Issue 28
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

Please stand on my shoulders

Pang Connie recalls the mentors and disciples in her life

Interview/Lin Minwen

Photo courtesy/Pang Connie

Today, I am fortunate enough to be a preacher, missionary, and educator. I must not forget that I stood on the shoulders of many people to achieve this. If given the opportunity, I would like to continue to let others stand on my shoulders and pass on the baton of life inheritance.

▲Pang Connie and her husband became each other’s best friends, working together and enjoying each other, and also encouraged, comforted and admonished each other.

A good example of family inheritance

First, my uncle and aunt, who laid a solid foundation for my Christian life. My uncle believed in the Lord at a young age and spent his time preaching the gospel in the Midwest of the United States. Later, he and his aunt went to the West Indies for missionary work. Although we don’t have many opportunities to meet each other, during the short time we get together, I always listen carefully to what they say about God’s actions in the mission field and observe their godly attitudes, which leaves a profound impact on my heart.

After my uncles and aunts retired from the missionary field, even though they had limited financial resources, they still sponsored me to attend Bible college. This help helped me embark on the path of serving God. They use time and money carefully, and everything they say and do makes people feel that this integrity comes from an intimate relationship with God. It can be seen from them that in addition to doing the right thing when working for God, we must also pursue excellence and do our best, which requires great courage and courage.

A good husband who lives out the Lord’s love

My husband Pang Weidao is also a role model for me to inherit my life. He is the same on the outside, treats people sincerely, and never wears a mask of hypocrisy. He doesn’t force me: “You have to do this.” He just gently suggests: “Think about it.” He prays every morning. These suggestions are all received from God. Because he is so close to God, I Be willing to please Him. My husband loves God more than he loves me. He has the courage to point out my mistakes and is the best guide for my wife.

In order to avoid being partial to members, preachers often fail to become close friends with them and feel somewhat isolated. Therefore, during the thirty-five years of marriage, Wei Dao and I have become each other's best friends and co-workers. We encourage, comfort, and advise each other without violating the confidentiality of the counselees, and we also respect each other's pertinent opinions.

▲Connie Pang recalled that when she was missionary in Taiwan, Dr. Pang met regularly with fellow translators and virtually cultivated talents with her life.

A good teacher who is subtle and subtle

Wei Dao often had the opportunity to travel to various places to preach, and he met several pastor friends with whom he got along well. He was also deeply influenced by his mentor Dr. Wilcox. He loved learning and dabbled in a wide range of knowledge. His English conversation students tell me that Dr. Pang has something to say on any topic. He teaches seriously and pays equal attention to theory and practice. One student wrote in a Christmas card: "Dr. Pang showed me Jesus in his theology book."

The door to the Wei Dao office is always open to students. When I was teaching at Hobe Sound Bible College, there were female international students who often came to Wei Dao to cry out because of their relationship problems with their American boyfriends. It came to a point where he needed to carry two handkerchiefs every day, reserved for this student. Now, more than ten years after Wei Dao's death, students and church members still say to me: "He made time to talk to me," "He spent time with me," "He was like a father to me."

During his missionary years in Taiwan, Wei Dao regularly met with his fellow translators, which provided more concrete training and instruction. In addition, his influence on people is invisible and subtle. My husband has become a role model for me and my students with his life. Someone once said: "Dr. Pang carries the fragrance of Christ."

Testimony of life, joys and sorrows of service

While serving as a missionary in Taiwan, a young man from the church, Si Li, discussed marriage with his girlfriend. Because neither of us grew up in a Christian family, Sili really wanted to understand what a marriage and family life with "Christ as the Lord of my family" really is, so she asked to live with us.

During that time, Sili observed that Dr. Pang spent time praying in the morning, and Mrs. Pang cooked; we responded to advances and retreats with courtesy and love, and each prepared for Sunday sermons and Sunday school lessons, and How to make Sunday worship a priority. Daily life is as usual, without any changes due to the presence of guests.

Has Sili learned about "Christian family"? I dare not say. All I know is that he later got married and now still has a healthy and happy family.

