Issue 52
Kingdom Communication


This year has been twenty years since the first "Essential" writing camp was held in 1999 at the Envoy Farm in Leyuan Town, Pennsylvania, and the subsequent "Kingdom of God" cultural practice camp. At that time, a small literary camp was held just to cultivate more outstanding literary people. However, due to Father God’s constant inspiration and guidance, it turned into a cultural practice camp that gathers every year and has various workshops. Many people’s services, paths and The direction has been changed, just like the belief and dream of "the resources of the kingdom of God are for Christ" (, truly witnessing and experiencing the "more abundant life" promised by Christ.

Every participant of the camp will be unforgettable every year. On the surface, it seems that I am serving everyone. In fact, everyone has influenced me with their lives and taught me important life lessons. Many of them have become my good friends. Because of this, I feel that I am the biggest beneficiary of this ministry. Allow me to express my gratitude here and ask Heavenly Father to reward you generously.

What I cherish the most are the many co-workers who have been with me along the way. Except for one or two full-time or auxiliary co-workers who have appeared in recent years (and they are all co-workers regardless of the cost), most of them are voluntary co-workers. And we don’t require quality just because we are volunteers. For the sake of ministry, especially the quarterly magazine, almost everyone has to stay up late, write, revise, communicate, comfort, encourage, and plead. Without the personal calling and inspiration of God the Father, no one would be able to devote themselves to this work without substantial reward for a long time. But there is an almost full-time ministry job with strict requirements and full of time and mental pressure. Over the past twenty years, we have become a close family. Thank you for your trust and honesty, which allows us to share everything, pray for each other, and support each other.

This year we are entering our 21st year. Just like a child who has just grown up, life has just begun. There are many things that need to be learned, tempered and improved, and we also need to think and plan for the future. I often wonder, what has changed in our service? The service of "Kingdom of God" can be summed up in four key points:

1. Discover and develop the gifts and talents God has given to each person to help them have an abundant life, life and service. 2. Implement the values of the Kingdom of Heaven into every decision and every situation in life. 3. Inspire and guide each participant to use creative and forward-looking ways to exert personal influence in culture and community and become a blessing to others. 4. A camp that integrates spiritual upbringing, training and leisure, and uses all-round workshops to promote the growth of body, mind, spirit and the whole person. To put it simply, the service of the "Kingdom of God" focuses on cultural values. It is easy to be ignored and difficult to understand, but it is a fundamental service. It is not easy to see immediate results, but it is a moment-to-moment expression of Christian life. The foundation of life that comes out.

Therefore, I often ask myself: Does our service really help people know more about their gifts and talents, not care about the world’s opinions, and move forward to follow Christ courageously? Does our service really help people become more willing to love their neighbors as themselves in a world where individualism is on the rise? Does it really help people know how to love themselves? Does it really help people know the truth and have true freedom? Does Light and Salt really help people see the needs of the community and exert its influence? Does our service really help people boldly follow God’s call, dare to do justice, love mercy, and humbly imitate Christ?

Christ came to change. The Christian life is meant to be constantly changing. Our prayer is that Kingdom Ministries will assist you on your life-changing journey.

Often, I cry before God and ask: What have we changed? If this ministry comes only from people, we would rather not continue it because it is just tiring. But in the past twenty years, too many wonderful things have confirmed that this ministry is God’s will. We'll just keep doing it.

You may have noticed that this magazine has changed to full color starting from issue 51. We are also preparing to continue to move forward in the direction of digitalization. In addition, this year we will return to the most classic and solid writing practice camp - the five-day and four-night "Leap of Heart and Pen" (see page 5 for details), and recruit writers to join in the writing ministry. No matter what kind of media, writing is the most basic need and effort. Whether you are just getting started or are already engaged in writing work, we invite you to participate, learn, discuss, connect, retreat, and discuss.

Finally, thank you to our supporters, whose financial support allows this ministry to continue. Happy summer.

Author profile Gao Lili is the founder and CEO of Kingdom of God Christian Association. He has served as a senior executive in large American companies for many years and is currently in full-time ministry. He often lectures and leads camps throughout North America and Asia, and is extremely responsible for training leadership and management models that are in line with God’s will.