Issue 57
Kingdom Neighbors

The martial arts champion cultivated by the children's village



A bumpy childhood, but care in the children's village

In December 1994, Jiang Jide was born in Tonglin Village, Xiaotao Town, Yong'an City, Fujian Province, China. He has a father, mother and grandfather at home. Jide's father, Jiang Yihua, is the only source of income for the family. He maintains the family by making templates, although his income is not enough. It's high, but the family is living happily.

In early 2001, Jiang Yihua was confirmed to be suffering from terminal liver cancer. My mother and grandfather went around looking for relatives and friends to raise money for medical expenses, trying to save my father's dying life, but in the end they were unable to withstand the ruthless destruction of cancer cells. Jiang Yihua passed away at the age of only 33 years old. The young Jide only remembered that his father had disappeared for a while, and he even dreamed of shouting "Dad! I want daddy!" at night. His father's death not only did not allow his mother and grandfather to breathe, but also left a pile of debts to repay. Xiao Jide has not yet recovered from his grief, but unexpectedly, bigger changes are yet to come.

A year after his father passed away, his mother was forced to remarry due to financial constraints. From then on, Xiao Jide lived with his grandfather, grandparents and grandchildren. Grandpa was old and frail, so Jiang Jide took care of him while studying. The embarrassment of his family did not affect Jide's studies at school. He was not only willing to study, but his grades were also outstanding. However, his grandfather, whose physical strength was gradually declining, was bedridden for a long time and could not take care of himself, let alone take care of Jide's daily life. The town and village cadres also I began to worry about the future life of the grandfather and grandson.

In 2005, when Jiang Jide was in the fifth grade of primary school, the Sanming Jiaosheng Huaen Children's Village went to Xiaotao Town to recruit orphan students. Wei Mingshui, then director of Tonglin Village, and Fan Guanshui, director of the Xiaotao Town Civil Affairs Office, decided to fill out the form for Jiang Jide after many discussions. Admission information. After the review, Jiang Jide was successfully accepted by the children's village. His uncle Jiang Qun and his aunt Feng Yuefang served as guardians and sent Jide to the Shenghuaen Children's Village in Sanmingjiao.

When he came to the Children's Village, Jiang Jide quickly adapted. The good environment provided by the school allowed him, who loves reading, to seize every moment to study hard. At the same time, the care of the "loving sisters" of the Children's Village and the funding of the "guardian angels" have given this child whose "father died young and mother remarried" more unforgettable care.

Excellent results, admitted to Aviation University

In the children's village, the talented Jiang Jide learned the ability to think independently and adapt to the environment. The talented Jide always stood out and ranked among the best, whether in academics or character. In 2010, Jiang Jide was recommended to the "Special Protection Class" of Sanming No. 1 Middle School, an elite class for students with outstanding academic performance in the city.

Perhaps forced by the environment in which he grew up, Jide learned to be independent very early. Not only did he think deeply, but he also planned for his own future. He knew that his grandfather was not able to support him in college, and his relatives were not wealthy. Jide knew that he could only succeed on his own. When he was a sophomore in high school, one day the school posted a "Physical Examination for Recruitment Pilots", which was an admissions poster for the aviation professional military academy. Jide looked at the information in front of him and was immediately excited. He had dreamed of being a pilot since he was a child, so he signed up immediately without thinking. Within a few days, I heard that more than 80 people had signed up in Sanming City alone. Jiang Jide didn't take it seriously. Anyway, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he had to give it a try!

First, he underwent a physical examination and physical coordination tests at Sanming No. 1 Middle School. Soon after, Jiang Jide was notified to go to Nanjing for another physical fitness review. He boldly went alone. Unexpectedly, the results of the physical examination were announced. Jiang Jide alone qualified.

When he was in his third year of high school in 2013, he was notified again to go to Beijing for a physical examination. This time, he was one of only seven people in Fujian Province who passed the test. He didn't tell anyone at home about these things, so he kept them secretly in his heart. Later that year, in the college entrance examination, he was admitted to Aviation University with a score more than 50 points higher than the average. After receiving the official admission notice from the university, Jide revealed this "surprise" to his grandfather and other relatives. Jiang Jide's blockbuster shocked the whole town. Everyone looked at him with admiration.

▲Jiang Jide (neutral) passed the Aviation University with excellent results, making the whole town look up to him.

High-pressure military training builds a tough military character

In July 2014, Jiang Jide came to Changchun, Jilin, and entered the Aviation University.

The high-intensity military training and theoretical study of the military academy were difficult for many students to accept. Jiang Jide's mature and optimistic attitude prompted him to become a small leader who enlightened his classmates. He advised everyone that only high-intensity training can build a strong physique; only proficiency can Only by mastering knowledge can theory and practice be thoroughly integrated in actual military training.

In the military academy, Jiang Jide regarded obedience to orders as the highest guiding principle and used hard training to meet challenges one after another. In the second semester of his freshman year, the school organized an 800-meter-high land skydiving. After hearing the order, Jiang Jide did not dare to hesitate and jumped off the plane. The wind whizzed by his ears. He used the theory he had learned and operated calmly, successfully. Complete the skydive and land safely. The second skydive was very scary, but with perseverance, Jide overcame the fear that had existed in his heart for a long time and completed the second skydive. Constantly summarizing and constantly challenging, he got good results in every subject for the third and fourth time...

Repay filial piety with pure feelings

His family was poor, so Jiang Jide lived frugally in school, squeezed out some money from his teeth, and went home to buy new clothes, shoes, new year goods, etc. for his grandfather during the Chinese New Year. He said to his grandfather: "Grandpa, you should take care of your health. When I graduate from college and have a salary, I will buy more things you like to eat." However, this wish was not realized.

In the second half of 2016, when Jiang Jide was in his senior year, the school notified all students to participate in a physical training course. Every student was required to attend and was not allowed to ask for leave. At this time, his uncle Jiang Qun called him: "Grandpa passed away due to illness, please come back soon."

"Should I take leave to go home or stay in school for training? Grandpa is my only relative." Jiang Jide hesitated for a long time. Based on his military nature of "absolute obedience", he just tolerated the death of his grandfather and completed the physical training without hesitation. Complete the mission.

Returning home during the Chinese New Year, Jiang Jide knelt in front of his grandfather's grave, tears welling up in his eyes. He told his grandfather the reason why he could not go to the funeral in time. The lonely and immature little Jide has now become a soldier who defends the country with dignity. Although he could not see his grandfather for the last time, But Jide’s spirit of dedication and selfless dedication was enough to comfort grandpa...

In 2017, Jiang Jide graduated and became an assistant lecturer. After receiving his first salary, he immediately reported his idea to the teacher at Shenghuaen Children's Village in Sanmingjiao - he planned to use his "first fruits of local produce" to help a student in the children's village, 3,600 yuan (RMB) per year. , to become a guardian angel, just as others were his guardian angels in the past, and he will continue to work hard to sponsor more poor students in the future to repay the society.

Jiang Jide returns to his hometown of Tonglin almost every year to celebrate the New Year, visiting relatives and friends who have helped him, and visiting relatives. He speaks and behaves appropriately and treats others with courtesy. Not only is he well received by everyone, but he has also become a role model for the local young generation to strive for self-improvement. This young man, who is currently serving in the Marine Parachuting Lifesaving Center of the Air Force Training Base, actively repays the love shown to him by the Children's Village and society by rescuing and helping others.

The power of love is that it can inspire people to stand up from the trough, cross the mountains, turn defeat into victory, and then repay love with love, so that another life can revive and rise...

(This article is excerpted from a report by Sanming Daily in Fujian, China, and compiled by Zi Min, a special author of this publication.)

Zi Min, a writer who loves to convey life stories through words. Originally from Taiwan, now living in the Eastern United States.