The light on the dark earth
Interview/Bonnie Jo Daniels
Interview‧Translation/Yang Hanjiahua
座落在佛羅里達州棕櫚灘花園的基督團契教會(Christ Fellowship, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida)1 寬敞的教室裡,將近三十位男女學生,包括警察、社工、教員、藥劑師、心理輔導、家庭主婦、律師等,皆聚精會神地傾聽個頭嬌小卻生命力強大的戴邦妮老師,精彩地講授現世代的奴隸惡風。她旁徵博引,實例與學理兼顧,手冊與影片齊集,全面呈現出北美與本郡血腥的兒少2人口販賣,並培訓有志關顧受害人的義工。
Journalists also signed up to participate in this training. I had been baptized since I was a child and grew up in the church. When I walked into the classroom, it felt like the floor suddenly collapsed and I fell straight into a dark country of ignorance and ignorance. I was rolling up and down in shock, sadness and unbearable pain. If it weren’t for the loving and considerate support and encouragement from my classmates and the sparkling life attraction of the teacher, I really wouldn’t have been able to persist in completing the ten rigorous and heavy courses.
This magazine is honored to have a written interview with Teacher Bonnie, who loves Chinese people and has deep compassion for lost souls. She guides readers to glimpse a corner of the dark land, and hopes that we can hold high the light of Jesus, penetrate the darkness, and shine endlessly.
▲When the reporter completed the training course and received the certificate of completion, he took a photo with Teacher Bonnie. She leaned her head closely against the only Chinese student. She was very happy and expected, everything was unspoken.
Please talk about your experience in missionary work to the Chinese.
Since 1999, my heart has been urged by God to pray especially for China. I knelt down on my knees and prayed sincerely for the Chinese people to know Jesus Christ and receive salvation, for the orphans who were disabled and in danger of survival, and for the persecuted pastors and missionaries to be strong and courageous and preach the gospel.
The urge in my heart became more intense day by day, so I asked God if I wanted to go to China? With faith, I began to study Chinese customs, human history, and mountain geography on my own. I also took elective language courses. I looked forward to the opportunity given by God to go on the road and see His cherished people face to face. Several times, I packed my bags but canceled my trip due to various reasons. I was like Paul in the Acts of the Apostles who experienced obstacles (see Acts 16:6-7). For eleven years, I have prayed tirelessly for China. In 2010, due to God’s mercy, I finally opened the door to China. I saw many faces who had been praying earnestly for God’s salvation over the years.
▲Teacher Bonnie has been praying unremittingly for China for eleven years, and her mission trip in 2010 finally took place.
How has God moved you to care for children who are sexually exploited?
On the eve of my trip to China, I was cooking dinner and watching NBC Dateline, a television news magazine that reports on real-life stories of children who have been sexually exploited. Seeing children and teenagers, even as young as seven years old, being forced to endure the pain of sexual abuse, my heart was broken. I threw myself on the ground for an unknown period of time, crying until I couldn't stand it. The perpetrator of the poison claw cried out to the Lord, "Lord, how much can one person do in the face of such evil and powerful forces? What do you want me to do? Look at me, how weak I am at this moment, but someone must stand up and fight Such an evil force!"
After returning from China, I discovered that this country that is near and dear to my heart is actually the source, transit and destination for trafficking of men and women, boys and girls under the age of 18 to work as laborers and prostitutes. According to the 2013 Trafficking in Persons report of the U.S. State Department, China was classified as Level 3 (meaning the government does not comply with minimum humane standards and has not yet made efforts to improve and make significant progress). After learning this information, my heart broke into pieces again for China and its people.
▲The senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, Tad Mullin, and Sister Jiuli build a "Florida House of Hope" for girls rescued from human trafficking.
Please talk about your current burden and mission
After entering the United States, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to seek justice, especially to stand up for children. As you pray for the wisdom that only God can give, be sent by Him to gain a deeper understanding of the human trafficking of minors and the sexual exploitation of children in the United States. In 2011, I met with Lead Pastor Todd Mullins and his wife Julie, the lead pastor of Christ Fellowship Church. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we prayed and talked, and realized that we had the same burden. Pastor Tad and Mrs. Jiuli shared their vision from the Lord - to build a home for the girls rescued from human trafficking. Soon, they asked me if I would be willing to work together and become the ministry director of Hope for Freedom.
In order to combat human trafficking, Florida Christian Fellowship Church launched the "Hope of Freedom" ministry, hoping to arouse awareness and form partners, so that victims can be rebuilt and have hope again.
Currently, "Hope of Freedom" has five main work projects:
‧Pray persistently.
‧ Real-life learning: Train volunteers on how to care for survivors, and set up Bible classes to examine information about justice.
‧ Go to communities, schools and churches to give speeches to build consensus and raise awareness.
‧ Establish a research and investigation strategy group.
‧ Build a "safe home" to take in girls, heal their injuries, and rebuild their lives.
How do children fall prey to the commercial sexual exploitation market?
Underage children, boys and girls are often lured by evildoers with ulterior motives through the Internet, private dates, sleepovers, or parties set up in traps, and fall into the trap of the sexual exploitation market. Then, the child is coaxed or encouraged to live a debauched life of "fun, partying, and luxury goods," and then falls deeper and deeper into the trap.
