Issue 8
Kingdom Families

Life Partners: True Confessions from the Editors of "The Kingdom of God Magazine"

[Live coverage of KRC editorial meeting]

▲The whole-day editing meeting included emotional sharing, brainstorming, in-depth review, and editorial professional development. It was solid and warm.

It is a miracle that every issue is published on time!

The founder of "God's Kingdom Magazine" (hereinafter referred to as "God's Kingdom") lives in Pennsylvania, and the special editor-in-chief is in Southern California. The twelve planning editors of the seven major units are scattered in various states in the United States and China; the executive editor and the American editor are in Taiwan. Just by adhering to the same vision and sense of mission, as well as the friendship accumulated in the cultural practice camp, we have overcome many difficulties in different times and spaces, and relied on countless emails and prayers to gather amazing collective wisdom and achievements. We also continue to learn the lessons of words, moral character, and team service in actual combat.

We met, got to know each other, and cherished each other at the Penn Literature Camp. Every editor who joins this team has been prayed and recruited by founder Gao Lili and special editor Su Wen'an to form an army. There are university professors, nursing teachers, professional women, scientists, painters, and stay-at-home mothers among us... It was founded in March 2005.

As an editor, there are definitely lonely moments, tears, challenges, difficulties, and temptations. What is the power that makes this group of writers from all over the world willing to commit themselves to completing the "impossible mission" one after another?

The editorial group meets twice a year, at the late winter and early spring class reunions and the midsummer KRC camp. This editorial meeting will be held from 9:30 am to 10:30 pm on March 2. In order to improve the efficiency of the meeting, Mr. Su Wen'an gave the editors some homework a week before the meeting. As he said: "The more preparation before the meeting, the less tired you will be during the meeting." The following is the actual situation of the editorial meeting that day.

Special Editor/Su Wen’an

"Pay attention to energy management"

If Gao Lili, the founder of "Kingdom of God", is the core figure in assembling the editorial team, then "Special Editor-in-Chief" Su Wen'an is undoubtedly the driving force behind leading us forward. During the editorial meeting, Teacher Su gave special encouragement:

"Each of us knows our position and tasks very clearly, and we are also very diligent. Therefore, the problem is not "time management", but paying attention to "energy management" (Energy Management). After energy is used up, how do we use it in our body (HQ) ), heart (EQ), spirit (SQ), and intelligence (IQ) to continuously replenish vitality, which is what we need to learn most!”

Students who have participated in the writing camp all know Teacher Su’s famous saying:"Workers come before work, authors are more important than works, sincerity is more important than anything else!"Based on this concept, the first procedure of the editorial meeting is for everyone to share their experiences in the editorial work of "Kingdom of God", their personal spiritual life, life, and service, as well as their prayer requests.

Confess your true feelings and pray for each other

In the editor group, some people still have an elderly mother to take care of at home, some have just finished a funeral, some are asking their boss for a rare vacation, some are putting down their preschool children, and some need to get approval from their husbands who leave early and come home late...every day. Everyone overcame their own difficulties and came from California, Florida, Victoria, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland in order to realize the same dream.

Throughout the morning, the editor group shared their inner world. Some people were waiting for the opportunity for their future ministry; some were troubled by physical illness; some were troubled by family relationships; some needed a breakthrough at work; and some needed to adhere to more spiritual disciplines. ⋯⋯, in this deep relationship, we dare to express our inner struggles or sorrows and share them candidly.

Any "literary person" knows what a blessing it is to find a good teacher and confidant on the creative journey! As the editorial team of "Kingdom of God", we not only have experienced senior editors as mentors. On this long road of writing and editing, we are not alone, we also have life partners who encourage and pray for each other!

Then each editor shared,The most profound learnings, the most grateful things, and the most unforgettable scenes or events since the publication of "Kingdom of God Magazine"What is it?

National Outreach Enterprise Editor/Yu Guoliang

"It's not about waiting for the rabbit, it's about digging into the tiger's den."

The traditional editor sits in the ivory tower of the office and waits. However, in order to discover themes and capture inspiration, the editors of "The Kingdom of God" often look around, listen to all directions, and use both hands and feet. In order to get the tiger's cub, go deep into the tiger's den personally!

The editors of this magazine are willing to interview prisons, Chinese restaurant kitchens, garment factories and other places that most people disdain, in order to report first-hand information with flesh and blood, so that readers can be reminded and inspired to jointly expand the great cause of the Kingdom of God. These works of sweat and tears are sure to resonate and achieve results.

We must stop and listen to the voices from heaven and earth, gain insight into the changing trends of society, and carefully feel the pulse of the times. Once you discover a good topic that is forward-looking, challenging, groundbreaking, and practical, you must plan carefully, collect information step by step, conduct interviews tirelessly, and pray constantly for God to give you a spring of literary thoughts. We are willing to leave our comfort zone and go into the crowd and the harvest field.

National Cultural Enterprise Editor/Wu Xinhui
"God Himself is doing the work of integration."

The most profound lesson I have learned since the founding of "Kingdom of God" is that the editorial team works together and supports each other, and sees that God Himself is doing the work of integration! God is willing to use me, and the love and encouragement of all my co-workers, as well as the humble and dedicated teachings of Teacher Su and Teacher Li, make me bow down and be grateful. Every time we get together, the meetings last late into the night, endless snacks, and shouldering each other's burdens, I will never forget them.

Edited by KRC and Your Enterprise/Zhao Hong
"The miracle of five loaves and two fishes still exists today."

The logo of the five loaves and two fishes in "The Kingdom of God" needs to be seen outside the limited frame of the mind. Likewise, the miracles require us to transcend limitations and release our imagination and faith before we can enter. Since the founding of "Kingdom of God", the magazine's cover design has gone through many changes, but the vision of the five loaves and two fishes has always remained unchanged.

We amateur editors scattered all over the world put the five loaves and two fishes (our limited time, energy, physical strength, and financial resources) into the hands of God, and one issue after another miraculously reached North America and the United States. In the hands of readers across Asia and Australia. Without the power of God, five loaves and two fishes could not feed five thousand people; without the power of God, the Kingdom of God magazine could not be published as scheduled.

National Relations Enterprise Editor/Jian Hailan

"Teachers selflessly teach each other, and pass on the inheritance bit by bit with patience."

The teachers selflessly taught everything they had and patiently passed on the teachings bit by bit, allowing me to truly learn many life lessons. True sharing enables us to treat each other with kindness; praying for each other enables us to weather the storms of life together; in this field, we truly become a family. This is the thing I am most grateful for on the editorial team of Kingdom of God.

From the editing work, I learned that working together with the editorial colleagues in each group and closely cooperating with the colleagues at Tian'en Publishing House is the best internship process of "workers come before work".

National Relations Enterprise Editor/Xu Yun

"Editing is a test of physical and mental strength"

Every time there is an editorial meeting, Teacher Gao Lili always provides us with the needs of our body, mind, and soul: carefully prepares sumptuous food, snacks, and gifts; collects currently well-known magazines in the United States to provide us with themes and inspiration; and pastes the names of the editorial team on the desk. Beforehand, pray for every editor. Thank God for this!

I still remember that in the fifth issue, we invited authors from Mainland China to submit articles. Due to space constraints, the articles had to be condensed from 9,000 words to 3,000 words! We discussed it back and forth through emails and phone calls for a month or two. It was unforgettable! Every time the editor receives materials from Taiwan, he has to complete the proofreading within one or two days, and the tight pace before sending it to press is a great test of my physical and mental strength.

National Community Enterprise Editor/Han Jiahua
"Experiencing endless love and grace"

The third issue of "Kingdom of God" is about to be published, and I am still anxiously waiting for Pastor Ji Fuzan's response to the written interview he sent from prison. Teacher Li Li didn't say a word to blame me for my slowness. He just instructed the executive editor in Taiwan to wait.

After receiving the response to the interview, the time limit was extremely urgent. Teacher Su was on the phone with me, calmly reviewing the manuscript word by word. Needless to say, his writing skills are superb; the generosity and kindness he showed to the characters in the incident immediately made me, a former caregiver, realize: It turns out that the pen is also a tool for social healing and pain relief, and for spreading love and grace!

National Community Enterprise Editor/Liao Meihui
"Be careful when handling the article, and be at ease after sending it out."

In 2005, during the first editorial meeting, the editorial team brainstormed to name the magazine, just like naming a baby about to be born. I was honored to participate in this historic moment for "Kingdom of God".

Thanks to Teacher Su for training us with good intentions. He once said a very practical word to me: "Be careful when the article is in your hands, and don't worry after sending it out!" I worked with Sister Jia Hua and saw her understanding of "God." She sent me relevant books, audio tapes and a stack of newspaper clippings for the article "Grace Is Enough for Me" in the second issue, which helped me successfully complete the article and benefited a lot.

