total devotion
[Dedication] Let’s talk about Wang Yongqing’s philosophy of life

Mr. Wang Yongqing, who was revered as Taiwan's "God of Management", passed away in the United States on October 16, 2008, and was widely mourned and remembered by all walks of life. Everyone admires his business management skills, but what makes people most grateful is his diligent, thrifty and humble attitude and his generous donations, charity, and philanthropic deeds to help the disadvantaged.
The day after Mr. Wang's death, Taiwan's "United Daily News" published two articles on the first page of "Wang Yongqing's Philosophy of Life" -
‧A person cannot recall the circumstances of his birth, nor can he ever think of when he will die. Therefore, when you are alive, you should always remind yourself to do more things that are beneficial to the public society. When we die, there will still be people who miss us and praise us, and then we have an account of life.
‧Wealth is money that society temporarily asks us to keep, and we must use it well.
Mr. Wang Yongqing’s ideas are admirable. However, the principles taught in the Bible are very different from Mr. Wang’s philosophy─
‧Christians behave in order to glorify the true God. Doing good deeds is the command of the true God, not for the sake of being remembered after death.
‧The ownership of wealth belongs to the true God. We are just being faithful stewards of the wealth entrusted by the true God. Of course, we must use it well.

▲The late Mr. Wang Yongqing believed that wealth is money that society temporarily asks us to keep for safekeeping, and it must be used well.
(Picture taken from
According to statistics, there are 2,350 verses about money in the entire Bible, which shows that the Bible attaches great importance to Christian financial management principles and methods. God has no objection to Christians being rich, but the purpose of being rich is not for enjoyment, but for the glory of God to preach the gospel and help others, that is, to glorify God and benefit others.
Although the Bible and Wang Yongqing’s views are different, how many Christians can practice their faith? In contrast, Mr. Wang Yongqing’s righteous deeds may make many Christians ashamed.
This article intends to explore how Christians handle money and donations in accordance with God's will based on biblical principles.
Who is the steward of God’s money?
The possessions we “own”—houses, cars, furniture, money, pearls and treasures—are not actually ours. In the world, although these wealth are placed under personal names, on a spiritual level, they all belong to God and are given by God. Therefore, God has ownership.
Our ability to make money is given by God.“You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you strength to gain wealth, to confirm his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors as it is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)The material abundance we enjoy is also given by God.“It is the gift of God that God gives a man riches to eat, to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labors.” (Ecclesiastes 5:19)But the purpose of Christian life is not to enjoy, but to glorify God.“Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)Therefore, our priority in life should be to seek the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness first, just like the teachings of the Lord Jesus:"Ask not what you shall eat or drink, nor be anxious about it; for these things the Gentiles ask for. But your Father knows that you must make use of these things. But ask for the kingdom of Him, and these things shall be given to you." ” (Luke 12:29-31)
We must realize with a grateful heart that God created all things, and everything in the world belongs to God."All things in heaven and on earth are yours; the kingdom is yours, and you are the Highest and the Head over all. From you come all riches and honor, and you rule over all things. In your hand is great power, It is You who make men great and strong.” (1 Chronicles 29:11-12)We must acknowledge God's sovereignty over money, give up our "ownership" and transfer it to God's control. We must use money as stewards and be good, loyal stewards, that is, good servants.
Dedication is a beautiful character
Since money is entrusted to us by God for safekeeping and use, the purpose is to glorify God. God makes people rich for His use, not just for their own enjoyment. Therefore, the first financial lesson to learn is dedication, which is the best way to be blessed. The benefit of giving is to get closer to the Lord and build a better character.“Also command them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to feed others, to lay up for themselves a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the true life.” (1 Timothy 6:18- 19)Giving also makes life richer.“Whoever gives away will gain more; but whoever is stingy and overly generous will be poor. He who gives generously will be enriched, and he who nourishes others will be nourished.” (Proverbs 11:24-25)
The United States is a country blessed by God. Its people are generous and willing to devote themselves to charity, showing the fine traditions of a Christian country. Many big entrepreneurs, such as investment expert Warren Buffet and Microsoft’s Bill & Melinda Gates, have donated most of their wealth to charitable foundations, with huge sums and their generous donations. The degree is admirable.

