Issue 24
Kingdom Stewardship

How to face the global turmoil?

[Investment and Financial Management and Confidence] 6

Translated by Qiu Lihua

The global situation has been turbulent recently. The recent natural disasters that occurred one after another in Japan, Australia and other regions have left many lives devastated and devastated, making people cry with sympathy. Although the situation in the Middle East and North Africa has improved, the painful scenes of war and overturning are disturbing. As for the continuing impact of the economic crisis, the U.S. government's fiscal deficit has increased sharply, the value of the U.S. dollar has become unstable, and housing prices have continued to decline.

Seeing all these scenes, people can't help but ask: "What can I do to help?" or ask: "What impact will this have on my life?" or ask: "Is there a new economic crisis coming? Can the world handle it? ” or ask: “What impact will this have on my financial security?”

This article will seek the Lord’s guidance and explore how we can obey God’s call and wisdom in our personal lives, careers and financial management, and take practical and effective measures to face the turbulent global situation.

obey God's call

The United States is starting a new war in the Middle East, more than fifty people were killed in a riot in Los Angeles, the Soviet Union is building nuclear warheads, a hurricane is blowing off the roof of my church—it all sounds the same. Today’s news all happened in the early 1990s. I was in my early twenties at the time, and while the turmoil in the world had a great impact on me, the turmoil in my personal life almost engulfed me. At that time, I was completely contrary to God. I was working in an investment company from morning to night. The cultural values there were eating up my spiritual life every day, and my relationship with my girlfriend was on the verge of breaking up. -At that time, I was confused, numb, and lost.

Finally, one night, I was alone in my room and my mood hit rock bottom. I felt like I was being tied up with heavy chains. So with a voice I had never heard before, I shouted to God with all my strength, begging God to show me the direction: How should I deal with my relationship with my girlfriend? Where does career development go? What should I do with my life? Suddenly, I saw a vision: thousands of arrows fell off my body, retreated, passed through the ceiling, passed through the roof, and then flew into the air. These arrows flew through the atmosphere at lightning speed, entered heaven very fast and brightly, and then I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, I felt the Holy Spirit clearly telling me: 1. Propose to my girlfriend; 2. Continue to serve in the financial industry, but work in a financial services company run by Christians and leading the way.

I followed God’s leading and accepted these two calls. The turmoil in my personal life disappeared in my heart, and the global turmoil seemed to be easily controllable. I immediately accepted God’s grace in my life. Twenty years later, my marriage to Mary is still growing, and my career at a Christian financial management company is still growing. Looking back on the past, I see that all of this was the beautiful result of urgently calling on God for guidance, obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and accepting the Lord’s call and way.

seek wisdom

1. Pray and seek vision
In 1994, at a Brethren retreat in the mountains of North Carolina, a Pentecostal pastor laid his hands on my head and prayed for me in a rich voice, asking God for a vision. Immediately I saw the most beautiful vision of my future two children. This vision gave me hope and confidence because for many years we had struggled with childlessness. In 2000, another vision gave me assurance of faith. This vision was that mankind would experience an unprecedented "global communications renaissance." This communications renaissance will be characterized by instantaneous global communication and widespread free enterprise, along with unintended consequences and other uncertainties. For example, young people in the Middle East are creating a revolution, in part because of their connections to each other and to the outside world. I believe and hope that the efforts of these young people to fight for freedom will bring positive results, and I also look forward to more globalization processes.

2. Learn from history
The reason I contrast events in the early 1990s with those in the early 2010s is to show that disaster and instability have always been a part of the world. This is not to belittle the immense suffering that people have experienced, but to help us see the true nature of the matter. Looking back at everything in the 1990s, although those disasters and wars brought us great shock and horror, there were still many good things that happened from them, such as: one of the largest bull markets in the history of the stock market. I believe that as long as we are willing to let God illuminate our paths, no matter how turbulent the global situation is, doors of opportunity will still open for God’s children.

3. Act cautiously and confidently
In times of global turmoil, financial markets generally experience unpredictable swings. Whenever there is a big news story, the natural impulse is to sell stocks in order to preserve cash. However, the market may move in the opposite direction than you expect. For example, the yen rose after the earthquake; global stock markets rallied on Monday after the coalition launched missiles into Libya. It's important that you know what your core motivations are and don't just sell out of panic. Establish for yourself a set of objective criteria for selling a stock, such as: the fundamentals have changed, the target price has been reached, or a better alternative has been found - then sell.

4. Pay attention to trends
Sometimes, short-term situations develop into longer-term trends. The most recent example is the high levels of urban debt and overall fiscal deficits that worry many, coupled with rising interest rates. There are fears that municipalities and state governments will cut services, and even more that they will declare bankruptcy in the future.

In the face of longer-term trends, whether positive or negative, we have time to formulate a set of financial management strategies to protect ourselves from losses and even profit from the development of the corresponding trends.

5. Take practical and effective measures
Please study, consult and pray! Try to lock in a few major investment targets every year. Listed below are some of the investment targets my company set at the beginning of this year. Since everyone's specific situation is different, these projects may not be suitable for you, but they may be of reference value when you discuss them with your investment advisor.

✽ Use income-oriented strategies such as high-dividend stocks.
✽ Carefully explore different sectors of the bond market.
✽ Continue to pursue high-growth areas while working to manage risk. Investing in international markets also involves numerous political, economic and other risks.

Again, please note that investing in any of the projects listed in this article may involve various risks and even loss of money. No investment strategy can guarantee absolute profits or protection against losses when stock prices decline.

I hope and pray that you will be able to walk in the light of Jesus Christ, receive God's grace, and be a blessing to others in the midst of turbulent circumstances. I would love to hear your testimony for the Lord in it. Feel free to contact me by email:

Author profile

Eric Vogen, founder and CEO of Vision Capital & Management, holds a master's degree in business, holds a financial planner (CFP) certificate, and has more than 20 years of practical experience in securities investment.

Translator profile

Qiu Lihua, from mainland China, once taught in the foreign language department of the university. Now living in Southern California, USA, he has served at Clear Spring Valley Christian Church for many years. She has three sons with her husband and likes all beautiful things.