, nothing, or anything can separate me from His love
4. The blood of Jesus paid for everything
5. I will tell all the nations what He has done
6. I am very important
7. He made me so wonderfully
8. I was created to worship Him
9. The praise from my mouth silences the enemy
10. Wherever I go, it will be a place of complete health
11. Because nothing is impossible with God

You can also write another one yourself and stick it on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror to declare to yourself. Do the same with others, and look at your husband, wife, children, colleagues, brothers and sisters in a positive light. Write it down, say it out, or write a card and send it, or use Facebook or WeChat to be an encouragement to others. In fact, isn’t that what prophecy is? Prophecy is not fortune telling. Prophecy is about speaking God’s words and God’s truth, using God’s eyes to see the gold mine hidden behind the soil, and then speaking it out to bring edification, comfort, and encouragement (see 1 Corinthians 14:3 ). Practice in this way, develop this habit, and change your lifestyle in heaven. You will become a help to many people and bring heaven to earth wherever you go. Then you will also be a person in heaven!

Author profile Pastor Xu Zongshi is a doctor of microbiology and a master of divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago. He currently serves at the New Jersey Evangelization Center. Author of the book "Flying Out of the Bird Cage".