Issue 13
Kingdom Neighbors

The Blessing of Double Anointing: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Rev. Michael K. Pak, the Korean-American Founder of World Harvest Missions, Dr. Park Guohua

Interview/Liao Meihui

an unexpected phone call

One day seven years ago, when Pastor Park Guohua was praying as usual, an idea entered his heart. Unwilling to extinguish the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Park immediately took action and applied to relevant units to establish a missionary agency, named "World Harvest Ministry."

"At that time, I didn't know how this organization would operate and develop. I wanted to complete the application work required by the organization first. The only thing that was certain at that time was to step out of the church and help with double the blessing of anointing. Those churches in need, I believe the Holy Spirit will help me and tell me what to do next!”

A few months later, Pastor Park received an unexpected phone call. There was a special conference in Chicago. The speaker was originally a well-known Korean Pastor Choi in California. Due to temporary commitments, Pastor Qian was unable to make the trip. So the conference called through channels to invite Pastor Park to replace the absent speaker. Unexpectedly, that phone call actually became the stepping stone for the double anointing blessing of World Harvest Mission.

"I really don't know how they found me, but I have always believed that whenever someone needs it and my heart is ready, everything will come true!"

That conference was attended by many pastors from Taiwan. After the conference, a pastor from Miaoli was deeply moved by Pastor Park’s message and took the initiative to invite Pastor Park to give lectures in Taiwan. In this way, God led and opened the way step by step, and Pastor Park obeyed and followed step by step. In the past seven years, Pastor Park has traveled from Miaoli to Taitung, Pingtung, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Taipei and other places to hold many evangelistic meetings, intercessor training, healing and revival conferences, and youth leadership ministry schools.

The "Houshan Ministry School" in Taitung has entered its seventh year. Pastor Park comes to Taitung every year to teach short-term courses, working closely with local church pastors and training local youths on a long-term basis. Pastor Park said with joy, "Seeing the revival of the church in Taiwan, the transformation of young people's lives, redefining their identity, and living a purposeful life, this kind of service is so worth it!"

Pastor Park was also moved by his ministry in Tainan. "Co-workers in Taiwan pray for at least one hour every day. There are more than thirty intercessors who unite to pray for the church, the city, the country, and the kingdom of God." By "Tainan City Missionary Co-workers United Prayer During the prayer meeting hosted by the Association, Pastor Park saw that all the churches in Tainan area were united, breaking down church walls and participating in the "Unity and Harvest" prayer meeting.

In addition, churches in Tainan held a "Reconciliation, Healing, Breakthrough" evangelistic event in the auditorium of Changrong Middle School, and warmly called on Christians to "lead one person to another" to attend the evangelistic event. "I see that Christians in Taiwan are very eager to pursue and want to break through. Having such an ambition is very valuable! It also inspires me to continue to come to Taiwan every year!"

▲Pastor Park Guohua, who runs the "Houshan'er Youth Ministry School" in Taitung, said: "Seeing the revival of the church in Taiwan, young people's lives are turning around, they are redefining their identity and living a purposeful life. This kind of service is so important. It’s worth it!”

Freely received, freely given

"Why are Korean churches generally thriving? Is it related to the strong national character?"

Pastor Park’s analysis: It is not so much related to national character, but to Korea’s historical background. South Korea has been a colony of China and Japan for a long time. In its hundreds of years of national history of deep suffering, it has developed a sense of crisis and a single and cohesive national characteristic, which has also given rise to the strong perseverance of the Korean people to win.

"A hundred years ago, missionaries began to enter Korea, which indirectly led to the unity of the country and made us more aware of our identity. We are not colonies (the hearts of slaves), but children of God. We can actively enjoy an abundant life, as long as we focus on In the Lord Jesus, be willing to acknowledge and connect with Jesus’ powerful life.”

Such beliefs generally exist in the hearts of Korean Christians. They truly integrate life and faith, so getting up at four in the morning for the morning watch, going to church to pray before going to work, regular fasting and prayer, tithing, etc. These practices are natural and not surprising for Korean Christians. of.

In South Korea, the proportion of Christians is about one in four; in the United States, the proportion of Korean Christians is about one in three. An interesting saying is: Chinese families work hard to send their children to good universities; Korean families work hard to send their children to good seminaries. The real phenomenon is indeed this: in American seminaries, if you see second-generation young people with black hair and yellow skin, a large proportion are Korean.

Pastor Park said: "When I was growing up in Korea, I saw many missionaries devoting their lives to Korea in vain. Today, everything we have is obtained for free, so we must give it out for free. This is the principle of the kingdom of heaven. Missionaries use their lives to Mission, glorify God. This has been passed down from generation to generation from the early church to the present.”

