Issue 15
Kingdom Neighbors

Gideon’s Warriors Defend Marriage

In 2008, Chinese Christians in California promoted Proposition 8 and reflected on the grace and mission of protecting marriage.

▲"Yes on 8!" is the cry from the depths of the soul of the warriors who defend marriage.

“Yes on 8!” “Yes on 8!”

The sound of thousands of people shouting slogans in unison almost shook the heaven and earth. Wearing bright red shirts and holding slogans, they gathered one by one on the lawn in front of the Los Angeles City Hall. The dark clouds above our heads gradually dispersed, and the warm sun of mid-autumn spread golden gauze, covering these warriors with armor.

In the 2008 U.S. election, both parties invested a total of more than 70 million US dollars in support of the California State Constitution Amendment 8: "defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman." In the months leading up to the election, the polls were in a tug-of-war, with those who defended traditional marriage and favored No. 8 seemingly losing ground.

The war situation became urgent, so the "Southern California Chinese Christian Monogamy Alliance" and the "Alliance to Protect Marriage and Family" gathered the strength of Chinese churches and societies in Los Angeles, as well as Hispanics, Indonesians, Koreans and other ethnic groups and religions. , held this rally of thousands of people on the afternoon of November 2.

On that day, the mainstream media in the United States, World Journal and Chinese TV stations were present to record the entire process. When ethnic minorities came forward, worked together to care about social issues, and worked together to safeguard traditional marriage, they also promoted biblical truths.

Sparking same-sex marriage trend

In 1972, leaders of eighty-five gay organizations in the United States issued the "Gay Rights Platform." Since then, it has actively influenced the judiciary, education, film industry, and mainstream media to change the issue of homosexual relationships from morality to preference, and then instilled in the public the concept that this is a natural temperament.

For more than three decades, anyone who looks at homosexuals or their lifestyle in a slightly different light is immediately labeled as "homophobic" or "hater." Society is calling for tolerance, and moral truth is no longer the criterion for evaluating issues.

In 2000, 61.4% of California voters approved of including "marriage as a union between a man and a woman" in the marriage law. The mayor of San Francisco blatantly defied the will of the people and issued marriage certificates to gay people. At the same time, the marriage law was accused of being unconstitutional. Seeing that God’s institution of marriage between a man and a woman is under unprecedented attack, the Chinese church community in Southern California has begun to realize the urgency and importance of protecting marriage.

In May 2008, the California Supreme Court declared that the marriage law passed by voters eight years ago was unconstitutional. In June, it began issuing marriage certificates to gays and lesbians, causing waves across the United States and the world.

At this time, the California Attorney General included the definition of "marriage between one man and one woman" in the state constitution's referendum, and added the words "eliminate same-sex marriage." Proposition 8 suddenly became a hot topic in the US election. Following California, the Connecticut Supreme Court also ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in October of the same year. It can be seen that California takes the lead in driving social trends in the United States, and the trends in the United States can affect the world.

▲Promotional stickers in favor of Proposition 8.

Calling Gideon’s Warriors

This wave was raging. The Chinese pastors in Southern California felt the urgency of the battle and realized that Christians must go out of the church and speak out for the truth on social issues. They recommended the "World Chinese Evangelical Ministry Contact Center-American District" (referred to as the United States District) Rev. Qi Shaolin, the director-general of Huafu), serves as the chairman of the "Southern California Chinese Christian Monogamy Alliance". Qi Shaolin knew very well that the Proposition 8 battle was a spiritual battle, so he prayed earnestly to seek God’s will. The seventh chapter of the Book of Judges, which tells the story of Gideon and the three hundred warriors, comes to mind.

It is undeniable that the gay camp that opposes No. 8 is as large as the elite Midianite army. Looking around the Chinese church community that usually has little contact, it looks like the "warriors" led by Gideon. Now the organization supports any action on No. 8, which is rather hasty. An army of rabble. There is a huge disparity in power between the two sides. How to fight this battle?

However, Qi Shaolin clearly heard God’s words: “I will use these three hundred people.” Taking this as God’s call and promise, he took over the leadership position, coordinated the strength and resources of the church members, fought against the odds, and moved forward relying on the Lord.

On the other side of the greater Los Angeles area, a group of Chinese with similar views established the Alliance to Protect Marriage and Family, and elected Pastor Li Yanguang as the convener. He knows that the strength of the Chinese alone is definitely not enough. Even if he unites with other ethnic groups, he still has a small chance of defeating the big problem. The chance of success in preventing the legalization of same-sex marriage is very slim. Therefore, the "Alliance to Protect Marriage and Family" focuses on promoting all people in the world who agree with the traditional view of marriage to hold large rallies or marches across ethnic groups and religions. He sees this referendum as an opportunity for Chinese American Christians to be light and salt for the Lord. Like Queen Esther’s decision, today’s situation and position, isn’t it the grace and mission of working together with God?

Li Yanguang believes that the camp that protects marriage can create a spark that, fanned by the wind of the Holy Spirit, can burn down an entire tree, and then spread from one tree to the entire forest.

