Make a good cup of coffee
【Whisper of the Shepherd】3

In calligraphy class, teacher Zhou Yuankai made a very interesting metaphor: calligraphy creation is like using a funnel to make coffee. The coffee powder is our personality and the hot water is all the experiences in our life; the funnel, filter paper and the steps of making coffee are calligraphy creation. The coffee dripping from the funnel is calligraphy.
The emotions we experience throughout our lives, whether they are joy, anger, sorrow, reading, listening to music, climbing mountains, admiring flowers, gratitude, love and worship to God, will all flow through our personality and drip into calligraphy; even cynicism and greed for money , small utensils, etc. will also be dripped into calligraphy, reflecting who we are. The combination of these is called "writing", which is the sum of a person's life, so it is said: "A book is like a person."
We are the Lord's workmanship
We are also a piece of calligraphy, brewed coffee, and a sculpture of God. Each person is a unique work of art, a meticulous work of God. The Bible says: "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:10a) By what? But also through “all the things” we experience in life (see Romans 8:28). This cup of coffee is brewed to be shared with others, and the artwork is put out to be appreciated together. The glory does not belong to us, but to the great artist who works hard to make all things work together, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God!
Someone else made another analogy that is very appropriate: We are a growing seed on earth, and this seed will one day grow into a tree in the kingdom of heaven. And all experiences, choices, reactions, and decisions on earth, no matter how big or small, whether "spiritual" or "unspiritual", are all injected into the seed and become part of this seed.
When our life on earth ends and we enter the new environment in heaven, all the pretense of the past will be removed, and the true good and bad inside will be fully revealed. Then we will finally stand before God, and some will receive judgment and some will receive reward. . With this understanding, wheat and tares (see Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43), sheep and goats (see Matthew 25:31-46), and the cursed fig tree (see Matthew Gospel 21:18-19) Wait for the parable to understand! When the bridegroom comes, you can understand why the foolish virgins asked the wise virgins for lamp oil but could not get it (refer to Matthew 25:1-13).

Waiting for the final outcome
Maybe you have done a lot for the Lord in your life, but after many years there is still no result, and it seems like it was all wasted, so you become discouraged and almost give up. That is because you have not seen the final outcome; you do not yet know that you have done everything for the Lord. The choices and decisions put on the table have been injected into it without even realizing it, and have become the good ingredients of this seed. If you know that the big tree you will become in heaven in the future will grow according to the composition of this seed, then you will be encouraged. God has predestined us to be imitators of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29-30). The Lord says:“To him who overcomes, I will give him to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.” (Revelation 3:21)Understanding this, we will no longer be confused and sad when we encounter difficulties and challenges in life. Instead, we will be inspired to make the right choices in every big or small thing we face, making us more and more like Christ. .
For example, there is a person who is really bad, betrays you, betrays you, and never apologizes. You really don’t want to forgive him, and you struggle in your heart, so you ask the Lord: “How should I treat him?”
The Lord said: "I prayed to the Father on the cross and made excuses for those who crucified me, but those people did not apologize! Can the sins your friends have sinned against you be compared with what you have sinned against me?"
You say: "I understand, the judgment is yours, not mine. I should not be the judge. Even David did not kill Saul. It was his fault that he offended me, but in the end he still owed you, not me. For one day he will have to give an account to you. As for me, how can I stand if you consider my iniquity?” (Refer to Psalm 130:3)
Good son! Good daughter!
After several rounds of dialogue, just like the Lord in Gethsemane, you said: "Father! If this cup cannot leave me, I must drink it according to Your will!" So you won and passed the exam. Heavenly Father Rejoice, touch your head and say: "Good son (good daughter)!" Then proudly boast to the angels: "Have you seen my good son (good daughter)?" Your heart is at peace, because you carry Another sign of victory!
Then make a good cup of coffee! Be good coffee for the Lord.
Author profile:
Pastor Xu Zongshi holds a Ph.D. in microbiology and a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago. He is currently the senior pastor of the Evangelization Center. Author of the book "Flying Out of the Bird Cage".