Issue 13
Kingdom Neighbors

Love at first sight, lifelong commitment: An American husband begged someone to lead his wife to believe in the Lord [Case Interview] 1

Interview/Yang Hanjiahua

Wife: Li Ke (Katie), supervisor of Bells Decoration Company in Florida.

Husband: Claude Pinder, Supervisor of the Public Facilities Design Department of the Municipal Government of North Palm Beach, Florida.

▲The encounter between Li Ke and Claude Pinder opened a window for the exchange of beautiful Eastern and Western cultures, creating a multiplier effect.

"A handsome and tall young man came up to me. His blue eyes were full of affection. He said in Chinese: 'Hello!' which shocked me..." Li Ke recalled that at that time, Claude Pinder met his friend After the introduction, she came to the restaurant where she worked. At that moment of love at first sight, there was still a hint of shyness on her eyebrows. After more than three years of dating and observation, I felt that I could trust him for life, so I walked into the auditorium with him.

"When I was young, I was attracted by the characteristics of Chinese girls who are not afraid to get their hands dirty, are hard-working, and are gentle and considerate. In addition, Katie is kind and beautiful, which touched my heart even more." Claude explained the reason why he chose a Chinese wife.

Li Ke has a pair of skillful hands and is good at sewing and installing luxurious curtains customized by customers. She works sixty to seventy hours a week, sometimes staying up until dawn, and earns more than her husband. However, their accounts are combined and they share joys and sorrows without distinction.

With a good wife at home, Claude got rid of his old habit of "having wine now and getting drunk the next" and saved money to buy a new house, which was beautifully decorated.

On Li Ke's birthday, Claude wanted to give his hard-working wife a surprise. He excitedly booked a restaurant and contacted relatives and friends to celebrate her. Unexpectedly, when Li Ke found out, she said, "Why are you so public? In China, you can just boil two eggs for your birthday." She insisted on canceling the dinner and secretly gave the money saved to Claude's mother to pay the house tax.

Li Keshi was a filial piety to her parents. Claude was inspired by her and was kind to his mother, willing to cut grass and run errands for her. The foreign mother-in-law loved this daughter-in-law so much that she said, "If I choose another daughter-in-law, I'd still choose Katie!"

As for Claude, he is tolerant, cheerful and hospitable, which influenced Li to get rid of impulsiveness, stop worrying about things, and look at things positively. Claude often paid for his own air tickets, food and accommodation, and volunteered as a referee for regional and national Little League games, which moved her to be more generous and public-spirited.

Claude most hoped that his beloved wife would get closer to God and become a Christian. He often begged his Chinese neighbors to take Li Ke to church and fellowship. "However, I won't force her until she is willing to accept salvation." Seeing the frequent disasters in the world, the return of the Lord Jesus is approaching, and we don't know how long mankind will last. Where will its eternal destination be? "I extremely look forward to being able to reunite with Katie, her parents, and my family in heaven in the future."