So he began to contact and promote through various channels, and planned a large gathering at the Los Angeles City Hall on November 2. The purpose is to let the media and the public hear the voice, even if it is weak, but very firm: marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

Leave the footprints of grace

The "Southern California Chinese Christian Monogamy Alliance" received support from the "Greater Los Angeles Chinese Church Workers Association" and sent a letter to the pastors in Los Angeles, inviting them to join in defending marriage and promoting the 8th. It is recommended that churches focus on four aspects:

1. A clear-focused message from the podium, boldly conveying God’s word.
The Alliance provides sermon outlines and related materials.
2. Break the concept of "sacred and secular". Christians are not worldly, but they need to be involved in the world.
3. Emphasize the importance of voting and encourage voter registration, especially elders who have been naturalized for many years.
4. Action 888: Each person prays for Proposition 8 for 8 minutes every day, and affects 8 relatives, friends, and neighbors.

▲A promotional sticker poster calling on people of all ethnic groups to participate in the "Gathering in Support of Proposition 8".

Seeing that the brothers and sisters were enthusiastically mobilized and doing their best in fundraising and publicity, and realizing the power of serving together, they increased the number of appeals affecting 8 people to 20 people, hoping to effectively exert the domino effect.

There are many mountains in front of us, but we are leaving traces of grace step by step.

First of all, the churches and institutions that Qi Shaolin contacted were already very busy with daily operations and year-end festivals, so co-workers allocated time and effort to promote Proposition 8, burning the candle at both ends, which made him unbearable.

On the way to work one day, Qi Shaolin saw two Chinese mothers, each dragging a small suitcase and holding a placard, walking slowly along the sidewalk. Traffic was rushing around, but it was impossible to miss their placard: Yes No. 8. Occasionally they would stop to take leaflets out of their suitcases and deliver them door to door.

Suddenly, he thought of the Gideon warriors again. Do these chosen ones have any unique talents? No. Jehovah separated these people and gave them the opportunity to fight for God in order to win in the name of Jehovah.

On the other hand, when Li Yanguang invited leaders of other ethnic groups to participate in promoting the rally on the 8th, it was difficult to get a positive response because they had little contact with them. The materials, speakers, and venue for the press conference were all prepared, but only a few reporters attended. Not only did it fail to achieve the publicity effect, it also severely damaged morale.

The intimidation approach used by the opposition camp is also chilling. Signs in favor of No. 8 were vandalized in the front yards of many people's houses, and cars with bumper bumpers with "Yes" stickers were scratched. Students at schools at all levels who support No. 8 are afraid to take a stand. This phenomenon also occurs in Christian universities!

When Li Yanguang called the chief shepherds, he often got no answer and left messages without reply. Among the hundreds of Chinese churches in Southern California, there are still only a few who are eager to promote No. 8. Some people think that Christians should not get involved in political activities, while others think that Christians should focus on preaching that God is love. He explained that Christians actively care about social issues and influence politics in order to demonstrate the gospel.

However, after a long day of running around telling each other, I received only sporadic responses. He reflected on the fact that he believed that marriage established by God must be maintained, and the ethics of men and women taught in the Bible could not be overturned. If he took a step back today, even if he spent hundreds or thousands of times in ten or a hundred years, he would not be able to restore it. In the quiet night, he kept praying to God to call more warriors with the same heart.

At an autumn Christian meeting, Li Yanguang and the pastor prayed for Proposal 8 together, and even cried bitterly and even cried hoarse. After the meeting, a brother asked him what substantive work he had done for No. 8, and he was speechless. So the brother expressed his willingness to sponsor the publicity expenses.

He tossed and turned that night, got up early in the morning, wrote several drafts in one breath and gave them to his publicity colleagues to create new ads and put them on the YouTube website. The "Alliance to Protect Marriage and Family" and many churches also bought a large chunk of Chinese radio time slots, and the voices in favor of No. 8 became louder and louder.

At that time, an American friend learned that Li Yanguang organized Chinese people to jointly protect marriage, and sent an email overnight to encourage this action. He said that homosexuals have always considered themselves vulnerable. When minority Chinese stand up to uphold traditional family ethics, no media will criticize them for bullying minorities. The friend also introduced other ethnic leaders and helped formulate publicity plans.

▲A Hispanic couple entered into a marriage alliance at a large gathering on November 2, 2008, witnessing the sanctity of marriage.

Make an alliance to protect marriage

November 2 is approaching, and Qi Shaolin and Li Yanguang, each representing two alliances, as well as many co-workers, are working hard to plan the details of the large gathering. Unexpectedly, the city government repeatedly issued a permit for the gathering, and ten days before the gathering, it was informed that the lawn at the scheduled venue could not be used. Even co-workers who negotiate with officials are not allowed to enter. Fortunately, the team prayed hard, and God personally opened the way, and there was no danger.

A rare heavy rain hit Los Angeles on November 1st, adding to the mood of autumn. Li Yanguang told everyone firmly in the email that day: Come rain or shine, just to glorify God.

