Issue 57
Kingdom Communication

【I love listening to you most】

Responses from readers of Kingdom of God Magazine

Comfort and compassion come before comments

Before the article "Death of a Missionary" was published in Issue 56, we happened to discuss the death of missionary John Zhou with our adult children at home. I strongly agree with what the author Ms. Lin Minwen said: "The preaching method of missionary John Zhou is indeed worthy of Christian reflection and discussion. However, before making comments, can we grieve for him and comfort his family with silence?"

The article also mentioned Pastor Wei’s reminder: “Only God knows John Chow’s motives, and we are not God.” The author said: “As followers of Christ, how should you and I treat others with kindness so that we can live out the love of God and love for God? Love someone's life?" It made me reflect again and again. Thank you "Kingdom of God" magazine for being willing to choose this sensitive topic, a topic that has no standard answer, a topic that only God has the answer to, but it is a topic worthy of deep thought by every Christian.

(Boston, USA. Lin Zhenzhen)

Speak clearly, speak clearly, and love will come

After reading the article "Transformation and Renewal at the Turning Point of Life" in Community Unit 56, I found that the situation of this couple is very similar to ours. The husband said, "Husband and wife are supposed to have the most intimate relationship, but as time goes by, the intimacy seems to be exhausted little by little." I believe this situation also occurs in many families. Even for Christians, if a couple does not have effective communication channels with each other and has been together for a long time, they do not know how to deposit money into the "love bank". In addition, coupled with the ideas and habits brought from each other's original families, the relationship will definitely become colder by the day. The author has witnessed the true meaning of "Speak clearly, speak clearly, and love will come." In other words, once the "mood" is dealt with, the "matter" is half solved. I hope that every couple will be renewed and transformed in their lives and grow together in the Lord.

(Ah Hui, New Jersey, USA)

Where do the refugees go?

I was deeply touched by reading Professor Wen Yingqian's article "The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on World Politics and Society" in the 56th issue of your magazine. Most refugees are forced into exile due to war, natural and man-made disasters, religious and racial persecution. Thinking about the ancient Chinese nation's repeated southward migration and displacement from the Central Plains, this is not the case. Another article in this issue, "Those Unforgettable Figures - Mood Notes on a Journey to the Middle East" written by Gao Lili after personally visiting a refugee camp, mentioned that the Bible tells me to love, love, love, and the Koran tells me to kill, kill, kill. Which one is better? Touching?

These two masterpieces made me feel compassion for refugees everywhere - where will they go? How to get a happy life again? Refugees also have the right to pursue happiness, and the warmth in the refugee camps is a manifestation of Christians embracing their Muslim friends with love. "Kingdom of God" magazine's in-depth coverage of refugee issues not only allows us to understand refugee issues, but also allows us to think about how to actively participate in the ministry of caring for refugees.

(Maryland Zhao Shiliang, USA)

Pray for leaders

Professor Wen Yingqian's article "The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on Politics and Society" in the 56th issue of "Kingdom of God" magazine is thought-provoking. We can get a lot of reports about refugees in the news. Humane care is basic, but it is far from sufficient and does not solve the problem.

My parents’ generation were also “refugees” who fled Shanghai to Taiwan in 1949. In the past few years, Syria has become a major exporter of refugees. Those reports are painful to read. I wonder how the President of the United States would feel if he read them.

The refugee problem is a political problem, a problem that has occurred in those countries over many years, so that this generation of refugees has become a victim. For example, because the United States and the Soviet Union had a stake in the Syrian issue, refugees from that country became an international problem. In the past, the world had a very good impression of Aung San Suu Kyi, and she even won the Nobel Peace Prize. But I am very puzzled, why has she done nothing to deal with the persecution of the Rohingya community in Myanmar?

What can we do? Pray for the leaders of major countries and ask God to inspire them to take effective actions out of humanity. Pray especially for President Trump of the United States and ask God to give him wisdom. We must also pray for the policy makers in various countries, and ask the Lord to give them true wisdom. They should not make foolish short-term things, but make correct and good decisions. Also pray for Christians. You and I should all do more for peace.

(Pastor Zhang Linzhi, Atlanta, USA)