Issue 22
Kingdom Communication

【I love listening to you most】

Kingdom of God Magazine readers’ responses

Organize/Luo Cunxin

Comprehensive understanding of the Islamic world

The focus report in the 20th issue of "Kingdom of God" introduces the historical background, population distribution, belief content, social and political influence, physical and mental needs of Muslims, the difficulties and dangers of converting to Christianity, etc. from different angles. This was the first time I read such a comprehensive report in a magazine. It made me understand that when Christians evangelize Muslims, they must respect and understand each other’s cultural background to avoid being counterproductive and causing hatred and confrontation due to lack of understanding. This magazine is a reference book that every Christian who wants to know more about the Islamic world should keep on their desk.

California, USA ‧Zheng Qiongyu

My writing skills have improved as a result!

I am a Hong Konger, and if I had not jumped into "Divine Magazine" and participated in the "Cultural Practice Camp" course, my writing would never have made such great progress. I think first, the writing of "The Kingdom of God Magazine" is of a high standard. Under the leadership of Teacher Su, the editorial team is serious and professional. I admire it very much. Second, this magazine not only has high cultural literacy, but also focuses on Christian testimonies and the latest church news. Having been influenced by Western culture for more than 20 years, I now like to read many good books in Chinese and English. I always thank God in my heart that there are so many people working hard for the Kingdom of God, and everyone is dedicated and enthusiastic. Team is strength, everyone holds hands with each other and moves forward bravely!

New York, USA·Zhang Lingxi

Reflection on human nature and faith from the characters of the Three Kingdoms

In the 20th issue of "The Kingdom of God" "If Yu is born, how can Liang be born?" ! 》In the article, the author Pastor Su Wen'an deeply analyzes the life tragedies of several outstanding talents in the Three Kingdoms. It is not only caused by the times, but also their character weaknesses are the cause of the tragedy. The article also points out a way out - character weaknesses are not irreversible. Although it is difficult for us to change the character we have developed over the years, the Father in heaven can reshape us, help us get rid of the shackles of character, and make the world of life infinitely broad. If you rely on God, you will be able to develop the characteristics and talents given by God and write pages of life history full of joy and hope.

Nianshan, California, USA

Give full play to gifts and talents and open up missionary fields

The article "Spread Joy, Spread Love" in the 20th issue of "Kingdom of God" introduces Uncle Button Brother Zheng Nanmei's clown performance to spread God's love, which opened my eyes! We have seen that in addition to traditional missionary methods, there are many missionary fields waiting for us to explore and invest. As long as we are willing and willing to be used by God, every talent and creativity God has given us can become a channel to spread blessings.

Yuwen, California, USA

I have never been to Taiwan, but I walked into a Hakka Village!

In recent years, my church brothers and sisters and I have responded to prayers for the gospel ministry of Hakkas in Taiwan. Long-term intercession has increased my burden and emotion for the Hakka people.

After reading the special report on the gospel ministry of Hakka Village in the 19th issue of "Kingdom of God Magazine", I am no longer unfamiliar with Hakka Village in Taiwan. God really cares about this "vulnerable" group; the growth of the "Hakka Mission Theological Seminary", the development and advancement of the "Hakka Evangelical Association" in the past thirty years, the touching testimonies of the Danish missionaries Mak Suhan and his wife, etc., are all enriched. The connotation of my prayer for the Hakkas.

Although I have never been to Taiwan, the special report took me into a Taiwanese Hakka village, which made me fall in love with Taiwanese Hakkas even more! Pray that the Lord will prosper the Hakka gospel ministry and save more Hakka souls!

Pennsylvania, USA, Cheng Dehui

Focus reports with flesh and blood

I woke up early in the morning and picked up the third issue of the "Kingdom of God" magazine. I saw the focus report: "Pastor Ji Fuzan, Reflections and Confessions on Life in Prison."

As soon as I started reading, my mind was completely clear, as if the Spirit of the Lord encouraged me to finish reading this interview. Then, tears filled my eyes, and I finally started crying, unable to control myself. He was also afraid of waking up his sleeping wife, so he had to suppress himself and only allow tears, throat congestion and nasal congestion; but he must not make any noise or worry her for no reason. After his wife went to work, she read it again. She was still inexplicably moved and she cried a lot.

This is truly a report of flesh and blood—real divine grace, real repentance, and a real response to God’s love. In the eyes of God, is there such a thing as big or small sin? In His eyes, there are only "sinners" who are cherished as His own pupils, isn't it?

Texas, USA·Zhang Wenxiong