Issue 31
Kingdom Communication

The Kingdom of God accompanies us, leading people to the Lord

The day's plan begins in the morning. Reading "Our Daily Bread" early in the morning is the first step in my daily "meeting with the Lord alone"; on January 26, when I read the theme sharing of "Life Story": "Our life is like What kind of story will others read from our lives? Is it a story full of forgiveness, kindness, generosity, patience, and love?” I can’t help but think of the new chapters in each issue of the “Kingdom of God” magazine. Isn’t it a plan to use the testimonies and reports of people, events, and things to describe God’s forgiveness, kindness, generosity, patience, and love!

As we welcome the coming of 2013, we look forward to reading the life stories in each issue of "Kingdom of God", which will bring you warm touches and the encouragement of the Lord's love! Here, we also encourage you to take "Kingdom of God" as a gospel gift to your relatives and friends around you; let him or her get a glimpse of the Christian life testimony by reading "Kingdom of God", and then desire to know the Creator of heaven and earth. . At the same time, don’t forget to go before the Lord to diligently watch and pray for him or her; let the Kingdom of God work with you this year, sowing and watering the seeds in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, to complete the great commission entrusted by the Lord—to lead people. Come under the name of the Lord!

In the new year and new outlook, please also pray for the funding of the "Kingdom of God" literature ministry! When the editorial team is planning, interviewing, writing, translating, art editing, drawing, and photography at the front, we urgently need your prayers, responses, encouragement, and dedicated support from the readers behind, so that you and I can work together to offer "five loaves and two fishes" ", making the granary of "The Kingdom of God" more than abundant!