Issue 61
Kingdom Families

What is it that cannot be washed away?

Thoughts on Brother Yingqian, the "Smart Man in Heaven"

Text/Su Wen’an Editor-in-chief of this magazine

Philosopher died suddenly

What kind of person is Professor Wen Yingqian, the corporate editor of the talent section of this journal (I have called him "Brother Yingqian" since we first met in 2002, and I will keep this title that is most cordial and natural to me).

On October 13, 1943, Brother Yingqian was born in the beautiful countryside of Hsinchu, Taiwan. After obtaining a bachelor's and master's degree from the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University in the 1960s, he went to Johns Hopkins University in the United States for further study, and received a doctorate in political economics in 1974. He served as a senior economist at the World Bank for more than 20 years. After retirement, he returned to Taiwan to teach. He served successively as dean of the Department of Economics and Director of the Institute of International Economics at Donghua University, and as a director of the Central Bank of Taiwan... and so on.

Honoring God and benefiting others with integrity and excellent knowledge in society is part of his life goal, and dedicating his life completely to the Lord and serving with all his heart and soul with a like-minded team is also the goal of his life. In the online "Professor Wen Yingqian's Life Gratitude Service" initiated by KRC on June 26, 2020, nearly 20 institutions were listed together. They were all Gods prepared for him by Heavenly Father at different points in his pilgrimage. Good country partners.

The beautiful inheritance of family beliefs is also a life benchmark that Brother Yingqian attaches great importance to. He has been married to his wife, Ms. Guiying, for nearly 50 years; his daughter, Faith, is engaged in pilgrim ministry with her husband in Spain; and his son, Clement, is currently a professor at the Chinese Evangelical Theological Seminary in Taiwan. There are six grandchildren.

After being diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in January 2020, Brother Yingqian went through a series of days in which he claimed to have a deeper understanding of "adversity breeds patience, patience breeds experience, and experience breeds hope." Finally, he passed away in his arms on June 11, Eastern Time, at the age of 77.

▲In the early autumn of 2018, the author (first from the right) and Professor Wen taught at the KRC camp in Taiwan.

Can you rush away? Can you rush away?

Through the wonderful and simple life story of Brother Yinggan, what does God the Father want to tell us?

The Lord Jesus described it this way in Matthew 7:24-27: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice will be likened to a wise man who built his house on the rock; the rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against the rock. The house, the house will not fall, because it has its foundation on the rock. Anyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand; the rain comes down, the floods come, and the winds blow and beat against that house. The house fell down with great force."

Brother Yingqian is indeed as described here, a wise man who "built his foundation on the rock"!

▲The beautiful inheritance of family beliefs is also a life benchmark that Brother Yingqian attaches great importance to. The picture shows Professor Wen Yingqian’s family portrait.

Under what circumstances would a house be exposed to rain, water, and wind at the same time, and be severe enough to cause it to fall apart? Of course it’s a big storm!

The sudden death of Brother Yingqian was like a big storm to the three generations of the Wen family and relatives, as well as to us old co-workers and old friends!

However, when the storm of the mind and emotions slowly subsides and settles, when the haze of pain gradually dissipates, and when the rainbow of the covenant of grace appears in the sky, we can see more clearly that there are many treasures in Brother Yingqian's life. It cannot be damaged, washed away or blown down by any violent storm!

Because, from the day we got to know Brother Yingqian, we have witnessed with our own eyes how he "hears the word of the Lord and does it", laying the foundation firmly on the rock. I imagine that when Brother Yingqian is thanking us in heaven, he will show his hearty and friendly signature smile and say to us sincerely: "Yes, I have received this. It cannot be damaged by the rain or washed away." , let alone a foundation that cannot be blown away, I sincerely hope that every one of my close relatives, friends, and good co-workers can also get it!”

▲From the founding period of the "Kingdom Resources for Christ Association" to today, Professor Wen Yingqian has faithfully accompanied the founder Gao Lili through the association's 19 years.

