Issue 8
Kingdom Neighbors

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth

▲Pang Zhongqi and Lin Minwen teach their beloved daughter happiness through the words of the Bible.

The grass will wither and the flowers will wither, but the word of our God will stand forever! Isaiah 40:8. "The clear children's voice echoed in the hall, it was the sound of the four-year-old daughter reciting the Bible.

From the time she started learning to speak, we found that she could hear clearly and be good at imitating. Inadvertently, there are often surprising word choices. We taught her to memorize the Bible by constantly reciting it. When she could only speak a single syllable, I asked her to learn to "fill in the blanks." For example, "ours who are in heaven-", she takes "Father".

After the age of two, her language skills improved rapidly. I often put a Bible on the kitchen counter and read to her while chopping vegetables. At that time, she could memorize longer scriptures, such as Ephesians 3:20 and 21. Of course, while teaching her, I also reviewed and recited, and both of us benefited.

The church has launched a one-year Bible reading plan, and the booklet "Water Drops Through Stone" follows, which contains the verses to be memorized every month. This booklet is placed in front of the bathroom mirror, and my husband and I read the scripture of that month over and over again every day while helping our daughter brush her teeth. Listen, she will be able to memorize it in about one or two weeks.

After memorizing the verses of the month, she would always recite them to Aunt Yang in the church. Aunt Yang's enthusiastic praise and surprised smile gave her daughter the positive motivation to continue. She even challenged Aunt Yang, "Can you memorize it?" In one year, she memorized twelve verses. Because of her learning alone, the adults around her followed suit and were blessed by the Lord.

She bit her nails for a while, and I repeatedly warned her not to. If she is bitten, answer her honestly, and both Jesus and her mother will forgive her. “Among the verses we memorize, don’t we say: ‘If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins. ⋯ ⋯‖ (1 John 1:9)

She mused, “Isn’t that like, ‘I have hidden your word in my heart so that I would not sin against you’?” (Psalm 119:11)

That's right, baby! That's it.

Journalist profile

Linda Pang, the hobbies of his youth - playing the piano and writing - are now used to serve God. Now living in South Florida, she works full-time as a "husband and goddaughter".