Issue 21
Kingdom Stewardship

Supernatural Faith and Financial Management

[Investment and Financial Management and Confidence] 5

Translated by Qiu Lihua

I gave sprinting lessons to my niece Brigitte at the beach. —It was five weeks after my successful heart valve replacement surgery, while on vacation with my family. While I was demonstrating for her some of the running skills I still remembered from the championship cross-country team, I imagined myself galloping like the famous horse race, puffing out my nostrils; I even vaguely heard the distant sound of the movie " The music of "Chariots of Fire"...

Yet on that day, I could only imagine myself racing. Because I had the surgery, I had just recovered enough strength to do moderate walking. There was still a lot of edema around my lungs, which caused me unbearable pain, and I also developed a high fever shortly after. Having a high fever is not a good thing for a person who has just had a heart valve replaced. I knew that as soon as I called the doctor and told the doctor that I had a fever, I would be whisked back to the medical system for treatment. As I joked to the nurse, entering the hospital is like going through U.S. customs. Once you are admitted to the hospital, you are actually no longer in the United States.

So I couldn’t help but ask the Lord, “Why is the road to recovery so hard?” I felt the Holy Spirit whisper back, “It’s supernatural patience and empathy.”

My first reaction was: I wasn’t sure the gifts of patience and empathy were worth the painful cost. But then I thought about how these gifts have not only impacted my relationships quite positively, bringing more depth, love, and trust, but they have also infused my career with contentment, wisdom, and peace. From this, I wondered, could these two gifts also bring supernatural improvements to people in terms of financial management?

Supernatural financial patience

I love Monday mornings! Maybe it’s because I was born on a Monday morning, maybe it’s because I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in the new week, maybe it’s because it’s the start of a new week of trading in the financial markets. But unfortunately, there are also many people who wake up on Monday morning and are afraid to watch the news for fear of facing a new round of financial crisis. It is said that fear and greed rule the financial markets and this is natural, just like human nature.

That Monday morning when we were at the beach, Bridget told me that she didn't want me to intervene in her life to help advance her dating career and that she just wanted to let things take their own course. I told her that the natural process of nature is degradation and decay. This may be the same when it comes to money management. When things go our way, we naturally become lightheaded and forget about things; however, when things seem to be plummeting toward an unpredictable abyss, we can't help but panic. From this point of view, it may be supernatural to be able to remain calm in the face of money.

God is very patient with His financial planning goals. For example, in the Bible, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, which led to a long-term vision of what was going to happen in Egypt: seven years of plenty, seven years of famine, and many more years to come. God’s longsuffering is the rock on which we can stand. For example, I had a vision in 1994 that Mary and I would have two children; but it took us fifteen years of standing on the rock of promise before the vision finally came true.

Proverbs 21:5 makes it quite clear:“Those who plan diligently will have plenty, but those who act hastily will come to want.”But why do so many people always do the opposite? Because it's natural.

What world would you like to live in?

Natural Tendency Supernatural Patience
Greedy/need to receive immediately or happily receive with few conditions
Worry about the successive financial crises or use a biblical perspective, trust God, and regularly evaluate strategies and tactics for successful long-term planning
Quickly move from one popular investment to another or diversify your investments wisely using at least seven investment themes and wait patiently for the right time to enter and exit.

Supernatural Financial Empathy

I personally believe that empathy is one of the ways to gain financial wisdom. Why do you say that? Because if God gives you supernatural financial empathy, one of the first things you want to know is: What does God want you to do with the money? Maybe not give it all away, maybe invest in your education, or start a new business, or set up some kind of emergency reserve like Joseph did in Egypt.

Deuteronomy 30:15-16 says:“Behold, I set before you today life and blessing, death and disaster. I command you to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, statutes, and judgments, that you may Live and increase in number, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess it.”

The second place God will use financial empathy is to consider the financial security of your spouse or other members of your family who may be affected by your decisions. A friend of mine recently started a new company and had to sign a large lease. His wife and I both advised him not to sign the lease, but he signed anyway. As a result, the company collapsed, but the lease still had to be borne. This forced them to declare bankruptcy, and then they began divorce proceedings. Of course, I have also seen many people avoid making big mistakes in financial management simply by showing empathy to their wives' feelings.

Another place where God uses empathy is in your consideration of others. I am always amazed by the empathy of the seventy-plus generation in America. Many of them scrimped and saved money, not only to meet emergencies but also to help their children and grandchildren. What this generation has passed on to the next generation is the richest wealth in history.

Finally, having empathy for those in dire need can fill you with creative ideas to help others. I have seen many people open their doors to charitable giving and ultimately receive a profound return on their investment, achieve satisfying results, and enjoy long-term loving relationships. Some people have a wiser perspective on their financial affairs, find timely solutions to problems, and even receive unusual favors from others.

1 Peter 4:10 tells us:“Each of you is to serve one another according to the gift you have been given, being good stewards of the manifold gifts of God.”

What world would you like to live in?

Natural Tendencies Paranormal Empathy
Self-will is fulfilled or God's will is fulfilled, and there is an eternal view of the omniscient God in life.
Spend/save all for yourself or have a successful tradition of giving/saving/spending passed down from generation to generation
Make your own decisions or work with your spouse to create a relationship of harmony, trust and love.
Make sure you are well before giving charity, or prioritize charitable donations that touch your heart and have a profound impact on others over other things.

May God grant you patience and empathy and bless your relationships, career, and finances!

I would love to hear about the progress you are making in your faith and finances. Feel free to contact me via email:

Author profile

Eric Vogen, founder and CEO of Vision Capital & Management, holds a master's degree in business, holds a financial planner (CFP) certificate, and has more than 20 years of practical experience in securities investment.

Translator profile

Qiu Lihua, from mainland China, once taught in the Department of Foreign Languages of Southwest Jiaotong University. Now living in Southern California, USA, he has served at Clear Spring Valley Christian Church for many years. Like all good things.