Issue 51
Kingdom Communication

sheep outside the pen

The excitement and reminder of "The Sixty-Sixtieth Boy Turns into an Adult"

John Chapter 10: 6, the Lord Jesus said: "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them here, and they will hear my voice, and they will be one flock with one shepherd." This " Who does the “sheep outside the fold” refer to? Doesn’t it include those flesh and blood relatives who account for more than 90% of the total Chinese population and live outside the church walls?

The Taiwanese TV series "Sixties Boy Turns Adult" became a sensation after it was aired from 2016 to 2017, and it also brought great stimulation and reminder to Christians who pay attention to cultural missions.

The so-called "boys in their 60s" refer to the 28-year-old protagonist Zheng in his 60s and his two cousins. They also refer to the four "old boy" brothers, including his father, who are in their 60s. This seven-episode TV series adapted from Yang Fumin's original work "Boys in Sixties" interestingly describes how these seven "boys" understand their self-identity, outlook on life and values through forced or spontaneous pursuits, and finally can truly "turn into adults" ” (grow and mature in mind).

The biggest highlight of this drama is that it breaks away from the stereotype of idol dramas about handsome men and beautiful women, and uses old houses in small towns as the setting to allow many ordinary little people to present real human nature and the greed, anger, resentment, ignorance, birth, old age, illness and death in life, and the conflicts caused by them. , helpless, ridiculous.

However, the lives of the characters in the play do not move helplessly towards cause and effect. Instead, it is like Zheng Huajia's true confession in her grandmother's farewell ceremony: "Grandma's extra breath made us stagger around!" Everyone admired her! Although she lived for more than ten days after being declared dead and lay quietly on her old bed in her old house, she was more silent than her voice. She continued to exert a strong influence in the lives of her children and grandchildren, leaving behind thousands of memories for them. Jin Nanbuy's "ethical will" pushed them past the level of "turning into an adult", leading to hope and a way out.

Of course, the "hope and way out" here refers to the characters in the play moving closer to the bright side of human nature, tolerance and goodwill from struggle and thinking, and does not involve the gospel of Christ and salvation. However, this is also the great stimulation and reminder to us. When we strive to let the truth of Christ speak to the general public, when we long for heavenly culture to inject a stream of living water into folk culture,What a need for a writing team, a new media team, a film production and performance team with solid faith, a broad missionary mind, and first-class creativity and attainments, as well as entrepreneurs from the Kingdom of God who have a vision and are willing to invest, to provide quality and quantity. They are all excellent works that allow the truth and true love of Christ to be seen, heard, loved and followed by numerous audiences!

This is also the benchmark that "Kingdom of God" has been pursuing since its inception. Over the past thirteen years, with very limited resources, we have tried our best to present to all readers, and it is nothing more than this prayer to "exploit the resources of the Kingdom of God and combine them with the Lord"!

Are you willing to devote your spiritual, human, and financial resources to join us in this major spiritual hope project of "infiltrating popular culture with the culture of the kingdom of God"?