Issue 55
Kingdom Communication

Washing hands in a golden basin? Sustainable inheritance!

A basin of water and three pillars of fragrance. When the auspicious time comes, in the presence of all my martial arts colleagues, I pray to heaven and earth, and wash my hands several times in a basin made of pure gold. From now on, what kind of grudges will I have in the world? Not only can enemies no longer come to settle old accounts, but even relatives and friends can no longer come to me to intervene when old problems arise. ─This is a scene that often appears in martial arts novels when a gangster wants to retire. However, this kind of "washing hands in a golden basin" layoffs is by no means a inheritance model that is in line with God's will for those who serve.

In November 2018, the "Writing Practical Training Camp" in Pennsylvania, USA, was held for the first time in twenty years. In addition to me serving as the "head coach", ten outstanding alumni from previous writing camps were also recruited to join the "coaching team": Detailed explanations and drills were given before the meeting; during the five-day meeting, from early morning to late at night, forty students were carefully accompanied and guided in five groups; after the meeting, the students’ homework was revised and reviewed, and the students continued to walk with them on the road of writing. In fact, it is not that I have no experience teaching a class of more than 40 people on my own. However, this time it took so much effort to set up a structure and establish a model, hoping to inspire and cultivate the team, pass on the vision of literary ministry and literary training, and carry it forward.

Deuteronomy 34:6-9 records that Moses publicly announced and formally handed over to Joshua the important responsibility of "leading the Israelites into the Promised Land and establishing a nation." He was immediately lifted up by God himself and disappeared without a trace. 2 Kings 2:9-12 describes that as the prophet Elijah soared into the sky on a chariot of fire and horses of fire, he threw down his coat and passed on his position and double spiritual power to his beloved disciple Elisha.

Jesus Christ only preached on earth for three and a half years, but spent most of that time cultivating disciples, setting the best example for inheritance.

As for Paul’s cultivation and support of Timothy, it is also a well-known story. Judging from his earnest words and earnest teachings in the first and second letters of Timothy, we can see how sincere and urgent his heart is in passing on the inheritance. Especially the sentence, "What you heard me teach in the presence of many witnesses, entrust it to faithful men who can teach others." (2 Timothy 2:2) In just 30 words, it highlights "Paul, Timothy "Matthew, the one who teaches, the one who is taught" has been passed down through four generations, how far-sighted it is!

"Whether a leader's service is successful or not depends not on himself, but on his successors." Yes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and talented people emerge from generation to generation. Succession is an important matter for every minister. It is a beautiful thing in the kingdom of God!

In addition to the writing camp, KRC’s board of directors, magazine editorial team and administrative team, which have grown by more than ten or twenty years since its inception, all need to be passed down. The co-workers have been praying and waiting before the Lord, and they have never stopped searching...

"There is only invisible value, and there is no price that cannot be paid!" "A good soldier is not just for fighting, but for winning the war!" - In this situation, we urgently need to live out the culture of the kingdom of heaven in our families, workplaces, churches, and mission fields. , in an era that expresses the culture of the kingdom of heaven, are you willing to learn by doing under our shepherds and co-workers, and equip yourself to become an elite soldier that the Lord of hosts can use?