How does the church combat the invasion of same-sex marriage?
Pastor Meyer responds
Interview/Liao Meihui

Pastor Meyer, who has read extensively about how Christians view homosexuals, strongly supports the preservation of orthodox marriage and says God has made it clear,“Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and be united to a woman, and the two will become one flesh.” (Literal translation of Matthew 19:5)Marriage is between one man and one woman. This is the most basic biblical definition and cannot be compromised.
The following is Pastor Meyer’s opinion and analysis:
God hates sin but loves the sinner
Any sexual activity that is not within the context of a monogamous relationship between one man and one woman is sin. But we must recognize that everyone is a sinner, and there is no need to label homosexuals as "sinners". Because according to God’s standards,"There is none righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10)God hates sin, but loves the sinner; we should also learn from God and love this "person", but hate and reject "crimes" such as homosexuality.
Only a biblical marriage can lead to true happiness
According to "A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, by Nicolosi & Nicolosi, 2002, tentative translation of the book title", the suicide rate among homosexuals is extremely high. Gay groups have fought back, claiming that the high rate of suicides is due to lack of acceptance by the world. This is their excuse. In fact, the most fundamental reason is that they cannot get true rest, satisfaction and love deep in their hearts. Because only a marriage between a man and a woman can produce offspring and enjoy a truly intimate sexual relationship. God’s principles are so simple and clear; if you violate God’s principles, you will not receive God’s blessing.
The church must stand firm
There is a real need for the church to teach its members as soon as possible how the Bible views homosexuality, and to take a firm stance on upholding orthodox marriage between a man and a woman. The church should not avoid issues, otherwise it may fall into greater controversy in the future, and it must not face the homosexual movement that is sweeping the world with an ostrich mentality.
As for those brothers, sisters and seekers who are struggling with homosexuality, we must use love to understand their pain and try our best to restore their hearts. As Jesus said to the prostitute in John 8:11:"I won't condemn you either, so go ahead! Don't sin again from now on!"
Interviewee profile
Pastor John Meyers is currently the senior pastor of E. Brunswick English Church, Calvary Korean United Methodist Church, Calvary, New Jersey. Graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in New South Wales, specializing in family and marriage counseling. The church he pastors has American, Korean, and Chinese members, making it a multi-ethnic church. He has three sons.