Issue 36
Kingdom Neighbors

Let’s spend the rest of our lives together

Thoughts and Enlightenments during the Retreat at Ruoge Church’s “Jinhua Ministry”

Photography/Liao Meihui

(Picture source: taken from http://soffk7. leaves-wallpapers-photos.jpg)

Rutgers Community Christian Church 1 is located near Rutgers University in central New Jersey, USA. It was established in 1979 and has a history of nearly 35 years. The small fellowship of dozens of people gradually grew into a large church with more than 2,300 people.

According to statistics from Ruoge Church, in the next five years, one-third of the Chinese and Cantonese-speaking members of the church will enter the empty nest period or retire. Seven years ago, my husband and I joined the Ruoge Church as members with our two children. When I heard this number, I was shocked because I didn’t have to wait a few more years. I was at the tail end of the “Baby Boom” train in 2013. In September of this year, we officially entered the empty nest period. Think about the good friends around you who are similar in age. In the near future, they will all join the ranks of empty nesters.

Huge national talent resources are ready for use

Five years have passed in a blink of an eye. At that time, one out of every three brothers and sisters in the Chinese and Cantonese churches that I passed by was an empty nester or a retired person. The number was quite large and impressive! How can we guide these Christians who are about to step down from their workplace and parenting responsibilities to seriously think about and arrange a meaningful second half of their lives? How to mobilize these huge numbers of outstanding talents to become resources3 in the kingdom of God? This will be an urgent issue that the church will face immediately.

Zhan Hong, the forward-looking senior pastor of Ruoge Church, promoted the establishment of a new "young" fellowship in 2012 - "Jinhua Caleb Fellowship" (hereinafter referred to as "Jinhua Fellowship"), with seven couples as the core and embracing They started with the same vision: "The life of a Christian is a life of serving God. Especially after or near retirement, one should participate in service more actively and concretely." In the church, according to the needs, the friends A mobile "Jinhua Ministry Team" was formed, and their enthusiasm and loyalty were seen everywhere in missionary work, church maintenance, gardening, transportation support...everywhere.

▲ Zhan Hong, the forward-looking senior pastor of Ruoge Church, promoted the establishment of the "Jinhua Caleb Fellowship" to encourage brothers and sisters to live a glorious golden age for the Lord.

In early November 2013, my husband and I attended the first retreat of the church’s “Jinhua Ministry Group” with excitement and freshness. The co-workers put a lot of thought into choosing a beautiful location, located at the junction of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, about a ten-minute drive from High Point State Park, along a winding road. Held at Eddy Farm on the meandering Delaware River. The environment is surrounded by mountains, rivers and maple trees, making it a good place to hold a retreat. The golden sunshine that day shone on the fiery red maple leaves in late autumn, really like the golden powder sprinkled by God. Just like the current life of the brothers and sisters of "Jinhua Fellowship", it is the most beautiful golden years.

The first program in the afternoon is "Love Your Neighbor". Because there are more than 2,000 members in the church, it is impossible to know everyone well. After playing the ice-breaking game, the 48 participants gradually became more familiar with each other. I exerted my "special power" and was able to recite the names of everyone present in just thirty minutes.

On the first night, Mrs. Zhan Liu Meilin shared information with the theme of "Working Together for the Second Half of Life." "Who shall we spend the rest of our lives with?" Mrs. Mei Lin asked the first question. Some people answered "with their significant other," some said "with the Lord Jesus," and some said "with the brothers and sisters." The answers were all correct.

Spend time with your significant other

Getting along between husband and wife is an art learned throughout life. "Give up changing the other person's mind and accept him/her!" "Let go of what you have held on to before! Complaining is not worth it and hurts your body. It takes up space in your life. Turn the page. , don’t mention the old things again!”

