When Moses stretched out his staff over the sea
[The heart moves with the shadow] 4 The movie "The Ten Commandments" and scientific perjury

▲DVD of the movie "The Ten Commandments". (Photo taken from the Internet)
More than half a century ago (1956), Hollywood Paramount Pictures produced an epic film "The Ten Commandments" based on the Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible, directed by the famous director Sehir Dimir (Cecil B. DeMile, 1881-1959) directed, character superstar Charlton Heston (Charlton Heston, 1923-2008) starring in the classic business card of the great prophet Moses.
It was a sensation all over the world when it was released. The most shocking scene was the scene of the Israelis crossing the Red Sea. When millions of Israelis escaped from Egypt and walked to the edge of the Red Sea, the pursuers of the Egyptian Pharaoh came to kill them; at the moment of life and death, , servant of God...
“Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to recede overnight with a strong east wind; the waters parted and the sea became dry land.
The Israelites went into the sea on dry ground, and the water formed a wall on their left and right. The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen followed them into the sea. …When the children of Israel saw the great things that the LORD had done to the Egyptians, they feared the LORD and had faith in him and in his servant Moses. ” (Exodus 14:21-31)
The movie "The Ten Commandments" faithfully reproduces this earth-shattering scene. Anyone who has watched the movie will never forget it by comparing it with the biblical record.
Scientists’ “new discovery”?
The crossing of the Red Sea on dry land by the Israelites was an important event in the history of the Old Testament. It is recorded in the history books, Psalms and prophets of the Old Testament. The New Testament church history records that Stephen appealed before the high priest (refer to Acts 7:36); the book of Hebrews mentions that the Israelites crossed the Red Sea by faith (refer to Hebrews 11:29), etc., which are all great. The book is an extremely important part of the Christian faith.
However, this major miracle has recently been questioned and overturned; the American Journal of Public Library of Science (PLos ONE) recently published the results of a study to overturn the historical fact that Moses parted the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus, and instead stated that he parted at that time. The water was caused by wind, a strong east wind blowing all night, not by a miracle.
The report said: A research team from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of Colorado at Boulder believes that if sea water can really be divided into two, this "miracle" should not occur in the Red Sea, but in the nearby Nile River. A delta, where an ancient river is believed to meet a coastal lagoon.
NCAR scientist Drews, the leader of the study, said that based on archaeological data, satellite measurements and maps, they estimated the local currents and depths three thousand years ago, and then used computer models to simulate the impact of strong winds on 1.8-meter-deep water. The research team focused on a U-shaped valley like the Nile River at the southern end of the Mediterranean, with a lagoon along the coast. It may be the location where the story of Moses happened, and they hope to reconstruct the scene at that time.

▲Those scientists who studied the "great east wind" blowing open the Red Sea should be hindsight. Not only could they not overturn the fact that Moses stretched out his staff to part the Red Sea, but they also provided a good footnote to the history of the Exodus.
Beware of false prophets of the end times
Drews points out that the simulation results are very consistent with the Exodus account. If a strong wind with a speed of 101 kilometers per hour continues to blow for 12 hours, the seawater with a depth of about 183 centimeters will retreat, exposing a section of land about 3.2 kilometers long and 4.8 kilometers wide. , it can remain open and walkable for up to four hours, but once the wind stops, the water will immediately flow back like a rising tide.
However, scientists pointed out that according to computer simulations, the miracle may not have occurred in the Red Sea, but in the southern part of the neighboring Mediterranean Sea. Scientists also found that there are two nearby places where land may be exposed by easterly winds, but the seawater will only be blown to one side.
In the past, scientists have conceived various theories that could separate the Red Sea, including that tsunamis caused the water to recede and then quickly filled back up. However, tsunamis cannot gradually separate the water, and they were not caused by wind, which is inconsistent with the Biblical description. Some studies have also found that when the northwest wind blows at a speed of 119 kilometers per hour, which is almost hurricane force, it can theoretically expose the modern Suez Canal to the underwater coral reefs, providing a walkable channel. This is the so-called "wind drop effect" (wind setdown).
This statement is just like what Steven Hawking, the contemporary British astrophysicist who attempts to deny God's creation of the world, said in his new book "The Grand Design" by saying that "the universe was not created by God. It was formed by itself without any external force." ), the absurd theories are exactly the same, echoing each other, and they are all the incoherent words of the false prophet of the end of the world.
Being smart is mistaken for being smart
Can the great miracles of Genesis Chapter 1, in which God created the heavens and the earth and Moses stretched out his staff toward the sea and parted the sea water, be shattered by the fictitious and stubborn "theories" of these scientists? of course not. Anyone who accepts such remarks must have a mental problem.
Just seeing the appearance of the universe and saying it is "self-formed" is like seeing an egg and saying it is "self-formed". Is there any difference? Reluctantly knowing things you don't know is the greatest unwiseness in the world. Hawking should learn from Confucius about his academic attitude. Confucius said:"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, that is knowing."(The Analects of Confucius is a political chapter).
Those scientists who studied the "great east wind" blowing the Red Sea must have discovered belatedly that not only could they not overturn the fact that Moses stretched out his staff to part the Red Sea, but they could have just made a good footnote to the history of the Exodus (reference Exodus 14:21). Because their statement is very consistent with the Bible; the sea water was blown by the "strong east wind", but it was a real miracle; because Moses stretched out his staff toward the sea in compliance with God's instructions, and the staff in Moses' hand was not The magic wand, as a magic wand, represents the deeds of God. God is the master who separates the sea water. Stupid scientists want to use this shallow understanding to oppose God, but instead they serve as perfect witnesses for miracles.
Author profile
Pastor Yin Ying is a writer who loves literature, nature and praising the Creator. He is also an editor, publisher and communication worker. He once served as corporate editor and president of church news weekly, producer and administrative director of radio and television programs, and pastored the church for more than 20 years. He is the author of many works such as "Return to the Pastoral", "The Bitter Cup and Feast of the Soul", "The Temptation of Stones", "The Footprints of Jesus", "Meditations under the Cross", etc.