Issue 09
Kingdom Communication

wonderful choice

I love reading biographies the most. I love to read them all, whether they are presidents, emperors, princesses or queens, scholars or politicians, poets or poets, leaders from all walks of life, or even traffickers and lackeys. Reading a biography is like venturing into someone else's world. From other people’s stories and experiences, sometimes we are amazed at their talents, sometimes we admire their extraordinary courage, sometimes we gain new understandings of people and things, and are enlightened about certain thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, other people’s misfortunes or choices become successful Learn your own lessons and lessons. This adventure often brings unexpected gains and enriches one's life.

But it is undeniable that the biography of the missionary has influenced me the most. Many young men and women have given up everything in front of them because they believe that God has a higher calling for their lives. Many of them have to go through all kinds of hardships to go to the workshops that God has entrusted to them, enduring hardship, loneliness, and even poverty. Being disappointed, being misunderstood and rejected by everyone, including my own people, experiencing attacks, illness, death, and abandonment, just to share God’s love, salvation, eternal hope and grace with others. Their life stories, although often filled with ups and downs, are filled with God’s promised peace and presence. And as a result, many lives are never the same again.

My family is an example. If Dr. Jacob Ma from Scotland had not responded to God’s call to come to Taiwan in 1865, my great-grandfather might have continued his mediocre and drifting life, and I would not be where I am today. A young man's commitment at a critical moment changed the fate of another young man who had never met him in a foreign country, thus changing the fate of the entire family for generations, thus affecting the eternal direction of many other families. What a wonderful choice!

In this issue, thanks to the vision and actions of Professor Lin Zhiping and his colleagues, we can give you a glimpse of the path of missionaries over the past two hundred years since Morrison. I hope to walk through history with you and be inspired together.

Additionally, when you look to the future, have you ever wondered where the opportunities lie? There are many articles in this issue: "Desert Exploration—The Way to Win the Dramatic Changes in the Next Ten Years", "Revival of Literary Ministry, Church Will Be Revival", "Bringing Love into Prisons and Leading People to Christ", "The City Bridge Should Be Revived" When I let it go, I hope to bring you some inspiration and thinking.

Jesus once taught us to be as docile as doves and as nimble as snakes. In this issue, Kingdom Community reviews, analyzes and interviews many fraud cases that have occurred among Christians, hoping to learn wisdom through painful experiences.

What should we do when adolescent children change from the intimacy and sweetness of childhood to rebellious and indifferent, or even run away from home and no longer interact with their families? In this issue of Kingdom Relations, we share with you the touching testimonies "Open Your Heart to Accept Him" and "We Walk Through the Valley of the Dark".

In every issue, our editorial team works hard and hopes to bring new direction, new motivation and new blessings to your life!