▲Warren Buffett (right), one of the world's richest men, and Bill Gates and his wife jointly persuade American wealthy people to donate at least 50% of their wealth to charity. Buffett has given away 99% of his wealth, and Bill Gates and his wife have donated US$28 billion to charitable funds.
(Picture taken from
However, there are many Christians who do not give enough. Although Paul said,"'He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, but whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully.' This is true. Everyone should do as he or she has decided in his heart. Do not be embarrassed or forced, for God loves those who give cheerfully. ” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)However, many Christians have only read the second half of this verse and have forgotten God’s meaning – he who sows sparingly will reap little, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully, resulting in a lot of debt in terms of dedication.
In addition to giving generously, Christians should also strive to reduce and eliminate debt. When we pay off our debt, especially the heaviest mortgage, we are debt-free and can give more to the kingdom of God. The Bible views debtors as slaves, and debt can become a curse.“The rich rule over the poor, but the debtor is his lender’s servant.” (Proverbs 22:7)Although the Bible does not specify under what circumstances it is appropriate to borrow money, the principle is to avoid debt as much as possible. Debt should only be used occasionally and should not become the norm.
Start with tithing
The Bible teaches two kinds of giving: tithing and charitable giving; the latter can be called lending money to God.
The Old Testament tithe should be a norm for Christians to abide by. It is a minimum requirement and carries the promise of God’s blessing.“Bring all your tithes into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, declares the LORD of hosts, and test me to see if I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing to you, even in nowhere. Acceptable.” (Malachi 3:10)
Although there is no requirement in the New Testament for Christians to tithe, Christians have received more from God’s grace than the Jews in the Old Testament. Therefore, traditionally, the church hopes that Christians can donate at least ten percent of their income. one.“For to whom much has been given, much will be required; and to whom much has been entrusted, much will be required.” (Luke 12:48)
Are you willing to lend money to God?
Another kind of donation is to donate to charity, which we call lending money to God. In addition to tithing, we also help others, especially the poor, sick and disadvantaged groups. Distribute your time and money to others, bless others, and help others with a grateful heart. You can not only donate your time and money to God's work, but you can also donate it to charity funds for poverty relief or disaster relief. This kind of good deed is like lending money to God, and God will repay you.“Whoever shows mercy to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him for his good deed.” (Proverbs 19:17)
Christian financial expert Larry Burkett once said: "The reason why God makes Christians rich is to give them enough wealth to provide for the needs of others." This is what the Bible says:“Since you are rich in everything, give generously, so that through us everyone may develop a heart of thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11, NLT)
The Bible encourages Christians to act as God’s stewards, take out the wealth that originally belongs to God, and contribute generously to God’s work. But it is not like what "Prosperity Theology" (also known as Prosperity Theology) teaches - if we are willing to give, God will give us richer material things. "Prosperity theology" emphasizes personal prosperity, while "stewardship theology" emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the use of a stewardship mentality to manage money.
How much do you know about compliance ratio?
Although Christians all know that they should give generously, unfortunately, most Christians are reluctant to give. According to survey reports over the years by the Bana Group, the proportion of American households that practiced tithing (including donations to churches and other charities) in the first decade of the 2000s was between 5 and 7 percent.
Barna conducted a random sample survey of 1,008 adults in the United States in early 2010, and the results were very similar to past surveys. Even in a recession, 7% of adults still claim to practice tithing; the highest proportion among evangelical Christians (24%); followed by non-mainline Protestants (13%) who often attend church People who worship (11%), unregenerate believers (10%). Surveys also show that income level has no bearing on tithing.
Barna believes that giving to the church may remain at these proportions unless church leaders teach and encourage members to give. The more you are taught about giving, the more you give. According to a recent survey by Christianity Today magazine, more and more American churches are turning to professional organizations to help manage their finances and promote generous giving. The most popular professional organizations are Dave Ramsey and Crown Financial Ministries.
Go straight to the path of God’s will
Mr. Wang Yongqing is indeed a remarkable person who generously supports public welfare undertakings. If Christians fully abide by the teachings of the Bible, our generous spirit will not be inferior to Mr. Wang. However, the proportion of Christians who are truly willing to trust God and abide by tithing is very small. Christians must learn to contribute diligently and be good stewards of God’s property, rather than taking God’s property for private use. In addition, it is best to avoid debt. A debt-free Christian can do more for the Lord.(Due to limited space, no data sources are attached. If readers need this, please write to the editor of this unit.)
Author profile
Wen Yuanzhi, a former professor of economics at a university, often took the pulse of global economic trends.