Issue 12
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

Seeing the Sky of Abraham: Suggestions for Family Travel in National Parks

▲A bird's-eye view of the highest peak and glaciers in North America, the Creator is truly a great artist! (Su Wenbo took this photo from a helicopter in Denali National Park, Alaska)

Nature is a wordless book. Observing and studying it can inspire inspiration, eliminate fatigue, and strengthen the body.
In the great "nature" created by God, we "naturally" feel closer to God.

It was pitch black between heaven and earth, and only the area illuminated by the headlights could be seen. The towering pine forest beside the road retreated rapidly, like a group of frightened mountain monsters disappearing in the darkness. The mountain road twists and turns, and within a few hundred feet it makes another sharp turn. It was just over an hour's drive from our destination, and it felt like we would never arrive. I began to regret why I didn’t set off earlier. There happened to be an open grassland in front of me, so I simply stopped the car and walked out to relax and rejuvenate my muscles.

As soon as the engine stopped and the car lights turned off, it was like suddenly falling into another world. The trees in the distance are like matchsticks standing on the horizon; the rolling mountains, in the darkness, are like Shandong steamed buns clinging to the steamer. Everything was silent. Occasionally, the sharp cries of night owls pierced the cold night sky. Far away from the bustling and bright urban area, I was surprised that there were so many stars in the sky!

Wonderful and unfathomable, supreme and unattainable

When God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, the sky seen from outside his tent was probably the same spectacle: the North Star was found from the pole star of the Big Dipper, which could not even be seen clearly. The remaining six stars in the constellation Ursa Minor also blink with the North Star. The seven sisters of the Taurus constellation are like small white balls, inseparable and incomprehensible. The Milky Way is like a white diamond-encrusted necklace, spreading from one end of the sky to the other. This is the Milky Way where our solar system is located. Looking again, another Milky Way is faintly visible in Andromeda.

Thinking of the millions of galaxies in front of us, they seem to be motionless, but they are moving rapidly with extremely regularity. If there is the slightest mistake, the gravity of the universe will attract and collide, and "the world will be in chaos" and everything will be destroyed. That is to say, we know how great the Creator we worship is; how insignificant the wisdom and wisdom that the world thinks are great are compared with the great wisdom of the vast universe! On the dark grassland, I couldn't help but kneel down and admire in my heart:

“Such knowledge is wonderful, beyond my ability to fathom;
The highest is beyond my reach.
God, please search me and know my heart;
Try me and know my thoughts. "
(Psalm 139:6, 23)

▲There are many magnificent natural landscapes in each of the fifty-four national parks in the United States, which make people marvel at the power of God.

Enjoy nature and get close to God

Nature is a wordless book. Observing and studying it can inspire inspiration, eliminate fatigue, and strengthen the body. In the great "nature" created by God, we "naturally" feel closer to God. The influence of nature is especially important for children. Take them away from the noisy streets, endless TV programs, and endless computer games to contact, observe, and enjoy nature. Children will then be able to understand the world created by God. Here, people are just one of them, how can they not be humble?

How to coexist harmoniously with nature, how to protect flowers, plants and animals, and how to avoid environmental pollution are all important life education for adults and children. Appreciating nature is an activity suitable for the whole family and suitable for all ages. When parents and children trek on the mountain road, they can not only hone their inner perseverance and outer peace of mind, but also chat about world affairs, resolve doubts, exchange spiritual experiences, etc. In the evening, gathering around the campfire and enjoying a picnic cooked with dead branches is a time for the whole family to connect and have fun together.

So far, the areas with the most spectacular natural scenery and richest natural forms in the United States have been planned as 54 national parks, and there are more than 300 cultural, Geography, nature reserves, every state has state parks. There are also natural areas near big cities; there are even woods behind suburban homes.No matter where you are in the world, as long as you plan carefully, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.Come on, get outside! Don't let yourself or your children become "couch potatoes" (Couch Potato), just watching TV all day long, unable to move even an inch, resulting in a "girth" in your youth - a waistline that becomes more and more like a potato.

National parks, fun family fun

To avoid getting stuck in the urban swamp, we sincerely recommend you do aerobic exercise at least three times a week. Many people say that I am so busy every day and so exhausted when I get home, where do I find the energy and time to exercise? Habits become natural, but as everyone knows, moderate exercise is like "recharging". Twenty minutes to one hour a day is definitely the best way to eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength, and improve cardiopulmonary function. If you can exercise as a couple or as a parent-child once a week, it will be a great choice to add fun.

In addition, at least once a year, we plan a one- or two-week "National Park Family Tour" to create beautiful memories of body, mind and soul. Here are three simple and practical suggestions for your reference:

1. In person: Obtain travel and accommodation information in advance.When going to a national park, first go to the website to check information. You can also call the National Park Service headquarters to inquire, or check the National Park Visitor Center number on AAA Tour Book. Ask them to send you a map and introduction first. When going to state parks, each state has an information desk. With detailed information, you can plan your tour route and arrange accommodation and transportation, which is essential during the peak travel season. When going to sparsely populated areas such as mountains, swamps or deserts, adequate preparation is even more necessary.

2. Heart: Planned, prepared, and flexible.Some people have a full schedule and go to the park just to catch up and "come here for a visit" so that they can brag to their relatives and friends. Be mentally prepared: sometimes the weather will be bad, sometimes the car will break down, sometimes you will make wrong turns, and occasionally accidents will happen. When planning, be sure to plan for free time, happy hours, and communication opportunities. Remember: giving your family a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience is much more important than how many scenery you see, how many species of birds you admire, how many national parks you visit, etc.!

3. Spirit: Arrange spiritual time to “get close to the Creator.”Worshiping the Lord who created the heaven, earth and universe with your heart is the highest purpose of swimming. Family worship is held every night, and on Sundays, outdoor worship can be held using the blue sky as the roof, the earth as the floor, the pine trees as the rafters, and the crossbar as the seat. First print out hymns that praise the Almighty Creator, such as "How Great Thou Art," etc., and select scriptures, such as Psalms 8, 19, 23, and 104; Job 38 to 41 wait. If the children are older, ask them to host or assist. After returning home safely, remember to thank Heavenly Father and recall and count the many blessings during the journey together.

I hope that during your vacation in the future, you and your loved ones will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the embrace of nature, discover the wonders of the world, appreciate the beauty of the wilderness and mountains, understand the duties that humans should perform in nature, and comprehend the infinite wisdom of this wordless book. ; Then, we can be in harmony with the Father who created us and loves us, and offer our highest respect to the Lord of the universe!

Author profile

Su Wenbo, professor at Mayo Medical College in Minnesota, USA. From 1989 to 1995, he introduced American national parks under the pen name "Kevin" in the "Taifu News" magazine.

Since 2002, we have led the "True Love Holistic In-depth Tour" once a year to visit the natural and cultural landscapes of the United States. From September 6 to 13, 2008, I will go to Colorado to visit the black canyons, sand dunes, dinosaur ruins, ancient cliff dwellings and other scenic spots in the high mountains. Please visit the True Love Family Association website at or call (626) 912-8836 to inquire about registration.