Issue 43
Kingdom Neighbors

Gathering back home in Munich

【Whisper of the Shepherd】13

Photo courtesy/Xu Zongshi

"Going home" is also called "walking together as a family", which connects various churches into one home. It started in Canada about 20 years ago, moved to Taiwan 15 years ago, then to Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Japan, and now it has reached Germany, South Korea, Israel. Someone asked, what is the most special thing about this "homecoming" gathering in Munich? A few things come to mind:

1. "Go home" is very similar.

Getting together again and again is like hitting the ground with arrows in the prophet's house, hitting again and again; it is also like driving up the mountain, going around and around, the scenery is still the same, but we have reached a higher level. God is moving faster and faster, and the bride of Christ is becoming more mature. Tabatha, who was in charge of worship, said: "With only two days of preparation, members from all over the world have already become one, many of them joining for the first time. This kind of unity has never happened in these years. God is waiting for us. , being equipped supernaturally. During these two days, we are not practicing songs, but aligning with God’s heart and each other. What we receive is “Look, I am going to do it.” A new thing is about to be discovered, don’t you know it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)

2. “Going home” means returning to the heart of the Heavenly Father, and becoming one with God is

During World War II, Germany did some unethical things that made them too embarrassed to raise their heads and even did not dare to fly their national flag. The oath "We will never forgive, we will never forget!" played in the Holocaust Memorial Museum has put the whole world in chains.

Now seventy years have passed (1945-2015), and Christians from all over the world have come to Germany to forgive them, bless them, and call them to enter their destiny of "Father land" that God has already given them. May they once again receive the truth of "justification by faith" accepted by the whole world, and be able to stand up again and bravely lead the revival of Europe in this era.

How is such forgiveness and blessing possible? Only in Christ! And because there are enough representatives of the nations—a critical minority—who have become a family in the Lord, they can bring authority from heaven to make what is announced on earth become a reality in the spiritual world!

Seventy years later, history has turned a page. A young German woman said that she never dared to accept her identity as a German because she was afraid of being judged. However, this time when the Jewish believers said, "We forgive, we are also willing to forget," she was free! Moreover, there were Chinese people nearby who said, "We will support you," and Japanese people who said, "We are willing to lay down our lives for you."

She said she looked into their eyes as they spoke and knew they meant it, and she found safety in God's home. She found that she needed everyone and everyone needed her. When we forgive each other and belong together, we are all free! It was done by God, it was the redemption of the cross! I watched, stunned, grateful! I know this is only possible in Christ!

▲The party scene of "Going Home" in Munich.

3. The unity between the two generations moves us the most as parents.

Hundreds of young people came to the stage to share. I can’t finish sharing in the morning, so I’ll continue in the afternoon. One person said: "It means a lot to me that the young and the old dance together in worship. The same heartbeat and the same rhythm make me feel safe and powerful. The two generations walking together call out our The identity that was once stolen is now found. God has impressed me deeply today, and I finally know who I am and who I am called to be! God is preparing a three-generation union for young people all over the world. One generation, so that the body of Christ can function fully, and no one will be lost. It really happens!"

Another said, "You applauded us when we came up just now. I don't think you deserve it. Anyone under the age of thirty please stand with me to thank your elders. We young people often feel that we need to perform in order to get the approval of our parents." We are rebellious, and rebellion means disrespect. Now we are willing to repent. We have also seen that you, like us, are imperfect, will fail, and will cry. But today we have decided to be true sons, look at you from the front, and walk backwards. , to cover you. We understand that it is because of your tolerance for us that we can see further. From today on, we will honor you, cover you, and move forward together with you."

Another added: "I believe that walking with you, the journey will be more exciting and we will be happier." Another young man said, "Not long ago, I went to New Zealand for a short-term mission and learned a lesson. The indigenous people there The leader said, "When you honor us and admit that we are the first to be on this land, it does not mean that we are superior to you, but that we can welcome you as hosts." I understand, it turns out that we are respected. Honor is the key that unites the two into one. Parents, we want to honor you today.”

At this time, the tall, thin, white-haired and oldest Swiss father Geri stood up to speak on behalf of the elders. He said: "When the Lord brought those captives back to Zion, we were like people in a dream. When you share At that time, I also let go of my own shame - today I believe that I am also welcomed by young men. "Usually after praying for young men, he would punch them hard on the chest to show encouragement, but today he did it instead. Come over and ask the young man standing in front of him to hit him in the chest with your fist, and let the young man inspire the older man.

It really is a lovely home and we all feel safe so one by one we open up and share, it’s God’s work. The enemy wants to make us orphans, but God raises up fathers and mothers, young parents, youth, youth, teenagers and children in His family. He not only restored relations between nations, but also brought generations closer together. He did what man could not do. His name is Immanuel, and He is indeed with us!

The "orphan spirit" exists in every generation and every country. Everyone is looking for father's love. Children feel that they are orphans, which comes from their parents, and their fathers' orphan feelings come from their grandparents, and their grandfathers' feelings come from early childhood. Passed down from generation to generation, the earliest source is Satan. Now, it is no longer the time to expect others or blame ourselves. It is the time for all three generations of us to come together in front of Heavenly Father and receive Heavenly Father’s love. When we are filled with the love of God the Father, then the spirit of the orphan in three generations will leave. As soon as the light shines, the darkness goes away.

▲The author (second from left) and his wife (first from left) took a photo with their "family" at the "homecoming" party in Munich.

4. Not only do countries become one, but two generations become one with each other. Jewish believers and Arab believers also welcome all nations together.

The most touching thing is that before the Jewish leader prayed for everyone, he first honored his brother the Arab and said: "Ishmael is the firstborn of Abraham, our eldest brother, and the first to be blessed by Abraham." A few simple words. What healing the word brings! Thousands of years of old hostility disappeared in an instant. 5,000 people from 45 countries in the venue, and 53,000 people from 22 countries participating online simultaneously, were bathed in the love of Christ. At this time, what appeared on the screen in front of the stage were two hands holding each other tightly up and down, and then a rainbow of covenants appeared. The sound of trumpets sounded from all corners, and the entire audience rejoiced in worship, singing "Blessed is Thy name in all the world!" Through tears, I saw Abraham and Heavenly Father looking at each other. ,Smile.

I shed tears many times during the conference. Sometimes I was moved by the worship, and sometimes the sharing on stage touched my heart deeply. After a country-to-country forgiveness was so profound, a Japanese song immediately followed: "Look up, the gates of heaven are open, we all can see with our own eyes, the beautiful flowers will be in full bloom, and the power and glory of the Lord will come. A clear spring is flowing, Although you have been sad and cried. One day, everything will end, and laughter will fill us. May the flowers, the clouds, the breeze, and the sea praise Jesus. May the sky respond, too. Sing also of His grace, His wonderful grace, His mighty grace.” I cried again.

There were also times when I cried because I thought of the stories I had read when I was a child. They were the same in both the East and the West: the common people were in dire straits, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the appearance of a wise and good king. Today we are living the story and we are still waiting. It has been exactly seventy years since the establishment of the United Nations after World War II (1945-2015). However, all efforts by people to save themselves have failed, and the world has become worse and worse. Lord, it is you we are still waiting for. May your kingdom come and may you come to reign as king! The worship song sings, "We lift you up, lift you up with all our hearts!" Yes, Lord, we desire you. Tears will not stop...

Finally, Zil briefly mentioned the operation behind "going home" and the principles of receiving God's blessing:

1. Why does God move so quickly in "Going Home"? It is because of the collective sacrifice of many people that God the Father is pleased to bless us. Like your son, you give him five yuan, and he uses the five yuan to buy gifts for you. You cry, not because of the amount of money, but because you see his sacrifice for you. There are 5,000 people coming home this time (there are still many people from China who cannot come because they cannot get visas), but God does not consider the number of people to be 20,000 or 50,000. If there were 100,000 people on the streets on earth, the noise would be even louder; but what God is looking for is not the number of people, but our hearts.

2. What people are most capable of is transforming natural rivers into artificial channels. But in "Homecoming" we insist on letting God be God and letting the Holy Spirit move, without man-made canals or dams. We have been worshiping for a long time, but when we check each other and find that the Holy Spirit is still lingering and lingering, we continue. Relax, stop, and don’t rush to arrange the next move, because isn’t His presence what we long for most? !

3. Collective anointing. There is no one to introduce the church, no one to promote the ministry, no book stalls, no titles, no one to compare the size. Just be willing to humble yourself, transcend color, race, language, and denomination, and connect with each other before the Father. One family under one head, one flock under one shepherd (a family under one head, one flock under one shepherd). And we understand that this is the anointing brought about by the obedience and breakthroughs of saints throughout the ages until now. We are reaping what we have not sown.

4. It is faith that pleases the Lord. We do not want to be like Zechariah of the New Testament. The angel of the Lord said that he did not believe; he did not look at God but only looked at himself and his wife as old. We must be like the virgin Mary who said, "I am the Lord's handmaid, and I am willing to have it done to me according to your word." God's things are not about our ability, but whether you and I believe!

There is more that can be said, but you and I will eventually understand. "Family Traveling" is a journey that is still ongoing. The ground still needs to be struck with arrows, and the mountains still need to be climbed layer by layer. God’s family is getting bigger and bigger, and our hearts are getting wider and wider. Heaven is rejoicing, Father's love is releasing (Heaven is rejoicing, Father's love is releasing). I heard a voice saying: "The bridegroom is here, come out to meet him!" "Family Walking" requires sacrifices, whether it is money, time, family, or church. The cost is huge, but we are all willing to do it. . This is a global, lovely home of East and West that God is rebuilding. Like the Garden of Eden, God saw that it was good (see Genesis 1:31). We are also grateful to be able to participate in the Lord's use at this critical moment.

Author profile
Pastor Xu Zongshi is a doctor of microbiology and a master of divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago. He is currently the senior pastor of the New Jersey Evangelization Center in the United States. Author of the book "Flying Out of the Bird Cage".