Issue 41
Kingdom Communication

first fruits

Reading about the Kingdom of God ~ Opening up the Kingdom’s vision

In the world of reading, there are two famous reading experts who are my favorite quotes: Humor master Lin Yutang said: "Reading is a kind of fun, a kind of happiness, and it is equivalent to traveling." Professor Fu Peirong of National Taiwan University said: "Reading is limited. Life communicates with the infinite world and communicates with more authors and readers."

When you read "Kingdom of God" published every quarter, can you also feel the fun and happiness? At the same time, you can also experience that scholars do not go out, but they can learn from the diverse readings of kingdom talents, kingdom outreach, kingdom culture, kingdom relations, and kingdom communities, interact with the author, and face-to-face with God to embark on a journey of faith reflection and life inspiration!

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the missionary mission of James Maya in Taiwan. Two key figures in the founding of the Kingdom of God magazine, Gao Lili and Su Wen'an, respectively recounted how their ancestors were trained as disciples by missionary Mark Maya and were able to become the masters of their families. The Lord’s beautiful faith inheritance is still passed down from generation to generation and shines brightly for the Lord. After reading "The Running River of Family Faith", it was like coming to Pastor Gao Chang and Elder Xu Chao to admire their examples of living for the Lord all their lives!

Professor Wen Yingqian, a financial expert, takes us to discuss the global environmental crisis in this issue. Its immediate impact on human life cannot be ignored! Ma Ruixin, the long-lost author of "Manage the Family and Mind" shared life reading with "Reading Everything from a Spiritual Perspective". Pastor Xu Zongshi, the author of "Flying Out of the Bird Cage" also guided us on how to share with our elders with "Good Use of Parables to Preach the Gospel" The true meaning of the gospel, etc.; every article is worthy of your thinking and spiritual response while reading, so that you can better understand and capture the surprise of "a village with dark flowers and bright flowers"!

This issue coincides with the vacancy of the executive editor of "Kingdom of God". I would like to thank Sister Xinhui, the corporate editor of the cultural unit, for being appointed as the agent in an emergency, and the corporate editors of each unit and the two art editors for their concerted efforts. I hope that every reader who enjoys this wonderful reading will not forget to pray and contribute to "Kingdom of God" behind the scenes, so that the penmen on the front line and the intercessory warriors and dedicated angels at the back can receive beautiful rewards from above. .