Issue 45

God nourishes life, you are with me all the way

/ Meet God on the road of art /

Photo courtesy/Zhou Lanhui

I love painting and have a special liking for colors.
For me, painting is a pure necessity;
It is the most honest attitude in exploring life.
It is the most direct kind of freedom that transcends words or language.

I want to use colors and shapes to show another time and space on the canvas, where the "past", "present" and "future" are all intertwined at the same time. The interweaving creates stories that can be both fragile and brave. I want to tell the stories of my life and use them to present the seasons and tastes of life... The theme of the painting is "a relationship", which is a relationship with God, people, and nature. I believe that great and sincere art has the ability to inspire and enrich life. Especially in this era, pure art is needed to uplift and nourish people's restless hearts. I would like to learn to be a simple and humble painter, becoming a window and a pair of eyes, inviting you to appreciate another new heaven and new earth. I hope it will resonate with a smile, and I hope you can have a surprising encounter with the Creator in person.

Many people would say that the path of art is difficult! Yes, it’s quite difficult; but it’s even harder not to leave! Many years ago, I was interviewed by the "Good News True Love Blog" and was dubbed the "Happy Poor Painter". There is no problem with being happy; however, I always feel a bit negative about the adjective "poor". However, as time goes by, I gradually have different experiences and views on the word "poor". Yes, if you want to measure a person's achievements by the amount of money he makes, there is nothing wrong with that. I am a poor painter. But when it comes to "happiness", I really shout Amen from the bottom of my heart!

Because being able to live happily is an extraordinary achievement. As a daughter of God, I know that my value to God does not depend on external appearances. This kind of assurance helps me not to compare myself with others, but to focus on giving full play to my strengths and to be myself calmly.

I was once asked by a newcomer who was very talented in music: "As an artist, why can't we have a win-win situation? Is it so difficult that we can't create and make money at the same time?" As the saying goes, "Being contented and not knowing enough is what you do and what you don't do." "Knowing what you can and cannot do is the most fundamental understanding of life. Let me answer like this: "Maybe you can, but I know that I can't." Because you know that you can only focus on one thing, you don't change your ambition, and you never get tired of it, right? A heartfelt piece of advice: “You do what you have to do, and God will do what He has to do!”

I remember a teacher said: "Being an artist does not guarantee a good life, but it is a great life." (It might not be a good life but it is a great life.) I am often asked by many people: " How did you survive?" From 1995 to 2016, I have been painting full-time alone from New York to Boston for 21 years, and I have experienced many amazing graces.

In this journey like that of the Israelites into the land of Canaan, it is really like what is described in Nehemiah 9:19-21: “The pillar of cloud did not depart from them by day, but led them on their journey; and the pillar of fire did not depart from them by night, You gave them your good Spirit to teach them; you gave them manna to feed them and water to quench their thirst. You fed them in the wilderness for forty years, and they had nothing. His clothes are not worn out and his feet are not swollen."

All I can say is that God used an unimaginable guidance to allow me to experience the wonderful provision of "there is no way out despite all the mountains and rivers, and there is a bright future in every village". Looking back, I realized that it was precisely because I was in a "poor" situation that I could simply trust and look up to receive the manna from God every day.

"Crow Holding Cake" oil painting, 72″×60″, 2001

I like to draw birds, which symbolize freedom and are a commonly used symbol.

"Look at the birds in the sky. They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you much more valuable than the birds?" The birds in the painting were sent by God to feed me. The crow holding the cake. This bird is also a self-portrait, fed and fed by God! That year, I received an admission notice from Boston University. In order to raise money, I decided to go back to Taiwan to hold a small exhibition. My suitcase was filled with works. I didn’t know if I could succeed, so I asked God for an amount. I didn’t want much, just enough for one year’s living expenses. Coincidence or not, at the end, I did the math and it was exactly that number! If I had known this, I should have asked for more, (but it was also because I didn’t ask for it in vain!) The next few opportunities to win prizes were all the rain I saw when the stock bottomed out, which made my life regained. Moisturize.

