Issue 60
Kingdom Communication

Separated, yet together!

A letter home to readers during the COVID-19 epidemic

As I write this article, my heart is heavy. The urgent prayer in my heart is: By the time you receive the magazine, the COVID-19 epidemic has subsided around the world, your and my life will return to normal, the world will return to its original appearance, the global economy will gradually recover, and most people will Business as usual….

However, all reports and expectations are extremely pessimistic. As of early May, the total number of confirmed cases worldwide was 3,227,909 and the death toll was 232,990. In the United States where I live, more than 1 million people have become ill and 60,000 people have died. In the eastern United States, where the epidemic is most severe, we hear about friends and co-workers around us who are infected with the epidemic, and we even hear about friends and relatives of friends dying of the disease.
This most serious plague in human history is very close to you and me.

In addition, most countries must close ports and cities, close schools and non-essential business activities. While we are finishing the editing work for the 60th issue and preparing to send it to print, if you live in North America, you may not have received the 59th issue, because even if the magazine arrived in San Francisco, the mailing company was forced to go out of business. Unable to send it to you as scheduled. (But the online version has been uploaded, please go to to read the 59th issue article.)

Kingdom Resources for Christ (KRC) had to cancel or change its plans throughout the year, including spring retreats, summer literature camps, etc. At this time, we must think more seriously about why KRC exists? Before the epidemic occurred, the theme given to us by the loving Father God was "Repent, Rest, Quietness, and Trust." Therefore, when the global epidemic is on the rise, we can continue to follow His leadership with peace of mind and stability, returning to the beginning of KRC. Our mission is to use our pens, our prayers, and our lives to demonstrate the culture and values of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the past 22 years, KRC has not owned any tangible assets, and its co-workers are at home in all corners of the world, participating in the preparation of camps, or editing and producing each issue of the magazine. Therefore, except for the temporary cancellation of the camp, the editorial work of the magazine and the bi-weekly online co-worker prayer meetings continue to operate as usual without any impact.

What about the church? I was surprised to find that in the church I belonged to, everyone seemed to be more active! On the Lord's Day, through ordinary live broadcast software, individuals can meet on the computer screen in their own homes. The Lord's Day meeting spent most of the time fellowshipping, sharing, and reporting on personal situations. Pray together and listen to sermons together.

Although hundreds of people were separated, they gathered together to report in order on the ministries they participated in. Someone is responsible for calling every day to greet individuals and families in the community who need care, and someone informs everyone of the community's needs and calls for volunteers. The church has truly become a big family, with everyone sharing their needs and working together to provide various human and material resources to the community. As the Bible says: "I have made you a light to the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth." (Refer to Acts 13:47, contemporary Chinese translation)

When I browsed the articles in this issue, I found that the authors and editors really feel the same way. Each article is the best companionship for you and me who are staying at home due to the epidemic; leading us into deep personal reflection and exploring the relationship between God and man. relationship, discover the purpose and true meaning of the church, comfort our anxious mood, and inspire us to keep moving forward. We hope you will fully enjoy this issue.

This century-old plague is likely to forever change human life styles and various economic activities. As a result of globalization, human beings who originally boasted about this have realized their own insignificance and incompetence.We are convinced that no matter how the world changes, as long as God is in control, we will enjoy peace and always have hope.

Lily Yang

Lily is the founder and CEO of Kingdom Resources for Christ. After spending many years as an executive in large companies, she now serves in full-time ministry, often speaking, teaching, and leading retreats throughout North America and Asia. She also founded and runs the natural and ethical skincare and cosmetics company,