Working together for 18 years

In the summer of 2002, at the Messenger Farm in Paradise Town, Pennsylvania, surrounded by cornfields, I met Brother Yingqian in his prime for the first time. Already a well-known economist at the time, he followed the strong recommendation of his beloved wife Guiying, a school friend from the previous year, and humbly discussed the ministry of writing with me, a little-known teacher who was 11 years his junior. I am so lucky to have been able to work and walk with Brother Yingqian in the last 18 years of his extremely rich and exciting life.

Brother Yinggan is not just here to attend classes! From then on, he joined the ranks of literary people. In the numerous responsibilities that followed in the second half of his life, he never forgot his original intention and insisted on being deeply involved in the literary service. In addition to serving as the corporate editor and main writer of the talent section of "Kingdom of God" magazine, in addition to writing and editing books, he has also shouldered the responsibility of serving as the founding board chairman and chairman of the "Kingdom of God Resources for Christ Association" in the United States and Taiwan for many years.

In November 2018, exactly 16 years after he first participated in the literary camp, Brother Yinggan, who was already more famous than before, humbly returned to the same place to participate in the literary camp. This time, he and nine other co-workers served as a member of the "coaching team" to serve the new writing recruits. After the meeting, following Yinggan's usual style, he promptly handed over a very detailed account of his experience in retraining and serving as a member of the coaching team. He also listed in detail several goals that he believed he needed to strengthen and learn from. I never expected that that would be my last face-to-face interaction with him.

▲In the summer of 2002, the author (fifth from left in the first row) and Professor Wen (second from the left in the first row) met at Messenger Farm in Pennsylvania.

Goodbye, Chairman Wen!

Once Brother Yingqian recognizes his vision and agrees with his mission, he will devote himself to it in all aspects. At the same time, he will be strict with himself, be lenient to others, and lead by example in everything he does. He can be seen serving diligently and diligently in many ministry teams around the world.

Despite such high-intensity and high-efficiency service, Brother Yingqian has never been nervous or strict. Instead, he is known to be easy to work with and easy to get along with. There is no silence, only laughter. This is exactly what colleagues call "Chairman Wen's style." . Wherever the soles of his feet step, they always bring blessings, laughter, and good fruits! In the pre-meeting PowerPoint video of the "Life Gratitude Service", I can vividly remember each one of them, which is deeply missed! (Please go to the Kingdom of God website click Professor Wen’s Thanksgiving Memorial Page)

Just as Brother Yingqian wrote on his hospital bed a few hours before his death: "The Lord told me that your ministry on earth has been completed." Yes, Brother Yingqian has stopped running around. His footsteps put an end to the hard work of illness and medical treatment in the last six months, and he returned to his heavenly home. And what is deeply engraved in the hearts of us good friends and good co-workers, so that we will never be damaged, washed away or blown away by any storm of life and the environment, is Brother Yingqian. The enthusiasm to benefit people, the demeanor of humility to learn, the diligent and unremitting commitment, the humorous wit, the far-sighted planning ability, the spiritual, rational and powerful thinking...

▲Professor Wen’s self-drawn service blueprint.

Thanksgiving in the storm

Comparing the well-known and beloved Brother Yinggan with the teachings of the Lord Jesus on “two levels of foundation,” we cannot help but be filled with gratitude, and at the same time say to the Lord with reverence and obedience:

“Lord, You have never promised that those who follow You will not encounter storms, including the great storms of life and death with relatives, friends, and good co-workers;
Lord, thank you that in such a great storm, we allow us to re-examine the inner quality of life and see clearly whether we are like Brother Yinggan, who listens to your words and obeys them diligently;
Lord, thank You that through experiencing the epidemic, experiencing the riots, and experiencing the death of Brother Yingqian, we can take a good inventory of what treasures we have in our own lives, as well as in our families, churches, and institutions. It cannot be damaged, washed away or blown down by any storm.
From now on, let us be smart people who agree with You and practice this kind of heavenly vision, heavenly mentality and heavenly lifestyle every day until we are brothers in heaven with Your beloved and dear ones. The day we meet again! "