100% Koreans, 100% Americans

As a third-generation Christian, Pastor Park’s journey has not been smooth sailing. When Pastor Park first arrived in Texas when his family immigrated to the United States thirty years ago, there were not many Koreans in the United States at that time. Wherever he went, people always asked him: "Are you Chinese or Japanese?"

"At first, I was always offended by such remarks because they happened too many times. I was really fed up with it. Why did no one ever ask me if I was Korean?"

Pastor Park recalled that when he first arrived in the United States, he was only seventeen years old and still had issues with his identity. "Am I a Korean or an American? Am I loyal to Korea or to the United States?"

Gradually, more truth entered his heart. A breakthrough turning point was when he thought: "Jesus is a 100% man and also a 100% God. There is no conflict between the two!" So he told himself not to be a "marginal person" anymore. "I am 100% Korean and 100% American. I am Korean, and I cherish Korean traditions more than Koreans in Korea; I am also an American, and I want to love this country to the best of my ability. More The important thing is that I am a Christian and a child of God. God is the creator of the universe and the Lord of the world. I already know my identity..." So when he was asked again whether he was Japanese or Korean, When I was a human, my heart was no longer troubled.

Last April, the shooting at Victoria Polytechnic University shocked the United States. After the incident, a Chinese lady said to Pastor Park, "Fortunately the murderer is not Chinese! Because you Koreans are stronger and Americans don't dare to retaliate against you!"

In fact, after the shooting incident, there were two extremely different reactions in the Korean Christian community. The older generation of Koreans believed that they should apologize to American society because they failed to fulfill their duty of teaching and neglected to provide psychological counseling to the next generation; The younger generation of Christians believe that this is a personal incident and does not represent the entire Korean community, so there is no need to apologize.

Pastor Park said he was extremely saddened by this tragedy. But he could understand the murderer's mood, because the murderer regarded himself as a marginalized person and had an unhealthy mentality, which led him to make wrong choices and take away more than thirty lives. In fact, this tragedy does not need to happen. The key lies in one's thoughts.

"One of the most important things I teach youth leaders is to tell them not to be "outsiders." No matter where you are, in a group, church, or country, if you regard yourself as an outsider, you will not be an outsider. It is possible to do anything, it is impossible to make any contribution, and it is impossible to succeed.”

In the "Houshan Ministry School" in Taitung, a large proportion of students are aborigines. Pastor Park repeatedly told the young people there, "You are Taiwan's aborigines and Taiwanese because you live on this land. Don't have the mentality that you are a victim. To receive double blessings from God, you Love Taiwan first and bless Taiwan!”

▲Pastor Park took a photo with the youth fellowship staff of the New York church.

God led the Israelites out of Egypt and freed them from slavery, which has always given Pastor Park great comfort. Although there are many difficulties in the missionary process, as long as you walk with God, you have nothing to fear. The thought of "identity reconstruction" has repeatedly appeared in his own life. "You must regard yourself as a "member" of God's family, slowly mature and grow in Christ, and then receive equipment and training to participate in service. The first step to being a leader is to identify yourself as a member with ownership of the kingdom of God, and then you can finally become a contributor.”

Double anointing blessing

Since the establishment of World Harvest Mission in 2001, Pastor Park has held conferences and training courses in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Argentina. As his next goal, Pastor Park hopes to go to Thailand, India and other countries for missionary work.

"Local Service and Global Ministry are the two main axes of my service." Since 1990, he has been the senior pastor of Flushing Baptist Church, a professor at New York Bible University, and a New York TV and radio program As a preacher, Pastor Park's pulpit is not limited to the Korean community. He is also often invited to preach messages in Chinese churches in the New York area.

When asked about the biggest challenge in the service process, Pastor Park said that material and financial resources are not a problem. The most important thing is how to find people who are willing to commit themselves for a long time and have the same vision, and how to gather them to grow towards the same goal and forge fruitful results. The fruit of the gospel.

"The Lord Jesus is our Captain, our General, our Commander-in-Chief, our King. He stands on the front line and declares that we have overcome, that we are His army. The Lord says we have overcome, so recognize it. We know our own identity and we are already the victorious party!”

Pastor Park challenges all Christians. God has given us the Holy Spirit. The question is: Do we want to recognize ourselves as members of the Kingdom of God? Do you truly believe in Him and follow Him closely? Have you seized the opportunity to live an abundant life?

Ask God for help! I deeply hope that we are all like Elisha who took on the mission of the gospel; may the spirit that inspired Elijah touch each of us twice as much!

Journalist profile
Liao Meihui immigrated to the United States from Taiwan in 2001 and lives in New Jersey. When I have money, I like to travel independently; when I have inspiration, I like to interview and write stories; when I have no money and inspiration, I like to read a lot. She and her husband Wang Zhiyuan have a son and a daughter.