National Community Enterprise Editor/Lin Minwen
"Sharing the joy of life, or sharing the sorrow of suffering"

The most profound learning is teamwork, seeing every co-worker dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to their strengths, integrating the hard work of all co-workers, and making every issue of the magazine better. The production process of the magazine is a manifestation of "Resources of the Kingdom of God for Christ". Thanks to Sister Jia Hua for your guidance and support as both a teacher and a friend, and to everyone for your tolerance and encouragement to me, a "newbie".

The editor groups scattered in the United States, Taiwan, and China expressed their concerns to each other through emails and phone calls, kept abreast of the latest situation, and shared the joy of life, or the sorrow and suffering, which I will always remember.

▲Founder: Teacher Gao Lili

Ten challenges for editors

After a delicious Italian meal at noon, I shared the "Comparison of One School and the Final Draft" from the previous issue (Issue 7) and the unit plans for the next issue in the afternoon. Finally, Teacher Li Li came on stage, and she presented the following ten challenges to the editor group.

Challenge 1. Who should be honored?If no one recognizes you, are you still willing to do it? No one remembers you, how can you still support it? Honor whom? This is the greatest temptation, not to glorify yourself, but to do it for God.

Challenge 2. PrioritizationBe worthy of God first, then be worthy of people. Entrust the right people to do the right things without having to do everything yourself. Enjoy and focus on the things you love to do, but be serious about the things you don't love and have to do.

Challenge 3. Difficulties in lifeGod often uses our problems. There are bound to be difficulties in life, including work, service, and family. The more authentic we live, the more we can touch people's hearts.

Challenge 4. Develop a hobbyDon’t be a boring Christian, be able to appreciate the beauty around you at all times. All editors need to be very familiar with the culture to know what is acceptable.

Challenge 5. Broad HeartDon't take yourself too seriously. God does not entrust me with work because I am perfect, but because I can bear each other’s weaknesses. Everyone has their own style. Don’t be self-righteous and be more forgiving, so that your horizons will be broadened and you will have affinity.

Challenge 6. Challenge yourselfIf an editor does not have a sharp vision, he cannot make the best planning. Always challenge yourself - what are the needs of this generation? How do you get along with people who have different views and backgrounds? Why do more and more children leave the church after they go to college? Have you ever thought about this question? Will readers be interested?

Challenge 7. Interpersonal relationshipsAn editor's most important resource is good relationships.

Challenge 8. Inspiration resourcesAsk God to give me a broad mind, and we will have inspiration. For example, find inspiration from TV news and magazines, find inspiration from interactions with people, and find inspiration from the people and things you come into contact with every day.

Challenge 9. Magazine PurposeI often think of the purpose of Kingdom of God magazine: forward-looking, breakthrough, challenging, and practical. First ask yourself: What do we hope to achieve? What can readers expect to know? What makes a breakthrough? Only articles written in this way are readable.

Challenge 10. Willingness to CommitBe willing to dream for the Lord. With this kind of enthusiasm, it can support you to continue on.

life partner

Finally, Teacher Li Li held dozens of English magazines as a demonstration. These magazines cover everything within and outside the church. She also presented each company with a large briefcase with more than ten compartments. It is recommended that we learn to browse different types of magazines as quickly as possible, and after weeding out the essentials, tear out the articles with reference value and put them into a bag as one of the channels for collecting themes and inspiration.

When this book "Kingdom of God" is presented to readers, I don't know how many hours of phone calls, emails, faxes, and back-and-forth discussions and revisions have gone by. From planning, invitation, writing, interviewing, review, rejection, revision, copy editor, art editor, first school, second school, third school, printing, distribution, and finally sent across the ocean from Taiwan to the United States, and then After the time-consuming and laborious process of labeling and mailing.

Looking back at the editing training given by Mr. Su Wen'an at the writing camp, he once listed ten "internal skills" to test whether he is a mature editor: spiritual power, endurance, insight, creativity, writing skills, interviewing skills, and interpersonal management. Strength, planning ability, execution ability and learning ability. Unexpectedly, now we are actually on the battlefield with live ammunition and become the editor of the "Kingdom of God" unit.

The completion of every issue of "Kingdom of God" is a miracle.We may not do it perfectly, we may have some mistakes in the proofreading, we may even be criticized, or we may not be appreciated by others even if we do a good job, but what’s the harm? Because we know the ultimate goal is to please God!