Issue 72
Kingdom Families

Express the Psalms Within You

Psalms have a specific object—God, and are the voice of human heart expressed to God; they are your “heart rate”—the special frequency that beats because of the divine. So everyone has poetry!

profound human experience

What does God want from us when he redeems us?

Jesus said that it is for people to "have life" and "abundant life" because the source of life is God. When He reconnects people with God, just like letting people connect the grape branches to the vine, then the grape branches will naturally will be rejuvenated.

There are many ways to connect, among which expressing the poetry within you is one.

Psalms are poetry, but they are not exactly what we call "poetry" traditionally and in literature.

Psalms have a specific object—God. They are the voice of human heart expressed to God; they are your “heart rate”—a special frequency that beats because of the divine. So everyone has poetry.

We like to read the Psalms of the Bible because we find that experiencing God can be achieved according to who we are. We can be real, very emotional, and very rational. There is living life in the Psalms, which makes us feel: It turns out that faith can be like this.

David, a man after God’s own heart. We found in the Psalms that he was not only a warrior who defeated Goliath, but also the king of Israel who commanded the three armies and ruled the country. We also found that he also groaned at night, like tears. It can make the bed float, and sorrow can dry up his bones.

This is a lot like our lives. There are times when we are full of courage and confidence, and there are times when we are torn apart by sadness. At any time, we can be connected to the vine, we can walk with God, experience the life flowing from Him, and then transcend the status quo and reveal the infusion of Him. life.

This is a very profound human experience and precious.

my poems

Since I got to know the Lord, I have begun to use songs in my diary to express my heart to God. It is not a literary creation, but a simple expression. The language of poetry is a bit like music. It can express the throbbing of the soul and the subtle feelings deep in the soul better than ordinary narratives.

Looking back, the Psalms are my way of walking with God and my way of clinging to Him. Lines of poetry are like stairs, taking me through many mountains and climbing through many deep valleys. Winding and winding, it becomes a spiritual path and a blessed path.

Not only that, after sharing some poems with others, I discovered that my experience was also someone else’s experience. The vision expressed in the poems called out the vision deep in others’ hearts. For example, "No More Entangled with the Dust" was deeply touched by my friends and was shared on different occasions and on the radio. This poem also won the first prize in the "Modern Poetry" competition. [Note]

No longer entangled with dust

on the dusty road

I am entangled with dust

Sometimes I think

This entanglement is the reason for going on the road

I forgot my destination

even forgot

The nickname you gave me when we set out

So I walked into the night

Entering the wallless well of chaos

You use loneliness to filter the night

A month is added to the year

One day I found myself in the wilderness

The night in the wilderness is vast and clean

People want to be far away

Starlight shines with the mysteries of the universe

You speak the language of the stars

call my heart

I miss Taichu

Missing the destination of soul

With lingering longing

I'm walking on the dusty road again

But no longer entangled with dust

My baby name opened her sleepy eyes

Longing to answer the call of Your starlight 

Note: In December 2020, the first prize of the "Modern Psalms" competition was hosted by Seeds International Ministries and co-organized by "The Christian Tribune".