An elder said sincerely and worried about me: "Son, money means courage!" According to her, I am a person without courage, but after so many years of hard work and confidence training, my "courage" has gradually increased. , gradually learned to entrust, besides entrustment, there is only entrustment - "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own worries. One day's difficulties are enough for one day." (Matthew 6:34)

"After the Bit" oil painting, 46″×38″, 2009

The inspiration for this work comes from the bruises caused by intravenous drips.

Because of an irregular heartbeat, after a visit to a family doctor's clinic, he was put into an ambulance without any psychological preparation and had to go to the hospital for round-the-clock inpatient monitoring. While the ambulance was driving, the medical staff administered an intravenous drip to me. Due to poor technique, they had to poke me several times before inserting the needle. After several twists and turns, nothing abnormal was found and he was finally discharged from the hospital. The whole process, life or death was uncertain, a false alarm! What was left was a bruise on the inner side of the arm, and the colors of the patterns became more and more colorful: purple, red, yellow, and green. It was such a colorful world. It was amazing to see. I must draw it. , thanks for being safe!

When "After the Drip" was exhibited in Taiwan, a gallery friend suggested changing the title because "After the Drip" sounded rather unlucky. For this reason, I also thought about changing the title to a pleasing one, such as "Overflowing Grace." However, after some thinking, I decided to keep it as it is, so that it can represent the original intention!

Before the exhibition, I prayed to God: "It's not easy to transport these oil paintings back and forth. Please be considerate and ask if you can sell all the oil paintings. The other sketches on paper will be easier and I can take them back..."

On the last day of the exhibition, among the oil paintings, only "After a Bit" remained unsold. Looking at the painting, I was already planning to pack up and go back home, telling myself that God has been gracious enough if one needs to be content. However, during the last tour of the gallery, a woman came up and said, "I want to buy this painting."

I can hardly believe my ears, is this true? Later I learned that she was a nurse! No wonder! Being able to connect to the story more deeply than others. (I’m so lucky that I haven’t changed my mind!) This incident gave me a deep revelation, and God also conveyed a very important message to me - to have a firm opinion in everything, as long as you do it with your heart and honesty. Painting can move people! I do what I should do, and God will do what He should do.

"Life is not easy, but still beautiful" oil painting, 72″×48″, 2006

Back then, when I was an artist-in-residence at Boston University, a student came to my studio and said with emotion: "Life is not easy but still beautiful." At that time, this girl must have been only nineteen or twenty years old, right? It is really not easy to say such a sentence at such an age, so I drew this work based on this sentence. In the garden, although the hard work of the farmer is not visible, the fragrance of the flowers and the chirping of the birds come because of him. Use this to express gratitude for life.

Someone once asked me very directly: "What contribution do artists make to mankind? If doctors, teachers, and lawyers can understand it, I really don't know what you can do? Isn't it just a painting hanging on the wall? Just for your own appreciation?" To borrow the words of a sculptor, "An artist is a person who opens windows." Also, can you imagine how depressing a building without windows would be?

There is a saying: "People become great because of their dreams." What I understand is that "people become practical because of their dreams." Man's success is not as good as God's achievement. On this road, I am grateful to God for his unique planting, provision, use, and blessing... I have made my dream come true when I was fourteen years old and determined to be a painter. Thank God, you are with us all the way! Let me understand 2 Corinthians 6:10: "For what may seem like sorrow, yet one is always happy; for what seems like poverty, yet yet one is making many rich; for what seems like one has nothing, yet yet has all things." It is what God has given us. With a new vision, I can see that there is still the sun behind the cloudy sky, and I can be my truest self through grace.

▲Seed's "Faith, Hope, Love" oil painting, 20″×16″, 2004

1 Corinthians 13:13: “Now abiding are faith, hope, and love: these three, but the greatest of these is love.”

I have you all the way

The smile in your eyes
Shine on me like the sun
this time
Totally attracted to you
Oh, love turns out
So warm, divine and sweet
full of desire
Be close to you
Like the flowers in the garden blooming for you
Because you can be so beautiful
Because of you I am willing
willing to wait for you
Like a seed waiting for silence
Waiting to enter your garden
sunrise and sunset together
I want to whisper in your ear
Count all the little moments in life
Accompany you with my fragrance
Dream together
wake up together
with my whole life
love you