Issue 76
Kingdom Families

Connecting Lives Through Biblical Stories

Photo courtesy/Lu Maifei, Wu Xinhui

2024KRC Spring Retreat Report

Telling Bible stories is an art

In the new green Pennsylvania Messenger Training Center, Jim and Janet Stahl led more than 40 students to open the Bible and unveil the theme of the 2024 KRC Spring Retreat - Storyline: Connecting Life through Bible Stories.

Based on the speaker’s experience, telling non-believers Bible stories will help them to empathize with God’s words, be willing to share their own stories, and resonate with the Bible. When they retell the Bible stories they hear, it is also a great way to preach the gospel.

Janet Stahl開始述說耶穌與撒馬利亞婦人相遇的故事(參考約翰福音4章)。隨著聲調、音速、刻意的停頓,加上蹙眉、仰頭、手勢,帶著大家回到兩千多年前的雅各井邊,注視著尊貴的猶太拉比和卑微的外邦女子對話。

聽眾邊聽邊思想,有畫面,有感受,分享 時沒讓麥克風靜默過:「很熱的正午,需要一口清涼的水解渴,但耶穌的湧泉活水,更好! 直到永生」;「耶穌特意經撒馬利亞地,透過一個婦女,成就祂的宣道」;「耶穌讓婦人去叫丈夫來,婦人說沒有丈夫,耶穌的回答表達出恩慈而不是論斷,婦人的情形被看見了」; 「燃燒的荊棘前,神如雷灌耳地說I AM WHO I AM;這裡,聽到溫柔聲音說I am,充滿大愛的憐憫」;「疲憊的婦人對族人擁有的雅各井非常驕傲,聽到耶穌有不渴的水卻是非常渴慕」;「婦人因有過五個丈夫,被人排斥,但她受感動後,馬上很勇敢地回去大聲疾呼」; 「腦海裡如有電影放映般,一幕接一幕,雖然從小就聽這故事,但這美麗熟悉的過程,讓我不禁為著每個圖像著色,尤其是水罐子,可以看到它的形狀、顏色和圖案」;「耶穌先知性的啟示特別觸動我」。

Janet reminds that there are disciples in the story. They saw the interaction between Jesus and the woman, and heard the Master say that He had something to eat. They were curious and confused, but they did not dare to ask. Didn’t understand Jesus until later

We must break through rigid social norms and accept all believers into the Kingdom of God.

The woman at the well was a very different person from Jesus and the disciples. So who are the others who are different from us? Another wave of enthusiasm: "I am somewhat repelled by homeless people and will avoid them. When I was serving at a charity food supply station, I mustered up the courage to talk to them. It turned out to be a very pleasant experience"; "I will reject indifference and dishonesty. , or people with different views. How to connect and love them is a big challenge"; "The controversial topic of illegal immigration cannot be viewed from a political or economic perspective. We must think about what Jesus would do"; "A woman working in the market After I found out that she was living with someone else, if she was in the market, I wouldn’t go shopping. Now that I’m aware of it, why should I judge?” “I would chat with the taxi driver and talk about missionaries or my own testimonies, or stories from the Bible. , and pray for their driving safety"; "Those who serve us, such as cleaners, nurses in rehabilitation centers, etc., are often turned a blind eye"; "My mother, who is a Buddhist, was willing to hold a memorial service for my father in the church. It was her first time to enter the church. Now she has accepted the Lord and is very eager to preach the gospel to her neighbors." "There are several homosexuals among the young people I serve. I think the LGBT community is also created by God. They should be respected and should not be labeled based on their sexual orientation. I have organized a Bible reading class, hoping to be a bridge for them to accept the gospel." "Some people who live a comfortable life often go to the food bank to receive free food. It makes me sad every time I see it. !”

Jesus crossed many barriers and went to different people groups. A conversation with Jesus changed the lives of the Samaritan woman and the villagers. Are you and I willing to go to different ethnic groups and tell them stories?

Act out the story

Jim told the story of Hagar (referring to Genesis 16) and then discussed the emotional entanglements involved. Some people blame Abram for his cowardice, Sarai for her arrogance, or sympathize with Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl who had no control over her own life. KRC founder Gao Lili pointed out that the actions of the three people all showed their vulnerability and sensitivity. Hagar became swollen after becoming pregnant because she found that she could give her master a child, which her mistress Sarai could not do in her life; Sarai had no children and gave her maid to her husband, but was looked down upon; Abram At a loss. After running away from home, Hagar walked into the hot desert. In despair, she met God's messenger at the well. God's hearing and promise greatly comforted Hagar, giving her the courage to return in order to survive.