However, not every service has a happy ending. When Wei Dao and I got married, we pastored a church in a small town in New York State. One day, Li was found drunk in the open space next to the parsonage. Because of alcoholism, Ah Li has been kicked out by his family and has nowhere to stay. Wei Dao took him into his home, hoping to give him some help. So Li moved into the basement and lived with us for about six months.

During this period, Ah Li decided to believe in the Lord, gave up drinking, found a job, and began to attend church regularly. His complete transformation was obvious to everyone, and even the town police chief came to ask Wei Dao what method he had used. He also wanted to send all alcoholics to reform.

We are full of hope for Ah Li’s future. Unexpectedly, he didn't come back one night, and there was no news for several days. It turns out that he went back to drinking again. When I heard the news, it was a bolt from the blue! Many years later, I heard repeatedly that Ah Li had returned to the right path, but I have yet to be able to personally confirm it.

▲Young Sili (first from the right) lived with Pastor Pang and his wife for a period of time. From their daily life, he understood what a marriage and family with "Christ as the Lord of my family" is.

Be dedicated to the Lord and practice it personally

Before going to Taiwan for missionary work, I served with Wei Dao at Huasong Bible College. I served as the dean of the Education Department for fifteen years, and I also served as the principal of Huasong Christian School (kindergarten to high school) for fifteen years. During this period, I established close relationships with many teachers and trainee teachers.

The belief has always been to offer the best to the Lord, and the requirements for myself, teachers, and the entire school are equally high. From observation and experience, I realized that most teachers hope to meet the school's expectations, but to get the expected results, they must fulfill their supervisory responsibilities.

Teaching plan stalled? I discuss with the teacher to see how to promote progress. The classroom bulletin board has not been updated for a long time? I lent my design book to the teacher and we brainstormed together to stimulate creativity. The teachers see that I do it myself before asking them, and that I put in no less effort and effort than they do. They are willing to cooperate, do their best, their self-confidence increases, and the more they teach, the more energetic they become.

▲When Dr. Pang was alive, the door to his office was always open to everyone. Students and church members still say: "He spent time with me" and "was like a father."

A happy partnership does not mean the absence of conflict. A teacher once applied to teach another grade. Her teaching is extremely outstanding and she has always been loved by parents and students. I believe she will be competent and lead the new class well.

However, after considering the overall situation, I thought it would be best for the entire school for her to stay at her original level, so I rejected her request - it was really a tug of war of wills. Finally, she finally put aside her opinions and accepted the assignment. Because she was willing to obey, she maintained harmony and set a good example for other teachers and students.

Of course, I have also encountered teachers who were unwilling to work hard to achieve their goals. After doing everything I could to help him, but the results were still unsatisfactory, I had no choice but not to renew my appointment. I would say to him: "I believe God has better plans for you and better preparations for school."

In the position of director or principal, guidance is a must. I adopt the "sandwich" leadership model - encouragement, correction, and expectation. I will tell the teachers about the good phenomena I observed during class visits to let them know that they are valued. During the weekly whole-school worship time, my teachers and I often wrote plays together. These hours of laughter left countless sweet memories.

I would also like to offer my shoulders

It is certainly immeasurable how much influence I have had on these fellow students, but I can be sure that I have done my best to impart to them the secrets of being a competent, God-loving teacher. After working in education for so long, the replacement rate of teachers is very low. Their faithful service in their respective positions is the greatest inspiration in my teaching career.

During those years, approximately 109 education students completed their degrees and internships, most of whom were still in the teaching field. Consider that in schools scattered across the country, in the lives of many young students and future Christian leaders, they continue to exert influence by holding on to the principles and methods they received. I think back to the teacher I met when I was a trainee teacher decades ago. From her, I learned how to be a good teacher. Standing on her shoulders when I was still young, my vision became broader and my service became broader. Now if I have a little experience, a little knowledge, and a little expertise, my shoulder would also be a place for others to stop and improve their realm of life.

Interviewee profile

Dr. Connie Palm has been engaged in education for decades. She and her husband, Dr. Edward Palm, spent ten years as missionaries in Taiwan. Currently living in South Florida, director of One Small Candle.

Author profile

Lin Minwen devotes herself to literary ministry and focuses on writing and editing.