Parents should be careful when raising their children, be sure to participate in their children's lives, and have a thorough understanding of their male and female friends and online friends. Watch out for unusual new friendships, extremely manipulative boyfriends, sudden changes in behavior, or unexpected items like expensive clothes, handbags, new iPhones, or jewelry.
Some young people fall into the hands of evil people. Why don’t they seek help? Why not run away when you have the chance?
一旦人口販子或皮條客接近兒少,常施以「約會強姦迷藥」(date rape drug)3 逼迫他們性交。這些孩子事後對自己的行為只有模糊的記憶,甚至毫無所知,由於被照相及錄影,使得孩子充滿恐懼和羞恥,落入更深的陷阱。人口販子或皮條客繼之使用恐嚇的伎倆,威脅加害他們的家人、朋友或教會,造成長久的受害猜疑。懼怕加上暴力,讓孩子不敢告訴父母或警察。他們遭受持續不斷的霸凌,磨滅了自主的意志,更削弱了啟齒求援的能力。
▲Image source: syndicates-more-organised-and-increasing-rapidly/
What should the police do if they arrest a prostitute under the age of 18?
與其稱賣淫的孩子為「雛妓」(child prostitute),不如稱為「在性交易市場遭受剝削的兒少」(Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children,CSEC)更為合宜。以佛羅里達州為例,2012年6月12日,力克‧史考特(Rick Scott)州長簽署安全庇護法,99號州議案4,對受害兒少作出顛覆以往的認知與處置,此法規明文聲稱賣淫的兒少為「受害者」、視他們為「扶養孩童」,並授權執法人員護送到短期的安全住所安置照顧。接著,聯邦衛生福利部的孩童與家庭署介入,按照這些兒少需要,分送到不同的長期安置中心。
▲The safe and private "Florida House of Hope" is full of family warmth and love.
Miami, Orlando and Tampa in Florida are notorious bases for child sexual exploitation. Why is the Christian Fellowship Church’s safe home the first in South Florida and there are only two in the entire state? What are the difficulties? ?
美國「兒少失蹤與性剝削中心」(The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)聲稱,每年有十萬到三十萬的兒少失蹤。其中大部分淪落為性剝削的受害者。根據佛羅里達州的邁阿密戴郡婦女基金(The Women’s Fund of Miami-Dade)的調查估計,佛州每個月約有385位少女涉入性交易,這數字高居全美第三5。我的最新資訊顯示,佛州可能僅擁有設置五十個床位的經費,但是,仍與需求相去甚遠,全美皆然。每一州都面對兩個巨大挑戰:缺乏緊急安頓的安全處所和建立安全之家的經費。
Please introduce the safe home of Christ Fellowship Church
In October 2012, a safe house of Christian Fellowship Church began operation, named: "Hope House in Florida" (, providing a safe house for girls rescued from the pit of human trafficking. A stable and secluded residence. This is a long-term care plan that provides on-site treatment, professional consultation, academic guidance, and life and vocational skills training. Strictly trained co-workers work hard to create a warm and loving family atmosphere so that the girls who have gone through the rest of their lives can rebuild and recover, find the right direction in life, and regain hope, joy and peace.
To fight human trafficking together, please tell your beloved Chinese church some intimate words on how to prevent human trafficking together.
The Chinese church, like other Christian churches, also needs to understand the truth about human trafficking, review the poisonous humanitarian issues of the 21st century, and remain highly vigilant; be vigilant and protect their children at home, and not forget to take care of those who are struggling. A single-parent family; we will never compromise with the heinous sin of buying and selling children for pleasure.
Let us pray earnestly to the Lord for those who are still bound in the pit of fire, for those who are evil-minded and as cold as ice, and for those children and teenagers who were rescued but were brutally abused, because only Jesus can heal the injured. Soul, free the wicked who are held captive by sin.
Isaiah 42:16:"I will lead the blind into a way they did not know, and lead them by a path they did not know; I will turn darkness into light before them, and crooked things into straightness. I will do all these things and will not forsake them."
May our Savior Jesus Christ lead His people to care for those who are wandering in darkness and unable to see the light of day. Do you remember that He calls us to bring His light against the evil forces of darkness?
1. The mother church and five branch churches of Christ Fellowship Church have tens of thousands of members. The pastoral team includes Dr. John C. Maxwell, who is famous for training leaders.
2. According to Chinese laws or customs, children refer to children under the age of twelve, and teenagers over the age of twelve and under the age of eighteen.
3. Also known as club pills because they often appear in clubs, concerts, and rave parties. People with evil intentions mix this colorless, tasteless, odorless, but powerful and harmful medicine into drinks. After unsuspecting people drink it, they will cause physical weakness, mental confusion, and even fainting, unable to resist sexual assault, and sexual harassment. There is no memory of the invasion.
4. In State Bill 99, the fine for johns will be increased to $5,000, and the fine will be used to build a safe home that provides food, clothing, shelter, protection, counseling, medical care, dental care and other services; Fewer rights advocates are assigned to accompany them to court and interviews; it is particularly pointed out that the victims are less dependents, not delinquents, etc.
5. The top two are California and Texas.
Interviewee’s profile: Bonnie Dai, currently the ministry director of “Hope for Freedom” at Christ Fellowship Church in Florida. Please visit the website:
Journalist profile
Yang Hanjiahua and his husband Jingya settled in Florida. Cherish the new challenges of each interview. Every time I look back on the journey, I am filled with the grace of God and man’s love.