The scene after entering an empty nest is by no means an empty child, an empty refrigerator, and an empty bank account after paying for college. It is about entering a new chapter and a new stage of life. Let us look at our spouse with new eyes and allow the other person to explore, make mistakes, start over, and make breakthroughs. Hold hands, the couple pray together, cherish every day with your spouse, and express gratitude to God for your partner who is traveling together.

Spend time with brothers and sisters

What is "old"? "How old is old?" Mrs. Meilin's definition of "old" is: "hard, blocked, narrow" - the heart becomes hard and stubborn; old ideas become "stuck" and entangled; the mind becomes "Narrowness" cannot be changed. In short, "it doesn't move!" It is considered old.

The average life expectancy for Asian North American women is ninety-two years and for men, ninety years. From the early stages of aging (50 to 65 years old) to the final old age, there are about thirty years.

The age group of the brothers and sisters of Jinhua Caleb Fellowship is probably in the early to middle stages of aging (50s to 70s). At this stage, children and work no longer fill their lives, and many people begin to consider replacing their houses. Although we are down size, Pastor Zhan encourages us to start upgrading our mentality.

▲The ice-breaking game in the "Jinhua Ministry" retreat allowed participants to slowly become more active with each other.

How wonderful it would be to be able to inspire and influence each other with a group of brothers and sisters of the same age and with the same vision, while serving others and learning to face the approaching old age. Serving not only satisfies oneself, but also has eternal value. The more people don’t do it, the less they can do it! Don't let a stable and comfortable life turn us into "hard, stuffy, and narrow" monsters.

▲In early November 2013, Ruoge Church's "Jinhua Ministry" held its first retreat. Forty-eight brothers and sisters had the same aspirations, learned to encourage each other, support each other, and came together to serve the church and the community.

Spend time with the Lord Jesus

Grasping the hand of the Lord Jesus is the key to the second half. Life is like a football game. In the second half, the audience (colleagues, friends...) or cheerleaders (parents, children, teachers, and even spouses) may leave one by one. Only the Lord Jesus is our best cheerleader. He never abandons us, staying there until we see the Lord, and protecting us from losing at the finish line.

"Jinhua Caleb Fellowship" currently holds various lectures from time to time and participates in coordinating various services in the church and community. The fellowship carries forward its mission: to mobilize brothers and sisters from empty nesters and retirees in Ruoge Church to encourage and support each other, and to organize a ministry team to participate in church and community services.

"Jinhua Ministry Group" is a group of "happy aging people" who live energetically and are willing to put themselves aside and serve others. I am willing to join this group of brothers and sisters in their golden years, "come out in full force" and live for God together , rely on the Lord to win!

1. When the Rutgers Community Christian Church was established in 1979, it was named Rutgers Community Chinese Church in English, reflecting that all the initial members were Chinese and based on the nearby Chinese community. Burden of primary outreach recipients. However, in the early days, a young Jewish man named Han Zemin (Mitchell R. Herring) who was studying at Ruoge University joined the church and was baptized. Later, he went to Taipei to study at China Evangelical Theological Seminary and received a Master of Divinity. He is now a member of the Chinese Christian Church in Luocheng, Upstate, New York. senior pastor. As time went by, the church reasoned and understood in God: “Let all Christians in any community form a local church of Christ: that is His body, His bride, and His family.” ( Referring to the history of the church) and with the confirmation of the fruitful results of the church, Ruoge Church changed its English name to Rutgers Community Christian Church in 1999. Today it is a pluralistic church blessed by God.
2. The baby boom in the United States generally refers to the population born between 1946 and 1964 after World War II, which reached 76 million people in 18 years. 3. They have rich life and professional experience, financial stability, willingness to commit themselves, flexible time, sense of responsibility, know how to allocate time effectively, have connections and influence, and are a group of people in the kingdom of God who are still full of vitality and have endless potential. resource.

The author's profile: Liao Meihui, who has determined to be a journalist since she was a child. She is currently a special correspondent for the New South Wales "Hanxin Monthly". She has won the first prize for news reporting from the Independent Press Association in New York and has won several awards.