The morning sky on the 2nd was still gloomy, with drizzle. The rain stopped for a while at noon, and before the rally started, the clouds broke and the sky opened. Tour buses one after another brought in groups of "red shirts" wearing T-shirts supporting No. 8. The lawn in front of the city hall was still fenced off, but police officers maintaining order allowed them to pass, and the rally officially began.

"Yes on 8!"

Warriors cry from the depths of their hearts to defend God’s institution of marriage between a man and a woman.

At this time, a pair of Hispanic newlyweds walked into the venue. The groom wore a straight tuxedo, and the bride put on a snow-white veil. They came to the stage, and the priest solemnized their marriage on the spot. They maintained the sanctity of their marriage with a covenant: "No matter good or bad, rich or poor, in health, I am willing to love you forever, just as Christ loves the church..." The two looked at each other affectionately, and under the witness of thousands of people, they solemnly expressed their love to God. Make an oath in front of me.

The wind blowing away the dark clouds blew by. Li Yanguang and Qi Shaolin stood at opposite corners of the square. They raised their aching hands again and shouted with everyone:

"Yes on 8!"

Voting in California ended at 8 p.m. West Coast time on November 4. In Florida, on the east coast, the vote to add the state constitution "marriage shall be between one man and one woman" was close, and the party in favor is currently in the lead. Whether it can reach the required 60% is still unknown. There are so many people in California, unless the situation is one-sided, we still have to wait to get the final result!

It was late at night, and my co-workers still refused to go to bed. Half asleep and half awake, they watched news commentators analyze the progress of the Proposition 8 vote. They each stick to the sofa, as if it is their own post, and they are not willing to slack off at all before they have received good news from the front line.

The star faded, and the dawn suddenly appeared. At this moment, the numbers 52:48 appeared on the screen, and the California Defense of Marriage Act was passed!

shoulder the mission of joining the WTO

Proposition 8 was narrowly defeated, so the Gideon Warriors can demobilize and return home! No! The war is not over yet. The other side has regrouped, filed numerous lawsuits to overturn the vote, and shows no sign of backing down.

This battle awakened the co-workers of both alliances, as well as many Christians. The raging storm of legalizing same-sex marriage cannot be resisted simply by "water and soil" and temporary sandbags. If we don't build a protective wall starting from today, a group of young votes joining in two or four years will be enough to change the general trend.

Looking back on the experience of promoting Proposition 8 over the past few months, Qi Shaolin and Li Yanguang have the same consensus - prepare early. Pastor Dai Huahua, vice chairman of the Southern California Chinese Christian Monogamy Alliance, suggested that we first start with the faith education of the younger generation and compile courses on marriage, family, and ethics based on biblical truths. Parents should also take the initiative to start discussions on social issues between parents and children, connect the truth of faith with current events, and encourage their children to enter all walks of life, like a light that shines in front of others, and exert the influence of their faith in the workplace.

Li Yanguang also hopes that North American Christians will no longer limit themselves to the Chinese living circle, but should strengthen their language skills, actively care about the political and cultural situation where they live, and become the salt of the world.

In this promotion of Proposition 8 in Southern California, the Chinese church community has worked together, and brothers and sisters have practiced the command of loving each other given by the Lord Jesus before his death, proving the power of working together. Looking forward to the future, not only the churches in the Los Angeles area need to be more closely connected, but believers in various places must also break through sectarian barriers, support each other, and unite in the camp of safeguarding the truth.

The election is over, and Christians are about to welcome Thanksgiving and Christmas. When we thank God for His grace and the opportunity to maintain our marriage, we should also remember that Jesus came into the world to build a bridge of reconciliation between holy God and filthy sinners. When our benefactor was preaching, he walked out of the temple and walked into the crowd. Isn’t this an example to you and me?

We hope that churches and believers will remember the lessons learned from Southern California and walk out of the temple into the crowd. Society needs light and salt. This is the mission entrusted by God.(The editorial team of this magazine would like to pay special tribute to the many pastors and staff teams who promoted California’s Proposition 8. Ask God to give abundant grace to strengthen the work of your hands.)

Interviewee profile

Pastor Li Yanguang has a master's degree in insect ecology from National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. He has been pastoring for 21 years. He is currently the senior pastor of Arc de Triomphe Christian Home. He has served as the convener of pastoral care, the convenor of saving the next generation, and the director-general of the Alliance to Protect Marriage and Family. He and his wife, Ms. Zhu Lili, have one son and two daughters. A life-long commitment to unity and renewal.

Interviewee profile

Pastor Qi Shaolin has joined the Salvation Communication Association (hereinafter referred to as the Salvation Communication Association) since 1976 and participates in the Tianyun Choir and other administrative and evangelistic ministries. In 1997, he was appointed as the director of evangelism ministry of the North American branch of Rescue Mission. In September 2005, he took over as the director-general of the Chinese-American Center and promoted the evangelical missionary movement and ministry of Chinese churches in the United States.