Issue 19
Kingdom Families

Special report of the first KRC Taiwan Cultural Practice Camp & Northern California Express

W100 Practical Writing Training Camp Student Experience

What the teacher said about "workers come before work, authors are more important than works, and sincerity is better than everything else", the Qiyi Movement, and ten tips for writing, as well as the words, examples, stories, family testimonies, short film sharing, and film appreciation used by the teacher in class , like a big hammer, bang, bang, bang, each hammer was deeply nailed into my heart, and at the same time, my life and words were tightly nailed together.

~ Chen Zhiyong

The Qiyi exercise taught by Teacher Su reminded me that I should quickly press the start button of my mind and observe the big and small people and things in daily life, from perception, reception, feeling, to generation of emotion and inspiration, and record them, because in this way, these lives can be Details are sublimated into the rich nutrients of cultivating the heart.

~Teng Peini

Teacher Su’s teaching materials are very diverse. In addition to appreciating the nature and beauty created by God through videos, there is also a thick stack of handouts and good book recommendations. He teaches us to watch the creativity God bestows on people to produce truth and goodness. , everything beautiful, learning to listen to the faint voice, climbing high and looking into the distance, and reading a lot and tastefully are very important for those who are determined to serve with words.

~Xiao Xuanting

The text camp has given me a lot of enlightenment, whether it is spiritually, reading or writing, especially how to convey the truth of Christian faith in a cultural language that unbelievers can understand. The conditions for cultivating this ability come from the core values of "workers come before work, authors before works, and sincerity above all else." The most powerful medium that can influence the lives of others is actually the life of the evangelist who sincerely reveals his Christian character.

~ Chen Huijun

Kingdom resources for Christ,
The late autumn camp will be held in Hsinchu.
Teacher Li Li’s detailed complaint:
The great ancestor Gao Chang believed in the Lord,
A shoulder pole of rice and books,
Proclaiming the name of the Lord without caring about oneself;
The Five Dynasties involved people at home and abroad,
I feel that my life is also blessed.

Pastor Lisu of Literary Camp,
His ancestors stumbled but believed in the Lord;
Since then, I have received favor and descendants,
Parents’ wedding resolutions:
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,
My family and I must serve the Lord;
Sure enough, all the brothers and sisters serve,
I feel like this when I become a family.

Paper is as heavy as an iron brick,
But there are thin nails piercing the wood,
The thin nails are like my life,
Bo Shui is in charge of a car owner.
Time, money and talent,
Five thousand gifts can become ten thousand;
The unconquered land remains desolate,
I feel the warmth of my writing.

~Lai Zhongshen

M100 leadership management workshop student experience

After attending the camp, it was like walking back to the Israelites from Mount Sinai. I tried to look at myself again through the eyes of God’s revelation: an unqualified employee may be a future leader in God’s eyes; I also looked at the Israelites God gathered around me again— colleague. I have changed a lot of communication methods, and I am more kind to myself at work, hoping to have more responsibility and methods for "things worth doing".

Thank you KRC for giving me the opportunity to spread my wings like an eagle, allowing me to meet God on Mount Sinai and be surrounded by a group of lovely righteous people like a cloud. The best way to influence people is to lead by example. Thanks to Sister Li for generously sharing her twenty years of work experience and becoming our friend. I am no longer alone in the workplace and can stand up and shine for the Lord!

~Wang Shuxian

I took a three-day leadership course and learned a lot. In the active listening exercise, we learned: "The goal of active listening is not to solve the situation, but to understand from other people's perspectives. If we reach a consensus, we will most likely be able to start talking about the next step." There are four very important aspects of active listening. The processes are "questions", "restatements", "reflections" and "summaries". Similarly, class is not just about listening. With field exercises, students can learn and use it right away!

In addition, other content, such as influencing conversations, decisive conversations, conflict resolution, problem solving, etc., are all conducted according to the "theory", "example", and "drill" modes. This learning method is really fast and effective!

~Jiang Jizhou

Participating in the KRC Management Leadership Workshop not only improved my leadership skills, but also re-examined the quality of my life.

During the three-day course, Teacher Li used her rich leadership experience to help me gain many practical concepts and tools in aspects such as "building high-performing teams", "effective communication", "problem solving" and "conflict handling". In addition, the spiritual uplifting message every morning and Teacher Li’s life testimony and example of commitment further inspired me to invest my life in the Kingdom of God.

There is an African proverb that says: "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." KRC's camp improved my leadership skills and connected me with a group of fellow travelers who are willing to commit themselves to the Kingdom of God. It turns out that, The journey of servant leadership is not a lonely one.

~Hong Zhongfu

A100 Art Appreciation and Creation Camp Student Experience

Every day at the camp was full of surprises and laughter.

Teacher Lan Hui is an ingenious guide who leads me to appreciate various arts from multiple perspectives. She also allows me to discover the malleability of art in painting, and inspires me to express my inner world with brushes.

Thanks to the teachers and partners for their support and encouragement. I hope that I can continue to explore and learn in the field of art in the future!

~Han Rongmei

For the actual creation of the art camp, we tried pencil sketching, watercolor sketching, and ink painting. What impressed me deeply during the art appreciation time was: American students have not been trained in sketching courses, but they can draw with style. Teacher Lan Hui said: "American students are generally taken to art galleries to sketch in elementary school. Famous artists If you look at the works of artists for a long time, you will naturally be able to draw them, so there is no need to teach them. "In Taiwan, it is really rare to see students going to art galleries to copy the works of painters. Instead, there are a lot of people crowded in the talent class classroom, which is a pity.

Thanks to KRC for organizing the art camp, which allowed me to rediscover the "five thousand dollars God gave me". In the past, due to my further study and utilitarian environment, I hid it. May the Lord guide me again, use my gifts in this area, turn them into a fragrant offering, and glorify Him with the gifts God has given me.

~Peng Yifan

Although the class schedule is still tight, the teacher’s witty words and guidance are always encouraging. When sketching in the wild, I lie down on the grass and paint the scenery. Although the painting is not very good, I feel the whisper of the earth, the call of the trees and the song of the birds, and I feel extremely relaxed.

Teacher Lan Hui asked each of us to draw: "My Story". After the drawing, we had to share the content. First, Mary narrated her father along with her drawing. She spoke in an emotional voice, and I turned around once in a while. Suddenly I saw a classmate behind me crying like a baby in May. I went over and patted his shoulder, saying softly, "Cry!" while handing him a tissue. After about a while, the teacher asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think of my father," he sobbed.

"I also thought of my father." The teacher actually started crying, and the students all had red eyes.

Mary continued to talk calmly. When she mentioned that her father had believed in the Lord and asked Mary to teach him to pray, "Summer saving is over and wheat autumn is over!" This sentence passed through my heart, and I thought of my father. Even at the age of twelve, I still couldn't be saved. A burst of sadness came over me, causing me to cry like a helpless baby.

The above are just some of the treasures found in the basket. If I were to go into detail one by one, I would probably have to write until dawn. I firmly believe that everything will be better when we meet again in Yunkaili, Japan and China for the second KRC Taiwan camp next year.

~Pan Jianing