Issue 38
Kingdom Communication

Kingdom of God vs Bible of Life

The private meetings every morning often bring me a lot of light. For example: in the "Daily Bread" on October 24, the title is "Small Island". The author uses the small land and dense people in Singapore to describe a man who wrote to His fiancée visiting Singapore for the first time: "This place is small, so..."

"You should pay attention to give way to the people around you, and always step aside so as not to block other people's way. The key is to think of others."

Then, the author exhorts readers to Titus 3:1-2: "Do every good deed at all times and at all times. ...Do not slander others or quarrel; be kind and kind to all, treating everyone with humility." Everyone in the world Know that Christians should be different from others. If we are grumpy, selfish, and disrespectful, how will others view Christ and the gospel he preaches? One of the words touched my heart - "Our lives may be the only Bible that others read."

When reading each issue of "Kingdom of God", I will hunt for treasures from the catalog page, just like going to a restaurant to order different menus; sometimes it is the "kingdom talents" that attract me, and sometimes it is the focus of discussion on "kingdom culture" or "kingdom relations" that attracts me. Serve. In fact, isn't "The Kingdom of God" a "Bible of Life" that attracts those who are eager to learn and think deeply? Through diversified and in-depth reports and forward-looking vision, we bring out the style of Christians living in this world and following the footsteps of the Lord Jesus. After reading each unit, I hope you and I can learn to meditate and respond before the Lord, and be moved into prayer; we hope to be salt and light in the world, because Christian testimony and character complement each other. We are about to bid farewell to 2014. Thank God for leading the publication of "Kingdom of God" into its tenth year! We hope that we will work together in prayer, contribute money and efforts when we have the money, and fulfill the written mission of "The Kingdom of God" in this generation with a grateful heart - "Explore the resources of the Kingdom of God and combine them for the Lord's use."