接著分組以戲劇、桌上小劇場(desktop drama)、故事板(story board)的方式,要把故事演出來。

戲劇組中,董事錢文燾是當仁不讓的亞伯蘭,以拐杖和不時的咳嗽,演出耄耋之態;扮 演撒萊的Sophie先是溫柔,後來變臉兇悍;最 傳神的是夏甲Amy,抗拒無力,被老主人一圍巾包裹入懷。之後以嘔吐顯明懷孕了,便趾高氣揚回到主母前,將掃帚揣在地。一臉委屈逃家後,來到井邊休息。天使 Maria出現,莊嚴恩慈扶起夏甲,擁抱她,讓夏甲微笑著回家。Lucia 以鋼琴為劇情配樂, 更是急竹繁絲,緊扣人心,精彩詮釋。

故事板以圖格的方式說明故事影像的構成。Sam 的圖畫加上Livingston的敘述,人物尺寸、顏色的對比,讓平面的圖像有了深度、 廣度。桌上小劇場則以兩台筆記本電腦的桌面 圖片為故事背景,一邊是從帳棚往外看,一邊是沙漠,就地取材,說出有畫面感的故事。

Janet and Jim’s own story



When the old chief was asked about his favorite Bible story, he eloquently told the story of King Saul for 20 minutes, and even added the story of King David. Fifty years ago, when he was a child, he followed missionaries from Australia. The stories he heard at that time were still fresh in his mind and accurate even after all this time.

An Indian woman who participated in a Genesis story-telling camp met a young girl who was about to be divorced by her husband because she was still not pregnant nine months after marriage. After the woman went to the girl’s home and shared the story in Genesis 2, the girl made a covenant with her husband to be his wife forever, and the husband also promised never to divorce.

Jim and Janet have trained more than eighty language groups throughout the South Pacific, Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Americas to tell Bible stories in their native languages. This creates a sense of community, strengthens local ministries, sparks interest in Bible translation, and creates a spontaneous desire among those being ministered to.

Communication: Listen actively and ask good questions

Arctos團隊的莫博恩(Brandon Morgan)帶領溝通講座,強調「停頓; 積極傾聽;問問題;複述 (rephrase)或分類短語 (split tracks)」。其 實溝通不見得是尋求解答,所以帶著恩慈,以好奇心問開放性問題,尋求更深入的了解,不以回答是或否的封閉性問題局限談話。複述聽到的重點,確定進展的正確。內容複雜的,可以分成幾個類別。這些都是讓對方感到被聽見。

During the demonstration exercise, Brandon repeated: "I observed that you just talked about worrying a lot"; used in-depth questions: "Please say more about that matter"; used clarifying questions: "You said 'patient'" What does it mean?" The interaction is completed smoothly, helping the other party clarify the source of anxiety and find a solution on their own. Brandon finally asked how he could pray and bring communication before God.

awareness, insight, action

During Sunday worship, Pastor Su Wen’an reminded everyone of Paul’s fantasy adventure (refer to Acts 27):No matter what challenges you encounter, you must be able to observe carefully (Sight) and see everything clearly; be calm and insightful (Insight) to understand everything; respond with heart (Action) and have the ability to take action. He encouraged making a Worry List and then becoming aware of it and discerning it.

劃掉杞人憂天 不會發生的煩惱;洞察剩下的及其他的需要做出禱告清單(Prayer List);最後一定要有行動清單(Work List)。有行動清單不代表可以靠自己解決所有困難,而是另一組禱告清單,全然信靠神,讓神的大能彰顯在我們的軟弱上。

Director Xue Yueyue, who has a resonant voice, led the worship service, which included the KRC anthem, "For Christ and the kingdom, we will integrate and connect every committed warrior, open and utilize every heavenly treasure house, and willingly dedicate it to the benefactor to glorify the heavenly Father..." …”.

創辦人高俐理分享,父親高耀民牧師辭世以來的哀慟與失落,在默想中看到異象與使命,體會「人生最大的悲劇不是死亡,是活著卻沒有目的」(Myles Monroe),鼓勵以上帝的眼光規劃人生,挑戰思考「誰可以作為你生命此時的榜樣?」

During the morning update, our copy editor Lin Minwen invited everyone to count "what is in their hands" based on the miracle of five loaves and two fishes. When people are connected with things, people, and God, even if they only have a little bit in their hands, they can still bear fruit to bless people and glorify God.

Executive Editor Wu Xinhui recalled that Pastor Gao Yaomin of the Holy Church in New York cared for and pastored young international students 40 years ago. While eating, drinking, talking and laughing, a 15-year-old young girl later believed in the Lord and joined the European campus ministry. This is an example of the 2024 KRC theme "God is like me, connected in many ways, and bears good results".

The right palm is up to receive God's grace; the left palm is down to give God's story; it is connected to the neighbor's left and right hands and becomes a part of the body of Christ. I hope that you and I will continue to tell Bible stories with our lives and bear the fruit of life in the Bible.

Check out future KRC and Arctos events: