Issue 54
Kingdom Stewardship

a little more

[Easy Talk about Management Series]

Director Kim Eui-soo of the Family Financial Support Center once shared, "When I meet with young people during financial counseling hours, most of them are not satisfied with the jobs they are currently doing. People often say that they are in a place they don't want to be and do something they don't want to do. It feels very hard. The starting point of Christian financial management is to "work hard" in the place prepared by God, and believe that God's kingdom has taken hold in this place, no matter what. Whether the salary is high or not, hard work is important. The Bible says: "It is a gift from God to take your own portion and rejoice in his labor" (Ecclesiastes 5:19) When we find the "work" call given by God. When the time comes, financial concepts will be re-established." 1

Different from the views of the above-mentioned young people, the title of the book "A Little More - Songs of a Life Coach to Lead Disciples to Be More Like Jesus" written by Dr. Bob Abramson encourages us to learn " A little more." 2

First, let’s look at the effect of “a little bit” mathematically

0.9×0.9×0.9×0.9×0.9×0.9×0.9×0.9= 0.43046721 (1-0.1=0.9, 0.9 multiplied by itself 8 times becomes less than half of itself), which means that complaining and laziness have corroded our achievements.

1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 = 1.0 (1 multiplied by itself 8 times, it is still 1, unchanged), indicating a legalistic mentality and a religious spirit (that is, the spirit of the Pharisees), To maintain the status quo.

1.1×1.1×1.1×1.1×1.1×1.1×1.1×1.1= 2.14358881 (1+0.1=1.1, 1.1 multiplied by itself 8 times becomes more than twice itself), which means to praise everything, and if you are willing to do a little more, you can Break through the status quo, and miracles will follow them.

It can be seen that the effect of "a little more" is amazing.

Ecclesiastes 5:19 says: “This is the gift of God to take one’s own portion and to rejoice in His labor.” In other words, it is God’s gift to us to do our job well and enjoy it. blessing.

But we shouldn’t stop there. We need to go a little bit more, that is, no matter what we do, whether in the workplace or in ministry, we should be extremely diligent. As 2 Peter 1:4-8 states: “Precious and exceeding great promises have been given to us, that we might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. For this reason, give all diligence; to your faith, virtue; to virtue, knowledge; to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, temperance. Add to this patience; and to patience, add godliness; to godliness, brotherly love; and to brotherly love, add love to all men. These things will prevent you from being ineffective and unproductive in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. "As long as we do things according to God's laws, we will surely be fruitful.

How to implement "a little more" into your life?

1. In every moment, do the right response: 3

To God──To man─
More quiet, less busy; More love, less scheming;
Trust more, suspect less; give more, withhold less;
Praise more, worry less. Let go more and take control less.

2. Become a life mentor who can give “a little more”

Every parent, supervisor, or church member can be a life mentor. 4 First of all, the life teacher himself needs to be a little more like Christ, have His love a little more, and serve as a model to lead disciples (children, subordinates or co-workers); he must imitate Christ a little more, have a mature life, strong faith, and fruitful Tired.

Secondly, by helping the trainees repent and convert, build self-confidence, practice their gifts, consolidate their faith, etc., they can successfully lead believers, team members, partners, family members and subordinates so that they have a little more life of Christ.

Finally, I hope that both mentors and those being cultivated can be more committed to the following four life goals:

1. Conduct yourself worthy of the Lord. 3. Your labor will bear much fruit and bring progress to the kingdom of God.
2. Completely pleasing to God in character. 4. Know more about God and become more like Christ.

3. Industry application, draw inferences from one instance to other cases

Student: You should study carefully. If you study hard and have good grades, it will be easier to apply for scholarships and find a job after graduation. There are also people who are not very serious while studying but become the best in the business, but they all need to work hard and work harder than the average person.

Office workers: If you can do a little more than what your supervisor requires, and set work goals together with your supervisor, and try your best to achieve them; let your supervisor know the work progress and problems in a timely manner, effectively solve problems and self-assessment; respect your supervisor, and communicate with your supervisor Establish a good relationship and you will become a cadre that everyone wants to strive for.

Businessman: Make your product performance, quality, price and service a little better than what your customers require, and your business will be prosperous, because customers will automatically help you promote them.

Service providers: If you do a little more than what you deserve for your customers, such as a housing agent, when your customers complete the transaction and move into their new home, they need different services. If you can provide them, your customers will definitely recommend you if they have the opportunity.

In short, doing your job well with dedication and enjoying it is a gift from God; but if we can do "a little more", it will help us break through the status quo.

I hope that every parent and leader can have "a little more" love and patience and become a life mentor for their children and subordinates. I believe that God's presence and love will fill your home and workplace, making everything possible for you. prosper.

1: July 2018 "Lively Life" monthly magazine.
2: "Just A Little Bit More: The Heart of A Mentor" (Just A Little Bit More: The Heart of A Mentor), translated by Xiao Huifen, Tian'en Publishing House.
3: Excerpted from Lord’s Pioneer Church’s 2018-09-02 Sunday message: God’s rules for doing things—the heart of Jehovah,
4: Same as note 2.

Elder Lin Yuanchang (right) is one of the founders of Lite-on Group and served as general manager and vice chairman of the group. After retiring from the corporate world, he served as chairman of the Taiwan Christian Mustard Seed Association.